Well, Don ran into a problem with the banjo. It works just fine but – being a spontaneous guy – he didn’t think to check for a musty/moldy smell, and it has a very, very strong smell. He tried all the remedies but they take time and working on it was unpleasant. Then he started worrying about me because I’m allergic to molds and mildew. I knew he was cleaning it up, but I had no idea that there was a strong smell until he told me about it. The case, the banjo itself, the interior of the banjo – terrible.
He’s rather heartbroken. It didn’t cost much so it’s not a big loss of money. It’s just hard seeing him so disappointed. He really likes playing the banjo and he’s good at it!
So. Let’s hope I get another residual and I can put it toward a new banjo for Christmas. Cause that boy needs a banjo and I want to see him playing one. It’s been a tough 4 or 5 years for him. No work, no income from work. Music keeps him sane.
I can’t think this was very comfortable for Monty, but he’s a patient soul. This is the dress I won as a door prize at Wonderland of Play. Isn’t it lovely?
And this is the outfit I purchased at WOP – from Woolly Rockers, one of my favorite Blythe clothing designers. She’s from England.
1972 being the year Blythe was first introduced.
I had an early birthday video message from Z this morning. He’s going to be staying with his dad for a week, so he won’t be around on my birthday. You would not believe how grown up he is! Deep voice, charming, on the cusp of his teens. Best present ever.
It’s a wee bit rainy this morning and we’ve decided to lay low today. No running errands, no work outside, just a (hopefully) mellow day here at the cottage.
Regarding yesterday’s post about selling the dollhouse: remember that it has been documented in two magazines, I have hundreds and hundreds of pictures of the interior and exterior, and I no longer feel much connection to it. Maybe it can bring joy to someone else. And if someone wanted the furniture, we would negotiate that price. I am finally reaching the point that many of you have already reached – wanting to deal with excess stuff. I don’t have kids so there’s really no one I can count on to manage my things once I’m gone. If I should move on before Don, what is he going to do with all this stuff? Better me, who knows what things are worth and how they should be priced. Don wouldn’t have the first idea of the costs involved, nor would I foist on him the chore of researching everything online. That isn’t very kind.
I have found myself feeling a bit more detached about things lately. That’s a message, it seems to me. Not of any impending doom but rather, an appropriate response regarding my age and my energy. It’s time to deal with some of this. I already donate my puzzles to a charity. I donate books to the library. I’m not ready to get rid of Dove Cottage because, frankly, it’s my favorite. The antique/vintage houses are not going anywhere. But I do have lots of pottery/china – so much so that I can’t find room for it all. The Roseville is staying. My great-grandmother’s china will go to my sister. The prices and important information concerning the Blythes has been carefully documented so Don could easily sell them online. I’ll do the same with the Gene Marshall dolls, though they’re very modestly priced.
Friends, I have so much STUFF here, much of it treasured. But I don’t treasure everything at this point, so those are the things I will most likely try to sell. I do treasure my Roseville Pottery and a lot of my McCoy, my egg cup collection, my putz sheep, and my Blythes – they will stay because they still bring me joy.
Just as we had to dump things from the shed, I also have to ‘shed’ some things. It’s time. And, frankly, a little extra money wouldn’t hurt, but that’s not why I’m doing it.
Selling the dollhouse for what I think it’s worth may be fruitless. I have no idea. So it may be moot. We’ll see…
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.