I just spent some time on the porch with my husband, drinking our second cup of coffee. He leaves in about an hour for the city. We had a lovely day yesterday. Too short, but we’re grateful, nonetheless. I baked him some more cookies and biscuits, so he’s set for the week.
The gift that keeps on giving. I thought this morning glory would never bloom, now there are buds everywhere. What a blessing as we move into Autumn!
And the hollyhock just keeps blooming. It’s rather amazing! I hope it comes back next year.
It’s still unbelievably hot around here and it looks like it won’t ease up until the end of the week. I’m over it. Yes, I’m finally officially ready for fall and cool, crisp weather. Don mowed a bit yesterday and he couldn’t get over how hot it was – it was 90 degrees in the late afternoon. Enough, already!
I’m contemplating starting to paint another wall in the kitchen this week. I’m going to take it slow; it will be an ongoing project, with the cupboards being the biggest challenge. Walls first. Cupboards later.
This was my view the other evening when I went outside to deposit some trash in the trash can. So lovely.
I see that Don has just finished cleaning the gutters, bless him. I have to go so I can say goodbye for another week. And then I’ll start raking up those leaves!
Happy Monday.