Is it Wednesday or Thursday? I had to stop and think about it. You have to know these things, especially when you close every post with “Happy _____” (fill in day of the week).
This swallowtail was huge, but he wouldn’t stay still for long and flew away before I could get any more photos.
Hello, morning glory bud! Soon, my friends, soon. By the way, I googled to see what moonflower buds look like and they look exactly like a morning glory bud. So whatever I thought I saw on the moonflower was not a flower bud. Sigh.
Much of the bee balm has gone to seed, but a few stalwarts remain. I love that splash of red.
The geraniums that live in the whiskey barrels are still going strong. Right now, each of the barrels is chock full of blooms.
Limelight hydrangeas start to turn pink in the fall. I love this little tinge of pink that has just started to appear on the blossoms.
It’s really hot here right now! What the heck? We really need rain; I know many of you feel the same. The grass is brown in places, I seem to be constantly watering the memorial garden and the chicken wire fence garden, as well as all of the plants on the porch. And the porch floor is dotted with leaves – leaves that are turning color and have fallen from the sugar maple.
Don has to go into the city today. I’m hanging around here. I hope to get a walk in today.
I know. Exciting life, right?
Happy Thursday.