I happened upon Don staring down into his studio this morning.
This may be the best gift I’ve ever given anyone. He truly loves it and talks about it a lot, much more now that we have it downstairs in the living room. He even took photos of it the other day to send to our friend in San Diego. He considers it his most valuable possession. That warms my heart.
This sparked a conversation about moving the Folk Art house to a slightly different place in the kitchen, which, after a lot of back-and-forth, turned out very well. I’d take a picture now – I tried – but there’s too much sun pouring in those windows at the moment. Not a bad problem to have, of course. Hopefully, I’ll get a photo later today and share it with you tomorrow.
As I said, it’s sunny, but it’s cold. And guess what? We’re getting snow tomorrow. Thankfully, it will turn into rain eventually and it will disappear in a day or so. We’re not going anywhere anyway, so bring it on.
We took a short drive yesterday, just to get out and see the world around us. We didn’t leave the car, but we drove around our little town and into the neighboring (and bigger) town. There were far fewer people out on the streets, though we were dumbfounded by the sight of the seasonal ice cream stand being open for business with a gaggle of young people clustered together at the window. Are you kidding me? The more we thought about it over the course of the day, the angrier we got. These are the people who are dangerous at this point – to themselves and others. What the heck are they thinking? Answer: They’re not thinking.
I finished The Sisters this morning. It was absolutely wonderful and endlessly fascinating. I’m still in a non-fiction mood, so I’ll look at my TBR pile and find something new to read. I worked on the dollhouse the day before yesterday, adding more stones to the exterior. I didn’t do it yesterday because I was so tired, but I’ll be back at it today. Maybe I have a finished exterior to show for this Self-Isolating-Stay-In-Place-Social-Distancing time in my life.
Our feel-good movie last night was Hoosiers. Heavens, I love that movie. It’s pitch-perfect on every level. We rented it on Amazon Prime even though we own it because our DVD player isn’t working. Anyway, we hadn’t seen it together in a long, long time and we loved it.
We’re hanging in there on Day Nine. How are you doing?
Happy Sunday.