We had a very warm and humid day yesterday with severe thunderstorm warnings. We did get a big old thunderstorm later in the day with sheets of rain blowing every which way. I took this shot after it was over.
You’ll note that the catalpa is finally leafing out. It’s always the last to display its magnificence – maybe it likes having the stage all to itself?
I worked on the puzzle yesterday and got a lot done. I had been reading Twitter and getting more and more angry at the events I referenced yesterday, so I finally pulled myself away and walked directly to the puzzle.
I calmed down immediately.
Know when to pull away. We have been held hostage by a madman for four years. It’s impossible not to let him get under your skin, impossible not to worry about COVID-19, but it is entirely possible to make a deliberate choice to read a book, to listen to music, to do a jigsaw puzzle, to garden, to take a walk, to sing a song, to watch old episodes of Cheers that make you laugh out loud, to cook, to create, to call a friend.
The view as I made our second cup of coffee this morning.
I just finished A Room of One’s Ownย and am now reading Maigret and the Old People, by Georges Simenon. Simenon’s Maigret mysteries are so well written. They’re also relatively short, about 150 pages or so. He wrote scads of them and Penguin has been reissuing them with new translations. They were originally written in French.
We’re going to mow the front yard today. You know I love to mow and I actually woke up and got excited knowing this is a mowing day. We’ll tag team. But even if I had to do it all by myself, and that has been the case many times, I’d still be excited.
It’s a gloriously beautiful day out there; blue skies and fluffy white clouds, birds singing, wind chimes moving slightly in the breeze. Good news by the way – my zinnias have sprouted and so have some of the morning glories and moonflowers.
I’m having an “I am blessed” day. Hope you are, too.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.