The area near our culvert is full of wildflowers at the moment. That’s where I’ve been taking the pictures you’ve seen lately. The growth is relatively untamed and it’s easy to ignore it and focus on the garden beds. But, just as the garden beds start to wane in mid-August, the masses of what some would call weeds but I know as wildflowers kick into gear.
It’s sort of fascinating down there. Beautiful flowers, lots of bees and moths, and some rather striking spiders.
One of the payoffs of taking a macro/closeup picture is the reveal that happens. I couldn’t see those gossamer strands all around this flower with the naked eye, but they were there.
Bees sampling the goldenrod. And at the end of one of the flowers is a little red speck, which I take to be some sort of bug. Fascinating.
I spotted two yellow garden spiders. (They have varied names, but this seems to be the most common.)
They’re known for that zig-zag that occurs on the web. Clearly, they’re designers with their own special stamp.
The other yellow garden spider, just after having spun his strands around some prey. I watched as he did it. He was a whirling dervish. I couldn’t believe how fast he worked.
I guess he needed a rest after all of that.
Happy Monday.