In this house, more often than not, these words are spoken: “There’s nothing on TV!”
Last night, however, we were glued to the television as House Democrats, led by one of the heroes of the Civil Rights movement, John Lewis, took over the House floor, staging a sit-in. Paul Ryan gaveled the session and ordered the cameras that C-Span uses shut off.
Ah, but this is the age of social media and tech-savvy Representatives used Facebook and Periscope to broadcast what was going on and C-Span tapped into it. It was real, it was raw and it was incredibly powerful.
I just checked. They’re still there and they’re still broadcasting. They’ve been at it since 11:30 am yesterday morning. I tweeted my support to them last night and tweeted my disgust to Paul Ryan (more than once). It’s a simple request: a vote on two relatively mild measures, one to close a loophole in background checks and one to prohibit the selling of guns to anyone on the No-Fly List. I mean, really, what could possibly be problem here? It’s a no-brainer.
Watching this civil disobedience in action is inspiring. There are times I feel that no one in Washington DC is listening to us. These brave Representatives are. And John Lewis has more moral fiber in his little finger than Paul Ryan and all those who pander to the NRA combined.
They’re taking a stand. #HoldTheFloor #NoBillNoBreak
See? I’m using hashtags.
Moving on.
The spirea, hydrangea, roses and clematis are in full bloom.
The bee balm is just about to pop.
Pretty roses.
And just-about-to-open roses.
Yarrow self-seeds and plants itself right in front of the chicken-wire-fence-garden, tall and strong and beautiful.
We are desperate for rain here. The rivers are low, the grass is getting brown, and we didn’t have much snow pack this winter. Everyone around here has a well that needs to be replenished.
It was supposed to rain today, but the forecast changed overnight. No rain. Maybe some on Monday. Fingers crossed.
Yesterday, I saw two mourning doves on the driveway. A pair. I wondered if my ‘lonesome dove’ had found a mate or if this was an already established pair. Later on in the day, I saw the dove on the edge of the birdbath:
Such a gentle beauty.
Tomorrow is the big day. Will you stop by and leave a birthday wish for my sweetheart? I promise to shoot a little video of his reaction when he sees the Top Secret Project and I’ll probably share it with you on Saturday. I’m also putting together some photos of the whole project and I’ll write a separate post with all the sources and other pertinent information.
Happy Thursday.
Although we are just outside his Atlanta district now, we have been represented by John Lewis in the past. I’ve been proud of him for so many things for a long, long time. Georgia is having drought conditions too. I will empty the last of the water from my rain barrel today.
He is a true hero, Kaye.
Yay John Lewis! Yay Dems!
Indeed! Yay!
Always enjoy your flower photos. My 65th birthday is also tomorrow! I will be leaving early in the morning for a get-away weekend with my two best friends that I’ve had since 2nd grade. So, I would like to wish Don an early, but a very Happy Birthday!
And a Happy Birthday to you, Kathy! Enjoy your time away with your friends!
Didn’t know about the sit in since I’m not watching much TV in the hospital. I’ll check online for some news. Love that sweet pink rosebud. I am so excited for Don’s birthday!! Hugs!!
It has been incredibly inspiring, Linda. It’s still going on. Much love to you today. Surgery will go swimmingly!
Hooray for John Lewis!
Can’t wait for Don to see his birthday present!
Me either! I have to figure out a way to ‘wrap’ it today!
Kudos to John Lewis and the Dems! We need more people to stand up for what’s right! Lovely flowers! I can feel the excitement building for tomorrow! ;)
We do. I wish there was a sit-in or a march being organized. A sit-in by citizens (in the Capitol) on the day Congress comes back – July 5th. I’d go.
That’s a great idea…you should tweet that! ;)
Maybe I will!
It’s good to know that there are still heroes in Congress. Looking forward to Don’s reaction to your amazing TSP…but I know he’ll love it. How could he not?
I was just saying to Don that these people are heroes. We’re still watching them this morning.
So very excited about the birthday reveal tomorrow!!!!!
Thanks, Jeannine!
I cheered here in the UK when I saw the sit-in by house democrats. I wish with all my heart they succeed. Still bemused as to why these 2 absolute common sense measures are being opposed. Can you shed any light on it for me please? Don will absolutely love his surprise!
It’s hard for me to shed any light except that many of these lawmakers are given great sums of money by the NRA, so they are under their control. It’s also an election year and the public sentiment is so strong for some sort of gun control that these guys don’t want to have this come to a vote and have their vote officially in the record. The NRA seems to have more power than anyone and why that has been allowed to happen, I don’t know.
Thank you Claudia. I pray for you and all American citizens that one day money will not be put above human life and that intelligent common sense will prevail.
You’re welcome. And we welcome your prayers. We need them.
How fitting that you ended this post with a dove, a symbol of peace. The light in that photograph is especially beautiful, reflecting off the water and making the face and breast glow.
Lovely flower images, as well, Claudia. Thank you.
You’re welcome. I love the mourning dove and we need that ‘peace’ right now – and always.
lovely flower photos as usual. i think my fave flower photo this year (from anyone’s blog) was the just-opening’new dawn’ rose that you sent last week, from “the secret garden” on the side of your house. and in other news … i saw my first japanese beetle of the season yesterday – three of them actually. that’s four days earlier than in any other year that i’ve kept track of them. they used to come the week of the fourth of july, but they’ve been creeping up a day or two earlier over time. cicadas have been especially plentiful in many parts of ohio this year, but not here yet. our brood (for about a three-county area and part of western pa) won’t be coming up until 2018, tv reports say. –suz in northeast ohio
I haven’t seen a Japanese Beetle yet. I read somewhere, sometime, that they don’t always come every season and I was hoping this might be the year they don’t arrive. But if you’ve seen them, well….I guess my hopes are dashed.
We aren’t getting cicadas for another year or two, I think.
I’m not following what the House is doing, but I’m wondering what kind of trailers were attached to these seemingly common sense measures to make them unpalatable. That’s one thing I really hate, the negotiations and machinations that go on behind closed doors and in dark corridors, and ta-da, a measure that should be supported by both sides is suddenly a hot button issue. Beautiful flower photos….my yarrows are in full bloom, but I want ton control the self-seeding, so I’ll be cutting the flowers before they go to seed.
Part of the problem is that Ryan won’t even bring them up for a vote – what they’re asking for is the chance to debate the proposals on the floor of the House. And he won’t do that.
I followed the whole evening too, mostly on MSNBC. But when it rains, it pours – because TCM was also running “A Man for All Seasons…” SUCH a great movie – I was flipping between two plus hours. And now today, in the middle of everything else, we’ re on “Brexit” watch here. Exciting times… 🇺🇸
C-Span was ultimately our choice because MSNBC didn’t fully cover it and we wanted to hear what everyone was saying. We did pop over to MSNBC at times during Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell.
Mourning dove “couples” take turns sitting on the nest. Males at night and females during the day. That is why you rarely see a mated pair together. A true division of labor! Plus, it’s very difficult to tell male & females apart anyway.
A couple of years ago, I had a pair nest in a hanging flower basket on my porch. I don’t know who was more surprised when I went to water it! Sadly, they abandoned it once I made the discovery. That’s when I researched their nesting habits. GOOGLE had lots of information.
Praying for the “good people” in Washington!
Take care,
Okay. That bit of information makes me feel better! I want my mourning dove to have a mate! I once grabbed some messy twigs on the window sill of the shed before I realized it was a nest – probably a mourning dove nest because their nests are rather messy. I immediately replaced it, but they didn’t come back. Thankfully, there were no eggs there!
It was a fantastic thing to happen. When they sang “We Shall Overcome”….. I was a bit overcome. Throughout the night so much of the protests we did in the 60’s and then the Act 10 protests here in Wisconsin several years ago were in my mind. We had some brave Representatives who left the state so they would not be able to hold the vote…. at least for a bit longer. I really was thrilled to see the sit-in. “This is what Democracy looks like.”
We know the reason that Ryan would not let the vote come up…. none of those disgusting people want the NRA to see their names IF they voted the way their Constituents are demanding they vote. They surely don’t care about the people they represent…. it is all about the bloody hands of the NRA.
I well remember when those brave people left the state in protest. I was applauding them. I respect civil disobedience. It has a long history and sometimes it’s the only way to take a moral stand.
I just had someone write me a horrid email calling me a stupid liberal as well as other invective. She is unsubscribing. I don’t really care. It’s just an indication of how divided we are, but you know what, Chris? I refuse to not talk about what I feel passionately about because it might offend someone. Life is too short – I’m almost 64. I’m not going shut up. When someone speaks to me the way this woman did? I know we really have absolutely nothing in common.
Life really IS too short to waste on that kind of nonsense. What amazes me, is that she presumably has been a subscriber to your blog and “just noticed” your views? I have been heartened by the many who feel as so many of us do who are also your subscribers. Sharing views and ideas is all part of being friends. And sometimes when we can’t comfortably share those views and ideas, it isn’t a bad idea to part ways. Name calling in such a personal way is all part of the bullying mind-set which seems to be so prevalent today ~ and shining brightly, leading the way, is the rhetoric of the Orange Man.
Yes, you’re right. Name calling seems to be acceptable nowadays. Name calling and mean-spiritedness. I want no part of it.
Please keep speaking your mind. Let the haters read other blogs! THANKS
Thank you, Mary! Your words of support mean a lot!
Let’s hope and pray that their effort makes a difference. I remember when guns were outlawed here in Australia after the only massacre this country has seen, people jumped up and down for a while but they accepted it in the end. The only ones allowed to owns guns now are hunters (you must attend a safety training course and be licensed) and farmers. I will be back tomorrow to wish Don a happy birthday
If only the USA would follow Australia’s wise example, Jan. Thank you.
You are right that there’s nothing on TV – that’s why I don’t watch it! lol
I certainly will stop by tomorrow and wish Don a happy birthday…I can’t wait to see his reaction to the TSP!
Me too! I’m sort of nervous about it, but excited, too!
You were so wise to name your cottage. It’s special, cottage AND name!