This cold has smacked me in the face. I feel just plain yucky and I barely have a voice. I couldn’t do much of anything today, so I stayed in my pajamas and decided to tackle some wallpaper for the dollhouse.
It isn’t easy. In fact, I found it quite difficult. I always do some research and ask some questions of miniaturists because, let’s face it, I know nothing. After all that is done, the best thing for me to to do is just jump in.
I ordered some wallpaper from Itsy Bitsy Mini – they have such lovely designs. My big question for the living room was beadboard or no beadboard? In the end I went with no beadboard.
I wanted to give you a close up of this subtle, pretty pattern.
I think it looks pretty good. It’s not perfect and the perfectionist in me has trouble with that, but hey, I’m learning as I go.
A funny thing has happened lately. I’ll be somewhere thinking about something I need for the house, and I will suddenly realize that what I was thinking of isn’t for the house, but for the dollhouse. Is this what happens to those of you who have more than one house? Do you get confused sometimes? I guess the dollhouse has become my second house.
You can see that I added trim around the window. And I have to add baseboards and crown molding but I have yet to order them.
Now, I’m exhausted. Some soup and some hot tea for me.