Do you recognize those lyrics in the post title? Or am I the only one who remembers that kind of thing?
For there’s a change in the weather, there’s a change in the sea,
So from now on there’ll be a change in me.
My walk will be different, my talk and my name,
Nothing about me is going to be the same.
I’m going to change my way of living if that ain’t enough,
Then I’ll change the way I strut my stuff,
Cause nobody wants you when you’re old and gray.
There’ll be some changes made today, there’ll be some changes made.
There was a “change in the weather” last night and today we’re having blustery winds and snow showers. Our warmer than normal weather has moved on. Now I have to figure out which plants on the porch to try saving and which to let go. There’s only so much room here in the cottage and I have to remember that Don will be in charge when I’m in Hartford. That translates to: I don’t want to overwhelm him and I’m a little nervous about presenting him with a complicated watering schedule.
We finally removed the window air conditioners and stowed them in the shed. Now I will have to do some porch sorting and move the cushions and pots back in the shed for the winter. Sometime this week, I think.
I had a dream last night in which Scoutie was walking toward me to tell me that her water dish was empty. Right after the dream, I woke up.
There’s nothing like taking a picture of a gallery wall to show you that the frames need straightening!
Nothing exciting to report today, my friends. Don’s out at the moment getting a copy of the Sunday New York Times. In the current climate in which freedom of the press is being threatened, think about subscribing to a newspaper, if you don’t already. Since we live upstate of NYC where buying the print version of the Times is more expensive, a daily subscription would be prohibitive. But I think we’re going to subscribe to the weekend editions of the Times – Friday through Sunday. I might subscribe to the digital version of The Washington Post, as well. Whatever your choice, newspapers need our financial support now more than ever. As do magazines like Newsweek and Time and Mother Jones, where investigative journalism is the thing they do best.
I’m going to do that today.
Last night’s sunset. If you look closely, you can see Don down by the street, iPhone camera in hand.
Happy Sunday.
I’m traveling right now with my daughter by the sea, but am told that back home, our unseasonably warm and sunny weather turned to cold and blustery snow yesterday. We’re back on Tuesday so I hope it changes before we head home.
Love your idea to subscribe. Enjoy your read today!
P.S. Love Scout’s footprint!!
It was sent to us by the facility who also sent us her ashes. We were so touched, Chy.
I loved getting the daily paper for many years. Then I stopped, when unfortunately my local paper the Review Journal became owned and completely controlled by Sheldon Adelson. No free press here. Need I say more?
You needn’t. The name was enough!
We have a cold wind this morning, too! Feels strange in our unusually warm SC. I love the way your pictures are arranged by the stairs.
My husband loves to read the newspaper early in the morning while drinking his first cup of coffee. Then he gives it to our 94 yr. old neighbor across the street for her to read. I very seldom see it by the time I wake up. A few days ago he asked me if we should stop newspaper delivery since the election was over. I told him we could keep it a little while longer, since it does have a little local news. Soon we may go to weekends only.
It’s so nice of your husband to share his paper with your neighbor, Lottie!
I’ve been a long-time newspaper subscriber, but a couple of years ago, switched to Sunday only delivery, which comes with a digital version Monday through Saturday. It works for me. These days when people get lots of their “news” from Twitter or gossip sheets, you’re correct in supporting legitimate news sources.
I’m going out in the rain to deliver five cartons of school supplies to my friend. Her friend supports a poor village in Fiji by sending, at her own expense, necessities, especially school supplies, since the village was nearly destroyed by a tropical storm a couple of years ago, and the village school was wiped out. I had my daughters empty school binders they no longer needed and scrounge for pencils and notebooks. We who have too much need to give to those who have nothing. My friend’s friend said she once distributed one large cooking pot per family and the sight of villagers clutching their cooking pot and thanking her that they could now cook a hot meal for their families brought tears to her eyes. She grew up in that village, made her way to the US and became a credentialed teacher. She never forgot and gives back.
After this election, I am determined to get my news from a legitimate news source, Wendy. No more online (except for maybe DailyKos) or cable news.
What a wonderful cause! So lovely to read about someone who gives back and helps those in need.
Yes, yes, yes!! We must NOT let printed news die. We had stopped our subscription to the Wisconsin State Journal a couple of years ago, and this summer we started again. Reporters in print are the true investigative reporters, at least in my eyes. After this election cycle, I find 24 hour news on TV to be a bit suspect. I know all of it isn’t ….. but we can’t only get our news from one single format.
Hubs just read this to me from FB: “That time you elect a “tough guy” and find out he is intimidated by the Theater kids.” Today the idiot tweeted “Hamilton is way over-rated.” When, in the name of all things good, are they going to take that d#@^* tweet account from him? I read in the paper that if, after he is sworn in (saddest day of modern times), and he erases a tweet, he will be in violation of the Presidential Records Act. Of course, all the other unbelievable things he has said and done, and he has never had any repercussion,,,,, why would that matter??
Sorry….. I truly wasn’t thinking politics, but he read that to me and I felt my BP going up…….. I hope you find a place for your plants, and the winds calm. We had gusts up to 50 mph from Friday night through late yesterday afternoon. It was exhausting. Enjoy your Sunday!!!!!
Very interesting news about the erasing of a tweet. I didn’t know that. So take heart, Chris. You know how they finally got Al Capone, don’t you? Income tax evasion. Something tells me there are going to be lots of people working OT on this problem. And as Aaron Sorkin wrote, with his history, it’s only a matter of time before he commits an impeachable offense.
I’m betting he’ll be impeached. The only problem is that Pence will then be President.
Pence is awful, no doubt about it. But he is not mentally-ill. At least I don’t think so. And he does not have millions. And he’s not trying to get security clearance for his adult children. And he does not have business interests across the globe. And he has been in Congress/has government experience etc. He can be reasoned with, and I don’t think he has Russian ties either. The difference between Trump & Pence is night & day. Almost literally.
Almost literally. But he believes in gay conversion therapy. He would take away reproductive rights from women. He’d defund Planned Parenthood. He did that in Indiana, thereby closing the only HIV testing center and enabling an outbreak of HIV.
I agree, certainly, that he’s sane. But he is very dangerous.
No, Janet, surely #ThisIsNotNormal…. any of it. I think many of us think we are living in a parallel universe somewhere and everything is spinning out of control! It seems that if there was ever a candidate for impeachment, as you said, we have the perfect one now. But, as Claudia said, Pence is, if it is possible, worse in so many ways. To have someone in 2016 still believe that there are ways to “fix” someone who is Gay (absolutely unreal…. what exactly does he think needs fixing?????????) along with being a climate change disbeliever and advocate for women NOT being allowed to serve in the military…… again #ThisIsNotNormal ….. but it IS oh-so-sad.
I agree, Chris. It is all so frightening.
Watch them as they try to send us back 60 years. It’s appalling.
Yep, this is how I feel too. One minute I’m coping. The next I feel like I’m in the middle of a living nightmare. How could this be happening? How could the Republican establishment have rolled over so completely?? It simply doesn’t make sense. If I had the power, I’d check the bank accounts of many of the current “players” – McConnell, Ryan, Priebus, Giuliani, Christie, etc etc etc – to see if anyone has recently “come into some money?” Of course, it’s all probably salted away in some nice tidy accounts in Switzerland for that matter. Most of them are lawyers and know just what to do.
I also have a problem with 24 hour news after this election. And anything on Facebook.
The whole Hamilton thing once again showed Trump’s true colors. Really? There is so much that he could address, including speaking out against the violence and bullying being done in his name, but what does he tweet about? Hamilton. The statement read by the cast was respectful and sincere. There are actually some Trump followers who are advocating boycotting Hamilton! Are they clueless? They couldn’t get a ticket if they tried! Do they realize how ridiculous they sound? Hamilton speaks to the very ideas that Trump/Pence are trying to trash. What did they expect? And, when is Trump going to apologize for what he’s done? Including fleecing the Trump University students? He agreed to pay 25 million dollars to them. That means that he’s guilty, even though he’ll not be officially charged.
See? My BP is going up, too!
As a counselor who worked with narcissists I can tell you that he will never apologize or stop with the tweets. It is literally too painful for him that anyone doesn’t think he is the greatest. It makes him very dangerous and easily manipulated by his ego.
My BP must be at an all time high.
I know. He’s not going to change and he is definitely a narcissist, among other things.
My BP is up there too and since he’s not going to stop, I have to cut down on salty foods!
We’re overcast and delightfully looking forward to SoCalif rain, please, please, please LET IT REALLY HAPPEN today!
I’m glad you mentioned TIME magazine. I used to really love getting it in my snail-mail mailbox. I always liked it better than Newsweek. Good suggestion, Claudia. My dad really liked US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, too. We’ve been subscribing to our paper-paper newspaper (delivered on the lawn every day) since Labor Day and it’s been a rediscovered treat. I feel better informed about what’s going on in my county now. And I’m about to go drive as I write this to the guy on the corner who sells the Sunday Los Angeles Times. We’re trying to buy the TIMES every Sunday now. I swear it can take all day to read it, but I love it.
Stay warm and cozy; sounds like you timed it right with getting the air conditioners put away. You, of course, know the drill by now. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday; sorry about the plants.
Claudia, I’m betting when you get back into the swing of things with work, Hartford might just be very revitalizing for you although I know the separation from Don isn’t great. You’re good at what you do, it’s income, it’s good-total concentration to the task that you love, with some new people and a familiar subject; a change of scenery in more than one way. I sort of envy you!
Yes, I’ll be sad to see the plants go.
Right now, because I’m very tired, Hartford seems impossible, but I know I’ll get into it when I’m there. I love working with Darko and all of the staff at the theater, so I will have a good time once I’m there.
The wind chimes outside my front door are pealing away today. Really blustery, although very little snow so far. Being near the Lake keeps us warmer longer, which means that we get less snow than those further inland in November and even December. I’ve actually been driving home from work, a 20 mile trip, with snow coming down at the office and rain [or nothing] as I got home. We’ll probably just get a dusting today [hopefully].
Love that you have Scoutie’s pawprint. And PS – I’m finding wonderful deals out there for online subscriptions to major & legitimate news organizations. Currently I get full access to the New York Times for 12 weeks – only $5. So critical that these be supported – now more than ever!!
Wind chills here are in the twenties. Our cottage really gets the wind – it must be the way we’re situated.
Always so hard to let go of plants you’ve nurtured. For TV, I only trust BBC and PBS news. but some of the great news magazines like Time and it’s contemporaries have the talented reporters who were capable of in depth investigation and offer great informative articles…. Sadly, problem is there are too many people today who don’t care about truth or accuracy……..Dianne
Oh, Dianne, I am with you on that! I think people are more interested in Reality TV than anything newsworthy. I also feel Reality TV began the dumbing down of America…. I can’t believe the junk people actually watch. The Apprentice is right up there with nonsense filled entertainment. I am so glad that my husband and I are totally like-minded when it comes to not watching those shows. I couldn’t stand even having it on as background noise.
And, Claudia, I am so sorry for butting in and commenting on your reader’s post….. but Reality TV is one of my buttons……………… ugh.
I’ve said that for a long time. Besides the obvious dumbing down that was happening by calling those who went to college elites, then reality television came along. I’ve been railing against it from the very beginning and we have never, I am proud to say, watched one of them!
It’s obviously one of my buttons, too!
No. Truth and facts seem to be ignored.
Chris and Claudia, I am afraid the so called Reality (HA!) TV is probably here to stay; cheap to produce and stacked with commercials that generate huge revenue. Cheap TV that doesn’t require top notch reporters or for entertainment, first rate writers and good actors. Lord help us as contrived Reality TV caters to the lowest common denominator. I gave up saying “How low can they go” ; apparently it is a bottomless pit! …Dianne
And it takes work away from actors like my husband.
You are right about the newspapers. I just signed up for the NY Times home delivery on Sundays. Prob take me 2 weeks to read! ;)
I just read the Sunday Times – now I’m doing the crossword! Good for you, Laura!
Great sunset shot, Claudia, and so welcome as it’s just gray and rainy here. Isn’t it odd the way you notice things in a photo that you wouldn’t see otherwise? And yay for your support of newspapers and new magazines! Now if we could only convince more folks to read them! Have a great Thanksgiving and a fun break in Hartford.
Hartford doesn’t start until December 18th, Judy. In the meantime, I have prep to do for that job!
I took a day off yesterday and really enjoyed family time and a lunch with my church family also. I feel like I need to unplug here and there to try to shore myself up for the battle that is ongoing. It’s cold but beautiful today. Hugs!
Unplugging is necessary for sanity, Linda. Then we get back in the fray!