• Bokeh-crazy. That’s me. I put in at least an hour yesterday playing with depth of field, changing focus, seeing just what I could conjure up with my lens. It’s awfully fun. Have you played around with Bokeh?
• We’ve now watched the final episode of Newsroom three times. And we’ve gone back to the beginning. We’re re-watching every episode. It’s worth every minute. It’s that good.
• Hackers are on my mind today. There are always people trying to hack into this blog, into every blog out there. Make no mistake, it doesn’t matter what platform a blogger is using: Blogger, Typepad, WordPress, whatever. Hackers are trying to get in. It is unsettling, at the very least.
Imagine how it must be for large corporations who become the target of hackers. Vital and private information is compromised. Secrets are revealed. Trust is eroded. And in the case of Sony Pictures, fear takes over and they cave to terrorist demands and cancel the premiere of a movie. So now we’re allowing terrorists to determine what films we make, what we as citizens of a supposedly free country can see at our local movie theater? What’s next? Will they determine what we can read? Where we go? How we live our lives?
I find it chilling.
• I’d love for you to join in a conversation I’m having over at Just Let Me Finish This Page. I always have a book or two or three on my Christmas list. You know how much I love books and reading and bookshelves and everything bookish. Are you asking for some specific titles this Christmas? Are you giving books as gifts? Please come visit the blog and share your thoughts. I love reading about this kind of gift giving. And I learn some things, too!
Happy Friday.
It really makes me angry that the movie opening was cancelled. The supposed rights we have in this country are controlled by a different country…it just is wrong. I understand why the opening was cancelled, and I would never wish harm to another, but somehow we need to be able to keep control of this. What other rights will become managed by threats from another group?
I agree. What next? It has to be controlled and, even better, stopped. xoxo
How long is every episode of Newsroom?? I have my sisters password for Netflix..May get into it over the winter..Have a Merry Christmas Holiday.
They are an hour long, Missy. I don’t know if they’re on Netflix yet…
I admit I am not completely familiar on this matter and surely lacking in facts. However I do wonder if the cancellation was prompted by advice from their legal council. After all, we are very much aware how litigious we have become in this country and a totally unrelated nut-job might look for their 15 minutes of fame by piggybacking off this mess if given the opportunity (to stupidly and willfully do the wrong thing). Or, did Washington step in and shut it down? That would be interesting to know on many levels and yet I will continue to wait, as I so often do, for some “investigative” reporter to dig in and dish the whole story.
Oh, I’m sure legal counsel was involved.
I don’t appreciate having another country censor America. Even though I probably wasn’t going to see that particular movie, it is an affront to our freedoms! I am very disturbed by all this…and what it could mean for the future. ‘Course, there’s a lot going on in the world right now that I find disturbing! I hope you can enjoy your day! ;)
I agree, Donnamae. I probably would never watch it, but I’m appalled at the thought of another country telling us what we can do or not do.
Claudia, I think I owe you an apology. You stated a few blogs back about someone messing with your blog site. I think I received something on my gmail and it was a list of names and selling something. I think I sent it back with a “get lost” ….Please forgive me if that was you…I don’t like spam…but I hate to be rude too. If some things I get have those big old strange names, no one can pronounce, I delete them right away.
Any ways, wish I could come over and play photo shop …I love those effects. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo,Susie
No that was when my email was hacked, Susie. On two different posts, I told all of you to delete it. It didn’t come from me. In the future, when you get any questionable email like that, whether supposedly from me or from anyone, you shouldn’t do anything with it but delete it.
Well, with everything going on in the news, I felt your lovely putzy tree and teacup were inviting and warm. I don’t like the need to feel safe, though. I don’t like that unsettling feeling of which you speak…and how can we escape it? My husband has said in past years that privacy and security are dead. It’s a myth. I don’t want him to be right. The internet has opened up such worlds for me but it’s also such a menace.
I don’t like that unsettling feeling, either, Vicki. I think your husband is right – why is it that things that can be so good can also be used for evil purposes? Redundant question, of course.
I’m like others have said here that I would probably not watch the movie anyway. But it is terrifying to me of what’s happening here. I am absolutely not naive and realize that this could be some nut job American wanting their 15 minutes of fame. But I also realize that this could be very real and coming from North Korea.
I personally believe that Sony did the right thing in cancelling the release. Do I like it? Absolutely not. But with all the things that are going on in this world with terrorist threats and events I really don’t see how they couldn’t cancel the release. It’s being done for the safety of all Americans and many theaters had already said they wouldn’t air the movie anyway.
Hopefully it’s not a hack and threat from North Korea, but in my eyes it’s better to be safe than sorry. Everyone in American wants to be protected by our Government and feel it is the duty of our Government and leaders to protect us. I feel that’s what’s being done in this case.
I too hate what it may mean for the future of American films and agree we should not be censored by another country. But when there is the history we have with North Korea and the potential threat of what they can do for us as a country precautions must be taken. If you’re curious at all as to what has gone on with North Korea within the last few years do take a look. A great source is “Hard Choices” by Hillary Clinton. Like her or not the book is filled with information on recent years of history between American and other countries including North Korea.
As always, thank you for this post. I hope you have a blessed holiday Claudia :)
Oh, I know all about North Korea. They are frightening, indeed.
In my opinion, conceding and giving them power is only going to make things worse -it’s giving North Korea and every other terrorist group a green light to keep this kind of hack/threat going. What happens the next time some group or foreign power objects to the subject matter of a book? Or a movie? Or what is written in the press? It’s a slippery slope.
And the FBI just finished formally charging North Korea with the hack. They’ve traced it back to them.
Just my thoughts, Belinda. I always appreciate it when you share your thoughts, my friend.
I just read about our President agreeing with you :) I can concede to what you’ve said Claudia I really can. I just am one who believes better safe than sorry. But that’s only me.
We are all certainly entitled to our own opinions and I certainly respect yours. One of the reasons I love to read your blog. I am one who loves to hear and discuss others beliefs on any subject even when they differ from my own. It’s how I grow and learn. I am of the opinion that I can always learns something.
Oh gosh, me too! I also understand your point about the need for safety, I do!
I agree that we should not allow “bullies” to tell us what we can do or see..I also worry that many people could be hurt if they allow the movie to be shown..It is a hard hard decision as to what is the best way to react to this threat..What may come after this..if we allow them to have their way scares me too Claudia..Have a good weekend!
You too, Nancy. It’s definitely a challenge and will continue to be. Apparently, there was no credible threat to movie theaters, but it is nervous making.
I was thinking Claudia..It kind of like the school bully..once you hand him your lunch money..he will surely be back for more..
Even as an adult, I just don’t understand why some people feel the need to force their opinions on others. Growing up, I was lucky to attend a multinational school where we celebrated our cultural diversity.
Perhaps some of the more aggressive leaders should spend some time where I now live in the far north where they could wage war against the elements instead of people. Fighting the cold gets awfully tiring.
On a happier note, I love your photo of the little trees. So pretty!
I’d much rather they waged war against the elements. If only!