Good morning. Don’t know what it’s like in your neck of the woods, but our New Year’s Eve seems to be a little rainy and definitely cloudy. I woke up too early, yet again. I don’t know what my problem is lately, but I keep waking up well before I should. My mind starts its usual flitting from one subject to another and then I can’t get back to sleep.
I’m reading a book that I will review this coming week but I’m also reading these 2 books:
Design Sponge at Home is chock full of all things home. I’ve long been a fan of Design Sponge, and the book does not disappoint. The first section is called Sneak Peeks, after a regular feature on Design Sponge that gives readers a glimpse of someone’s home. (We all love that, don’t we?) Also included are sections on DIY Projects, DIY Basics, a Flower Workshop and Before & After. It’s a little modern, a little edgy, but mostly full of lovingly decorated homes and apartments. Decorated by the homeowners, I might add. Just what I like.
Judy Collins. I’ve been a fan since high school. Not only does she sing beautifully, she writes beautifully. And her eyes are really that blue. How do I know? I met her. Years ago, she gave a concert at Masonic Auditorium in Detroit that I attended. In those days, we were able to get backstage pretty easily. I can’t imagine it being so easy nowadays. Anyway, she wore a long, flowing dress and looked ethereal. As she stood in the center of the stage, her gorgeous voice filled the auditorium (and Masonic is huge) and we all fell in love with her. Somehow I managed to walk onstage after the concert where I found Judy standing with her guitar. We stood there chatting and Judy graciously autographed my program. (I did the same thing with Gordon Lightfoot. We walked into his dressing room, took photos, and got his autograph!) I had a lot of chutzpah in those days. On an interesting sidenote: Don also met her a few years ago in New York. A big thank you to Don for giving me this book for Christmas.
What else is going on? Well, (and we will sound like country bumpkins here) Thursday Don and I drove over an hour to New Jersey where we visited Ikea and Trader Joe’s. Whoo hoo! We were pretty gosh-darned excited about the whole thing. I bought a few little things for the kichen at Ikea but we got out of there pretty quickly. Since we’re in a holiday week, it was packed with families and kids running everywhere, including right in front of me. I had to think fast as I dodged innumerable out-of-control children. (Don’t parents keep their kids in check anymore? My parents would simply have not allowed us to run amok.) That kind of thing makes me very tired. Trader Joe’s was a more productive experience – we stocked up on lots of food and I bought these:
Frugal me. If I could, I would only buy flowers from Trader Joe’s because they are always healthy, as well as cheap. This bouquet was $3.99. If I bought the same bouquet up this way, it would have been at least twelve dollars. My favorite flower for vases? Alstromeria. They last a long time, so I really feel like I get my money’s worth.
On the docket today: taking down most of the Christmas decorations. The tree will stay up until tomorrow. New Year’s Eve is not that big a deal for me. I’m usually asleep before midnight. Since Don is working tonight, if I am awake, I’ll say Happy New Year to the dogs.
I will say that 2011 was not the best year for us: lots of worries about a greatly diminished income, worries about my parents, the loss of some trees during Hurricane Irene, and two surgeries for me. I’m happy to say goodbye to it. I’m both looking forward to and wary of 2012. I wish for a year that is full of new adventures and prosperity and good health for us. At the same time, my mom is getting frailer, my dad is exhausted and Riley is declining. I know there are sad times ahead.
I wish you all a very Happy New Year! Enjoy your celebration, whatever form it takes. Here’s to a wonderful 2012 for everyone.
Hi Claudia! It was snowing this morning when I got up. Huge, beautiful snowflakes. The pine trees in front of my window are like a dream. It’s been very cold in Ottawa. One day this week it was 31 degrees celsius. Unfortunately today, we’re expecting freezing rain! But right now the landscape is all white and just perfect. It will just be an ordinary day for me. Out for groceries, etc. with my shopping cart on the bus. Later, I want to carry on with my miniature knitting. I’m finding it extremely difficult but I will persist. I’m knitting a little guy. He’s so cute. I just got a new pair of glasses. The cost was exorbitant because they’re top of the line lenses. Unfortunately, I don’t see as well with them as I did with my old ones who are also top of the line. So, I’ll have to call them because I have never before encountered this. I love the frame though! It suits me to perfection. As a matter of fact, I’m in love with it. But the important thing are the lenses. So, I’m very disheartened over this. Anyways, I’ll deal with this next week. So, I’ll wish you a Happy New Year and to Don and hope that you spend a nice day! P.S. Your books look interesting and the Salsa Verde looks delicious. I’m still reading your book and enjoying it. To think there was a time when I would have gulped that down in one day!
Happy New Year Claudia! I hope that the wonderful happy things make the sad times easier to bear. I saw your comment on Susan Branch’s blog and thought I would come to visit another kindred spirit :) Especially one who edits her posts when she finds a misspelling!
Don’t you just love Trader Joe’s!
For Christmas they had some of the best stuff.
Yes, here is to hoping 2012 brings good things.
Love your home. There’s such a warmth and glow about it! Cloudy with rain here earlier which is now breaking into blue skies!
Happy New Year and keep some blue skies in your heart.
My New Year’s wish for 2012 for everyone struggling with financial issues that those would be solved; we wouldn’t have to say goodbye to our loved ones, whether family, friends or our little fur babies;
sickness could be eradicated; hunger would become a thing of the past in foreign lands and here at home; and peace would spread throughout the earth, especially in the war-torn countries. So from one Michigander to another, even though we don’t reside in that beauitful state now, Happy New Year to you and Don, and much happiness coming your way!
Stopping in to wish you a Happy New Year and to say thank you for a year of homey, engaging, and entertaining posts. I appreciate them; I’m a fan (:
My weather is reported via the Rose Parade (: It’s suppose to be in the 80’s.
Also Claudia ~ as we make new year resolutions to eat more healthy, would you be interested in posting some of your vegen recipes?
P.S. Love what Annette said
Your post sounds surprisingly like mine. I love you sister.
Since I’ve found your blog, I have enjoyed coming back on a regular basis. I wish you a healthy, happy 2012 and much success. Happy New Year!
I really need some things at Ikea, but have purposely put my trip on hold until most children are back at school. Sorry your visit was not all fun. Trader Joe’s is finally come to Texas! There will be 3 opening in the DFW area next year. I am beyond excited!
May 2012 bring more laughter than tears, and more blessings than worries. Happy New Year!
What great books! I love Trader Joes and I too ONLY buy flowers there. Just too expensive anywhere else! Happy New Year!
Hoping 2012 is good to you and yours!
Hugs, Lisa
Claudia, I know this year has not been very good for you and your family. I am wishing you and don good health and great happiness in the new year. Get lots of hugs from your parents. You need them and they do too. xoxo, Susie(She Junks)
Hi Claudia,
I do not like New Years Eve ( I wrote a post about it). Tonight we are just watching a movie and having Chinese food. Tomorrow down comes Christmas and I will dream of spring. I wish you a New Year of health, happiness and prosperity.
Love, Live, Laugh and Lounge,
Claudia, our New Year`s Eve will be pretty low key too. I like it that way though. Just Joe, Ben and I and a few munchies. What could be better than that!
All the best to you and your loves,
Enjoy the flowers; I love a vase of fresh flowers, they lift the spirit with their beauty and fragrance, don’t they.
The temp here is 70 degrees, so it doesn’t feel very much like NY Eve. Just as well, we rarely make it until midnight.
Hope 2012 is all you want it to be.
78 degrees in Southern Cali…don’t like it…blehhh!! Claudia, wishing you and the hubster and the fur babies a wonderful and healthy New Year….Glad I found your blog.
The flowers are beautiful! You should have fresh flowers every week! Love your cozy home. I didn’t realize that your kitchen opens to your living room (how nice). While grocery shopping yesterday, I had my eye on some gorgeous white roses but I couldn’t bring myself to spend $7.99 for them. Sure wish I had spent the money because I’m worth it. It’s been rainy and dreary for the past 2 days and I felt a little down today. In fact, I cried after reading your post. It was a reminder about life, loss and transition. This has been a challenging year for us too. On the one hand, I’m happy to say goodbye to last year, but sad because it went by so fast. I could relate to everything in your post. One good thing about our moods and experiences they pass and our spirits are lifted once again. Yesterday, while at a gathering with safe friends, we laughed so hard that some of us had tears rolling down our eyes. Life is interesting with many ups, downs, and transitions but in the end, our hearts are healed and we move in a positive direction. Sometimes I hate the way I feel so deeply about things and my ability to intuitively tune into those around me. It hurts to love, but I accept the challenge anyway because I would miss too much by closing myself off.
Wishing you, Don, Scout and Riley health (prosperity in every area of your lives) and happiness! I love the way you share so deeply on your lovely space on the net!
Don’t know why I wrote a novel for a comment, but I felt the need to express my thoughts to you and your readers.
**I’m a little nervous about hitting the publish button.** Maybe you could offer your services as a blog editor (for a fee).
It’s warmish here, but yet I sit here with the dogs under the red afghan with my socks and nightgown. Of course I had pj’s on when I talked to you. But after my nightly shower, I change into my gown. Morning shower, oftentimes pj’s. Nightly shower, gown. The highlight of my day is often talking for hours to you, as we did today. You always manage to take the edge off my sadness and make my laugh. I love you for that, you know. I love you, my friend, for being you. And letting me be me.
I wish we had a Trader Joe here. Miss it. We have reached that stage in life where sadness unfortunately comes our way. I wish you a healthier and happier 2012. Gentle seas my friend.
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley