Morning at the cottage. The only ‘staging’ involved was pulling the pile of my husband’s clean underwear out of the shot.
I’m sure you appreciate that. And you’re welcome.
I have several succulents on the kitchen table. Succulents and I have to learn how to work together for the good of all. I think I overwatered one of mine – even though I was being pretty careful on that front – and it’s not doing well. The others are okay. Perhaps it’s time to buy a book about succulents and learn more about them?
These daylilies are growing in the garden bed on the far side of the cottage. They grow big and tall and have the most beautiful pink/lavender petals with a dash of bright yellow in the middle. I had to hold this flower to get the shot because, for some reason, the flowers are facing away from the sun. Go figure.
I love the way brown-eyed susans look before they bloom. The petals look as if they are covering up the center, almost as if they’re embarrassed to be seen. I have a lot of these now as they’ve self-seeded in another part of the big garden bed.
I bought a bag of mulch yesterday and mulched the beds in the Memorial Garden. I watched the bunnies dine. I tried to determine if there are two Henrys…I think there are. A seemingly smaller Henry was dining right in front of our living room window the other day. And then I saw another Henry later in the day, dining near the shed. So I’m not sure if it’s the change in perspective that makes that Henry look bigger. Or if there are indeed two Henrys. Don isn’t sure, either. There were no babies this year as far as I can tell. We would have seen them scampering about near the shed.
My next door neighbor tells me she has groundhogs living under her shed, as well.
Then, late in the day, we sat on the porch and rocked on the glider.
Do any of you watch Endeavor on PBS? Each season has only four episodes and Sunday’s was a cliffhanger! Now we have to wait another year to see what happens. Don tells me they are currently filming the next and final season. And the final season of Inspector Lewis starts in a week or so.
Happy Wednesday.
Good morning Claudia. I chuckled about the laundry, now that is real life! I love brown eyed Daisy’s too but a lot of mine have disappeared. I will have to add more next year. Enjoy your day.
Where did they go, I wonder? Thanks, Doris!
Everything looks so pretty there, Claudia. Well pampered. Nice that you have some bunnies feeling safe there.
The littlest bunny often keeps on eating even if we’re nearby. He is so cute!
If you can keep succulents going you are doing much better than I am. The only ones that survive here are Mom’s hen & chicks that take no care whatsoever. They don’t mind little water, a lot of water, heat or even the occasional snow and freezing temps. They just grow and spread.
That reminds me, I have a hen and chicks that is under one of the boxwoods – I wonder if it’s still there this year?
Hmm, perhaps a mini “Henry’s Bistro” might be a fun future project..
I’ve been watching “Endeavour” and like learning about the early Morse, but I like Inspector Lewis too. “Is that Cats, sir?” (from an early Morse episode) has been a running joke in our house for years.
I watched most of Morse when it first aired, but we just found it on Netflix and may start watching it again.
I have no luck with indoor plants. I planted a little succulent garden in a dish last year, but it didn’t last very long. The tale of the two Henrys would make a fun children’s story!
It would! The Two Henrys could go on lots of adventures!
I had some black eyed susies but they are gone now. I think if I ever have a memory garden blackeye susies would be a part of it in memory of my grandmother. I remember them going outside the door to her house. I think I like the pink daylilies better than the orange daylilies. But then the color orange brings back bad memories for me. LOL. Maybe if you can find it (if you haven’t seen it yet) is Brokenwood mysteries. So far there are only two seasons. Boo-hoo. Our favorite is the one with golf. Going to be another hot couple of days again. I am looking forward to Fall.
I’ll keep my eye out for Brokenwood, Trina. Hot here, too. I just sat on the porch for a bit because it will be too hot to do it later in the day.
I had to laugh when you mentioned that the only staging was moving Don’s unmentionables! So glad I was between swallows of coffee!
I love black eyed Susans! They are our state flower here in Maryland. A fun fact is the blanket of BE Susans that adorns the winner of the Preakness, is in fact not made of BE Susans because they are not yet in bloom when the race is run in May. They used to paint the center of daisies but now use a type of mum.
By the way they are biennial but will normally self seed. Have a happy Wednesday!
They must be perennial for me, because they’ve been back every year (in their original place in the garden.) So I guess I’m really lucky!
As to TV shows, I forgot to mention I am looking forward to the season premiere of Mr Robot this evening!
I love your impromptu shots of your cottage interiors—especially when they include that fantastic green clock! I have big time green clock envy! Also love the British crime dramas. Your lavender daylilies are beautiful! That color must be quite rare. Hedgehogs and bunnies…oh my. So uh to be thankful for.
So MUCH to be thankful for!
Yes, I could spend hours (and do) watching their activities right outside my window.
I love this shot of your home. I feel like I could sit right down with a cup of coffee and chat for hours with you and Don. Just about too hot to do much here right now. I’ve never heard of Endeavor but will check it out. I’m trying to just enjoy these Lazy Days of Summer!
You are welcome any time, my friend. There’s nothing I’d like more!
Hi Claudia! Loved this post. The lily is GORGEOUS as is everything else. Thanks for brightening up my day!!
You are most welcome, Mamey!
Thanks for taking out the underwear! I have a problem with succulents, when I mix different varieties in the same pot. So…now I have multiple pots…seems to work better for me. And yes…I’m an Endeavor fan…although, I still have 3 episodes to watch! So, I’m not happy to hear we have a cliff hanger….oh well! Enjoy your day…it’s really stifling here! Storms later! ;)
Stifling here as well- storms tomorrow!
Two groundhogs! I think we are still at one, but he (Steve) is HUGE. We love Endeavor, Morris and Inspector Lewis. All of those shows are so well written. Last Sunday’s episode of Endeavor was excellent!
It was, wasn’t it? We gasped out loud a couple of times!
Never fun when a fave TV series ends. Too many I’ve enjoyed also seem to not make it beyond a season or two.
Love your sunny kitchen; your cottage gets some good natural light.
It does. We have a lot of windows.
Watch Endeavor I should say yes…I watch Sunday night and then on Tuesday night. I am expecting my copy the end of August. I will watch again too. I am glad they will be filming another series, I hope they include an episode with Morse’s other mentor McNutt. Remember he is in the episode when Morse thinks the Masons are after him! Did you like Hathaway on previous episode, lets tie everything together. I did not notice Collin Dexter in the last two Endeavor episodes I hope I just missed him, and he is fine. Stay cool, it is awful here in RI, I am going to daughter’s in Nh Thursday hoping it is cooler up near Mt Washington. Stay cool!
I think you know more about Endeavor than I do. I’ll have to go back and look for Colin Dexter!
We really enjoy Endeavor. I’m looking forward to Inspector Lewis, but am sad that it’s going to be the last season. We have a groundhog, possums and unfortunately a skunk! We have to be careful going outside after dark because of the skunk. The other night we were rudely awakened because of the smell!
Oh, we used to have a skunk in San Diego – he would run under the house and the smell would drive us nuts. It would go on for days, everything, including clothes, smelled like skunk. And Winston and Scout got skunked, too!
What an oasis of calm! Both in and outdoors. I’m a fan of Endeavour and Lewis too, and own the entire set of Morse DVDs, which I binge-watched a couple of years ago. Wasn’t it weird when Thursday coughed up that bullet? Is that even possible??
That was one of our gasp moments! Actually, I’m pretty sure it IS possible.
Loved the pictures, especially your living room! So inviting! What is your secret with the impatience? I have them this year and mine look no where near as good as yours. I have them on my back porch and they have very few blooms. As for succulents, I have found almost no water works wonders for mine. I have some pots in the full sun (I live in Georgia) and they are thriving. Hope that helps some.
They need shade, which is why they do so well on my very shady front porch. That’s all the info I can give you. If they’re out in the sun, they’ll wilt – or you’ll have to water them a lot.
I thought for sure that was the last Endeavour! It seemed so final. My hubby and I started watching the Inspector Morse series and if the first episode is anything to go by, Morse remained clueless as to how to let women know how he feels…
He sure does, Leanne! Apparently that character trait lived on into his older years.