Well, lookee here! Despite the assault by the deer, we have a morning glory!
It hadn’t completely opened when I took this photo. I’ve seen a few buds on this segment of morning glories – these are the plants that the deer dined upon. The other morning glories are nearer to the kitchen door and they have quite a few buds. It rained yesterday, so I’ll spray them with the natural deer repellent again today.
A happy sight to see as I looked outside this morning.
We spent a fair amount of time this morning watching the light show on the kitchen ceiling. We figured out that it was coming from the chrome on Stella. The sunlight was hitting the corner of the stove. It was rather amazing.
I doesn’t take much to entertain us.
It’s quite cool this morning, but sunny. I am this close to finishing The Book of Bones by John Connolly. I’ll probably finish it after I write this post. It’s excellent, as I’ve come to expect from this writer. But it’s not for the faint of heart. Connolly’s books are always intense and a wee bit gory.
Not sure what I’ll pick next, but I look forward to seeing what it will be.
I’m running late this morning, so I’ll close on that note.
Happy Friday.
Claudia – I love how you recognize and celebrate each flower in your garden! I have deer issues with the plantings in my yard, so I can sympathize how important a survivor from the deer’s browsing can be. The morning glory is lovely!
Thank you so much, Carol!
Yay, morning glory! I’ve had a couple already, but they were so small and opened just as the sun was setting—just a really weird garden year we’re having. Lovely photos!
It is a strange year for sure. When do you head back to Florida? October?
Yup, first or second week of October.
I thought so. Enjoy the lake in the meantime.
Ah…a survivor…glad to hear you have more than one to celebrate. Beautiful morning glory! I love an indoor light show, too. And, speaking of being entertained….
We had an interesting encounter with a hummingbird this morning. Jim grabbed the hummingbird feeder to be cleaned and filled. (The feeder is located on the deck which is off our kitchen.). And I guess I was taking too long…because the hummingbird was chatting to me through the kitchen window, as if to get me to move a little faster! I don’t know if he was watching or not…but it sure seemed so. Because as soon as Jim replaced the feeder, my little friend was right there taking a drink. That was a delight!
Enjoy your day! ;)
That is the most wonderful story! I just love it! You have a relationship with your little hummer!
Morning glory, my favorite – makes me so happy to see. Thanks
Me too. Thanks, Martha!
That color is gorgeous! And what a lovely shot of your kitchen and Stella. It’s hard to imagine your kitchen without her. It’s like she was made for your home.
I know. It’s hard to remember what it looked like before! Thanks, Deb.
Love your light show. A special gift!
Yes – pretty magical! Thanks, Jeanie.
beautiful! from morning glory to glorious Stella and her stellar surprise on the ceiling!
notice the little play on words there? LOL! I’m obviously easily entertained too.
just ask me. XO :D
I love your play on words, Tammy! Bravo!
:D thanks so much dear bean. have a fabulous weekend!!!
I’m so glad you get to enjoy some morning glory blooms!!!
Thank you Betsy!
What I love about you and your blog is that you are comfortable in your own skin and are grateful for the blessings in your life. Too many people are so busy trying to get what everyone has and they are never satisfied with the things with which they have been blessed. Our homes reflect our personalities and it seems so sad and exhausting to forever be chasing someone else’s dreams. It makes me happy to see the joy you take in the simplest of things and the excitement when you discover a “find” for the house.
I loved the folk art doll house and your quilts. The pansy quilt is my favorite.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Christine. They mean a great deal.
I love that Pansy Quilt. I only wish I had wall space on which to hang it. But I don’t.
We are getting very heavy rains in Michigan now. So humid also. I love morning glories.
I planted two small plants, each one under an antique crib head/foot board, only 4 feet apart.
One has the straggliest greens, but has been blooming. The twin is lush and full and not a bud on it! The deer chopped them both down early on, along with my phlox, rose bushes, OUCH! How can they chew on those thorns? Happy gardener anyway.
I’ve never understood how they can chew anything with thorns! Thanks, Penny.
The second photo is wonderful, the way it shows the folds of the morning glory.
Thank you, Lynda!
the colors of your morning glory are incredible, especially the center (inside) … looks to be glowing! your garden photos really should be published!
what you called being easily entertained (by the light show), i see as you recognizing and being grateful for blessings in your life. :)
glad you enjoyed your day, finishing a good book and then starting another (hopefully good) one.
kathy in iowa
Ah, thank you, Kathy!
This is the first year my garden doesnt have any morning glory blooming – I miss that lovely blue. I am very impressed withe size of the snake plant in your kitchen – it is amazing!
Well, it is on a box, but it’s still very tall. It was my parents’ plant and they had it for over 40 years. Thanks Liz.
Stella was a gift you gave. yourselves that keeps on giving! Far beyond a mere stove. How wonderful that you found her. Someday I hope to have a kitchen that will accommodate a brightly colored vintage fridge and stove and some maybe a chrome 50s table, tho I’m quite a bit too heavy for vintage chairs so that might not be the best choice. I love old linens too, whether printed or hand embroidered. Really, these modern granite/steel operating room looking kitchens are not my cup of tea. I love yours, tho, especially with the light show!
She is the best, that’s for sure. I’d love a vintage-style refrigerator someday! I had a great chrome table when I lived in Cambridge. I have no idea what happened to it, darn it! It was in great shape.
I find all this granite and white and stainless steel endless and boring! Thanks, Nora.