Thanks so much for all your kind and supportive comments about the roof garden. Caroline read them all last night – I saw her at her desk, reading the blog on her laptop – and she was quite pleased. Since her house was just published in a magazine, she’s been basking in the glow of all the publicity. I think she’s quite proud of the way it looks.
I know I am.
I can’t remember the name of this day lily, but I have several of them growing in the side garden. This year, they’re super tall and gorgeous. I’ll have to check my plant labels, which are stashed away in my garden journal.
I see purple flowers emerging on the liatris (also in the side garden.)
White day lilies – blooming in the… you guessed it… side garden.
We have a theme for today’s post.
All of the garden beds look rather exuberant at the moment. The plants are lush, somewhat out of control in a good way, and colorful. The endless rain we had this spring and early summer has paid off in more blooms than I can ever remember in the almost ten years we’ve lived here.
I just love the midsummer when my gardens are at their peak.
And also in the side garden.
Several of you asked about future dollhouse projects. Even though all the major elements have been finished for Hummingbird Cottage, I’ll still be tweaking and adding things. There are little details that are dancing about in my head: towel racks, toilet paper holders, a shelf for the Roseville Pottery, an easy chair for the studio, lamps….
However, this week has been a creative one for me (and isn’t that the nicest feeling?) which always seems to generate more creative ideas and I have two projects in mind. One I’ve already mentioned; a smaller Chautauqua-like cottage. The other project idea came to me this week and I can’t wait to get started on it. But it’s a secret, so I’ll have share details with you on the sly. It involves someone who lives with me and that person, though he doesn’t read the blog every day, does stop in now and then. More will be revealed. Think one room: music, hideaway, instruments, recording, retreat/studio.
Can’t wait to get started!
Edited to add: Just found out that one of the victims of the horrific shootings in Chattanooga was the nephew of my dear lifelong friend Debbie. Words fail me. Such pain, such a senseless killing. When will it end?
Happy Friday.
Lovely photos. I always think of lilies as being quite extravagant – when does the event begin?
Saddened by yesterday’s headlines. My friends and I were talking about it yesterday and realized that none of us have ever seen a gun except on TV (and we live in bear country).
I’ve seen guns, unfortunately. I fervently hope I never see one again!
I am so very, very sorry that you were given such sad news. It was another senseless and horrific happening – I think we all are shattered a little bit more when these shootings occur. Life has become very cruel and we are losing so many dear people who have done no wrong to anyone. I hate hearing/reading the news stories these days because I feel so helpless after the initial shock – it all adds so much stress to our lives, and hurts our hearts, over and over again.
Meanwhile, your garden is obviously giving much pleasure this Summer Claudia – enjoy the lovely flowers. Mine is sad with temps. still in high 90’s daily and no rain to speak of – we’ve kinda given up I’m afraid – what survives we’ll embrace, the remainder will have to be replaced come a cooler season.
Happy weekend to you all – Mary x
Yes, we do feel utterly helpless. It’s so heartbreaking.
So sorry about high temps and no rain – that’s not a good combination, I know!
I have the same problem. We had a lot of new plants last year and several haven’t been able to make it in the drought/sadistic temps. It happened to be our one shot in this life (in terms of finances) for a major yard overhaul so it’s making me feel bitter, which I have to curb and remember to count my blessings and be glad for what we DID accomplish and what plants/trees are doing their best. We water, with the limited amount we’re allowed here in SoCal but it’s not enough and I mourn not only the loss of the plants I carefully chose but also the plain waste of money. It’s very sad and makes a person feel a mix of emotion (frustration, sadness, etc.) to see the trees and plants in the whole area of SoCalif suffering so much; dead front lawns everywhere, town to town. But, in light of other headlines, I’m thinking to myself, well, a plant is just a plant; somehow, eventually, it can be replaced. You can’t replace a human life. Perspective…while I pray for peace, along with rain…
It’s very sad. I would be very upset to see my plants die because of a drought, Vicki. You are in my thoughts, my friend.
Thank you. You made me feel better when I’m disheartened today about a lot of stuff, as are we all. The best thing I did was get out of the house…and do about seven errands in the blazing heat, so now I’m exhausted. Our ‘temperature marquee’ in town, which is always slightly on the high side, read 106 degrees at 4:30pm and I know we were cooler than that but not by much. I wasn’t going to go into my local thrift store, but I was right across the street and the temptation was too great…but, oh wow, was I pleased…I got the most beautiful 12″x16″ piece of ‘art’ you can imagine. It’s a pressed jacaranda tree leaf on lovely homemade paper, really high quality, nicely framed with a professionally-cut mat in a complementary color…for $2. What a nice thing; jacarandas are my very most favorite tree (blue-purple blooms here, come late April to late July, even in a drought! That’s a tree I planted last year that IS doing great guns!
I’m aware that I’m droning on and on too much on your blog about our drought; I’m sorry, but it just permeates our every day so much out here. For the 10th time or more, Claudia, be glad you are not in San Diego. Just come instead another year when Don needs a visit! I subscribe to a lot of weather blogs (I know, I’m weather-obsessed!) and there’s a young guy who is so bright…a meteorologist who owns a blog called Weather West. I think he’s working on his PhD at Stanford and I don’t remember how I found him but his periodic weather analyses are comprehensive and interesting; I’m hanging on to his every word…because, he says it’s looking more promising that El Nino rains WILL come to us, maybe as early as 4 to 5 months from now.
Thanks again for your kind thoughts; you’re the best, Claudia!
I must be really fatigued to put the word ‘guns’ in any sentence (above comment). I offended myself and I hope I didn’t offend anybody else. What a faux pas. I hate guns. When my dad died, I got rid of every last one of them with the police department’s help. He never killed animals but he was a decorated marksman in the army and earlier in his life had enjoyed shooting at mechanical targets but that time had long passed for him and I was relieved to give up those weapons to the authorities.
I hate them, too.
Loved all the dollhouse blogs…would love to read more on how you got started and some advice for someone who is interested in starting out on a miniatures adventure.
Thanks for the suggestion, Cindy. I’ll file that away and talk about in a post. Although, I think there is a post somewhere about that very thing. I’ll look for it and provide the link soon.
Oh Claudia, what sad news. I was stunned yesterday as I heard the news about the shooting. I had just done a post about my Dad and his career as a Marine and then that. Senseless!!! Why oh why have we become such an angry, intolerant and violent society. My heart breaks.
I envy you your garden and how lush it is. I know it brings Joy to you,
It does bring joy to me and sense of peace, which given the news of the world and in Chattanooga, is very important.
Such sadness. Will definitely be praying for your friend Debbie and their entire family.
Thank you, Debbie.
Such sad news yesterday…all this hatred, it has to stop. Your flowers are beautiful…all that rain has paid off well. It’s rather hot and sticky here…lots of rain this week too. But the blooming flowers are our reward! ;)
It seems as if hatred is everywhere, and politicians don’t help with the amount of invective they spew. The quality of discourse has sharply declined.
We all need something that brings us happiness and peace in our live and yesterday’s news proves exactly why we need this. Knitting and sitting at the lake do it for me. Your garden and dollhouse are your “happy places”. This world seems to be spiraling out of control at an alarming rate. I’ll be adding your friend to my prayers along with all of the families affected by this tragic shooting.
It does seem to be spiraling out of control. Thank you for your prayers, Betsy.
The flowers are beautiful. I can just wander around the yard and feel some joy and peace in each and every flower. We do all need something to do that for us in this craziness going on and on.
The political world around us ~ those vying to be our President / our Leader ~ seem to spew anger and fear every day. None of them saying how we can get better ~ except by screaming that we will kill everyone and anyone in our path who doesn’t see things the “right” way, and then, the assumption being, that all will finally be well. I have such a hard time distinguishing the “them” from the “us” in these scenarios. And no one speaks of “we”. Not sure when hating became the national past-time, but if it doesn’t somehow change, these days will just become routine in our daily lives as we will continue to harden to all of it just to survive. I seriously don’t understand it.
Very well said, Chris. I couldn’t have said it better.
I almost couldn’t read about it. Not another shooting. Not again. Is any place safe?
What is mind-blowing to me is the journey of the young teen escaping the plane crash in the northwest. I try to think of myself at that age…could I have been as resourceful? I was so naive about too many things as a teen; just very sheltered.
The Chautauqua mini will be a whole new adventure; can’t wait to see what you do with it!
I don’t think there is any truly safe place anymore, Vicki. I’d like to believe there is. But far too many horrific things have happened in the most mundane of places. Very, very sad.
Much sympathy to your friend on the loss of her nephew. It’s getting to a point where there just aren’t words any more for all this senseless violence. It’s getting harder and harder to be hopeful about the world too, isn’t it? But maybe the best way to fight all this is to do just that – be hopeful about the world. Take care and enjoy your weekend. :>)
We can’t lose hope, of that I am sure, though it’s very easy to feel hopeless when things like this happen, Janet. Have a great weekend.
I need your opinion which I value. If you were starting on a new house (which I see you probably are) would you buy a put together kit or ready made or what? From which of your many sources listed would you consider purchasing the house itself
thank you so much
The first time I started, I didn’t want to put together a house. I wanted something already built that I could re-hab and fix up. And I got it on Craig’s List for $30. Lots of work, but fun work. But this time around I’ll probably build one – very time consuming, but I think I want that challenge.
You can get kits on most miniature sites. The most popular kits are made by Real Good Toys and Greenleaf. You can definitely buy them on or any number of online sites. Or you can purchase one through a store like Chautauqua Miniatures. Or you can buy them direct from RGT or Greenleaf.
It all depends on what you prefer. Putting one together is pretty painstaking work. Buying one already built (if it’s new) can be very expensive. If it’s used, you can get a pretty good deal.
thank you :)
just read your add on… so sorry :( Please send my hug and sympathy to your friend Debbie. So senseless and hard to absorb. Blessings to her family and all the families suffering today due to the shooting.
Thanks, Sue.
We live in Georgia just over the state line from Chattanooga. To say we are stunned is an understatement. I do not believe anyone of us is safe if this could happen here. Has put an entirely new perspective on my views. Evidently, the shooter was a nice guy (several former classmates have called him “kind”) who put up no red flags. It is just unbelievable. Your garden looks beautiful. We certainly needed the peaceful, beautiful pictures today.
We definitely need some peace right now, Dottie.
Your plans sound intriguing and looking forward to your sharing them with us.
I’m sorry the shooting death of your friend’s nephew brings the horrific situation even closer and more personal. Sending healing thoughts to you and Debbie’s family. What waste hate and violence beget. Go hug Don and Scout and be thankful.
Very thankful. And heartbroken for those who were killed and the families and friends left behind.
Hi, does Caroline really have a computer/laptop?
Yes, she does. It’s on the desk in the studio/office! A Mac, of course.
The side garden must be gorgeous when you step back and see it all together..I just bought some white cone-flowers recently and they are so pretty…I’m sure there are many little tweaks that you can do with Hummingbird Cottage..Caroline certainly should be proud of all this attention her sweet little home is getting….I feel so sorry for Debbie and her family and all of the others..I am beginning to hate watching the news because of all of the shootings..but then I know that burying your head does not make it go away..People are place seems safe..What has happened to our country…Why are so many becoming so violent towards people they don’t even know…..As the great talent Marvin Gaye asked….”What’s Going On”…and even he was taken away by a gun..sigh….
White flowers are so pretty!
And yes, so much violence. So much hate. And too many readily available weapons.
It is so sad to read and hear about this news. Claudia… I’m so sorry for the loss of life, knowing someone personally, that was a victim of this tragedy… I can’t fathom. I’m sending condolences, through you, to your friends and the loss of the nephew. I’m heart broken. For them and for the country.
As for your side yard. It is a peaceful quiet haven…in turbulent times. We don’t stick our heads in the sand and pretend– but we can step into the garden and find solace… nearer to God in the garden. It is a beautiful place to send up thoughts, reflections and prayers.
Grace and Peace friend.
We all need our secret place that brings us a modicum of peace. My gardens, a good book, my husband and dog, and the dollhouse all provide that at one time or another. xo