Not a whole lot of snow on the ground and what’s there is heavy and wet. It’s currently still snowing, so we might get a half inch more this morning. That being said, what worries me is the nor’easter that is being forecast for Monday into Tuesday. That could come with 8 or 9 inches of snow. I know I said yesterday that I was fine with some snow, but a nor’easter is an entirely different animal. High winds, dangerous, and lots of heavy wet snow on the trees and plants. I’m praying that particular forecast changes, though our crack local weather guys seem to think it’s going to happen. I’d love to see it move east and head out to the ocean.
Fortunately, we have a freshly baked apple pie which should take us through Tuesday. Fingers crossed.
I’m nearing the end of the A Killing of Innocents by Deborah Crombie. As always with Crombie, the book is excellent. Then I’ll start Shrines of Gaiety by Kate Atkinson, another favorite author.
And this sucker is almost finished:
I have to fit in all the border pieces on each side. I’ve already begun. It’s pretty tedious.
We finished watching Season 4 of Unforgotten. We were completely shocked at the ending. I can’t stop thinking about it this morning. Season 5 is airing in Great Britain, according to Dee Dee. I know it will be a while until it airs here and I’ll need it to recover from the end of this season! If you had been here, you would have heard gasps from both of us.
Have a great Saturday.
Stay safe.