I finished this puzzle yesterday morning – Bethesda Fountain in Central Park. I have another one on the way and it should arrive while I’m in NYC today.
I mowed several sections of our extended lawn yesterday. It felt good to get out there and mow but pushing through all the leaves took a bit more “oomph.” There’s still quite a bit to mow and then…we’ll see if we have to mow again. We’re getting rain for the next couple of days so we might well have to.
The other day, a woodpecker flew right up to one of the windows in the den and looked in. I said hello. Then he flew up into the maple tree.
I’m writing this early as I have to get ready to head on into the city for a 2 pm matinee of A Man of No Importance. I’m looking forward to seeing it again because I love this production so much and also because the director, John Doyle, makes a lot of changes during previews and it’s been almost two week since I’ve seen it. It will be exciting to see those changes.
Another day of wearing a mask for 7+ hours. But I’m happy to do it.
Thanks for all your lovely responses to the interview! I really appreciate each and every one.
Okay. I have to start getting ready.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.