Puzzle on pause as I wait for my back to improve.
I’m not going to lie. I’m down today. I had difficulty sleeping because of back pain. I’m very saddened by the state of the world and this country. Governors using immigrants as pawns, shipping them off to blue states without explaining to them what is happening. Seeing notices about dogs about to be euthanized in shelters. People lying and cheating and saying deplorable things. The entire group of bots and racists tweeting terrible lies about Meghan Markle. They’re despicable.
Men telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies.
A snarky comment on my sister’s blog that infuriates me.
I see this stuff every day but it seems to be hitting me especially hard today.
Where did this vileness (is that a word?) come from?
You don’t have to answer. We’ve talked about this before here on the blog.
I’m just letting you know what today is like for me. I’m a pretty positive person, so I’ll pull out of this soon.
I think I’ll lose myself in a good spy thriller. And have another cup of coffee.
Don’t worry, all is well.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.