The adventures of Wren:
I’m not sure how happy Bertie is about this…
Exploring the property.
Well, Friday is here, and hopefully, we’ll have less wind. It was non-stop for two days, driving me crazy. I have so much to do outside! Don tells me it’s supposed to be sunny for the next three days, with gradually warming temperatures.
Don and I went for a spontaneous drive yesterday. A simple one, really, just a drive around our town. But it made a huge difference in my attitude. He was right – getting out was a good idea. Then we came back and my better half made an incredible burrito. Later, we finished the apple pie.
A good day.
I’m a bit more than halfway through The Dark Hours, by Michael Connelly. Excellent, as always. While on our little drive, we stopped at the library and I picked up the other books that were waiting for me: A Change of Circumstance by Susan Hill, and Something to Hide by Elizabeth George. George’s books are extremely long so I’ll probably read that one last, as all of these books have due dates. I’ll probably read the Susan Hill next, then the Horowitz, and then…maybe I’ll get to the George.
Don is getting ready to start in on his photography gig again, which grounded to a halt during the pandemic. He’ll be working the Farmer’s Market again this year, but that doesn’t start up until June. In the meantime, he has to reacquaint himself with the Crown Graphic, so I suspect I will be in some test photos.
And that’s it for today. Fingers crossed that I can get outside and do some more garden bed clearing.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.