Gosh, the rain was torrential and went on and on – all day and all night long. I think we got at least 2 inches.
Now the sun is out, giving us a one-day respite until it rains again tomorrow morning.
We got our boosters and are having the usual reactions – Don usually feels a bit achey and tired. I am always super tired for a couple of hours. My arm is sore, but not as sore as usual. We also stopped at the grocery store nearby and picked up a few things.
Wren and a couple of birds.
My back is getting better every day. Yesterday was a particularly good day. Nevertheless, I’m being very careful and mindful throughout the day. I want it fully healed so I can work outside. Don’s shoulder is much, much better.
The highlight of yesterday was the confirmation vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson. Cheers were heard in the Hill-Sparks house. Something good happened and our country is miles better for it.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.