It’s the simple things, really, that lift our spirits. I could tell Don was feeling restless yesterday. It was a lovely sunny spring day and at one point he said “Let me know if you want to take a drive.” So we did. We drove a little south of our cottage to get some Five Guys french fries. (I also quickly stopped at the bookstore and bought an inexpensive magazine.)
We rarely treat ourselves to these fries, but yesterday seemed like a good day to do so. We ate the fries in our car, did some people watching, and had a great conversation. It was lovely. I highly recommend having a lunch consisting solely of french fries every so often.
We felt refreshed.
My back is getting better – it is at its worst when I first wake up in the morning, but I’m recovering much more quickly from the initial pain and the rest of the day is fairly easy. But I’m still being careful because outdoor work is just around the corner and I want to be able to move freely.
Imogen getting ready to take Bertie for a walk.
Zoe wearing a new deer headband that arrived in yesterday’s mail. A wonderful woman from Spain makes these and I asked her long time ago to add me to her waiting list. She contacted me a few weeks ago to say it was my turn to choose what I wanted and I went with something fairly simple but charming. A deer seemed perfect, given how much we love deer around here,
It’s really beautifully made.
Zoe was very eager to try it on.
I swear, the cuteness in Blythe world is amazing.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.