That’s all I have for today. I’m praying for the people of Ukraine.
I have friends in Russia who are against this war. I have friends in Ukraine who now live in fear.
This must stop.
Stay safe.
Life in our little cottage in the country
at by Claudia
That’s all I have for today. I’m praying for the people of Ukraine.
I have friends in Russia who are against this war. I have friends in Ukraine who now live in fear.
This must stop.
Stay safe.
at by Claudia
5 – 8 inches? More? It’s looking like Thursday night and Friday are going to test us. They’re no longer saying the word ‘ice’ but the amount of snow predicted is growing – rather alarmingly.
And the box of egg cups that Country Living has sent back via UPS is supposed to arrive on Friday.
Oh boy.
By the way, I heard more bird song later in the day yesterday and I saw a Carolina Wren near the bird bath and then he flew back up into the trailer – again. I’m trying to remember what happened last year. I seem to remember that the male will show the female at least three different possibilities and then she’ll choose the one she likes best. So…even though I’m seeing them check it out, it doesn’t mean they’ll nest there. And, of course, it’s a long time between the end of February and April. I can’t get my hopes up. Sob.
No sign of them today.
The new puzzle is tricky, but I like a challenge.
Don has to go to the eye doctor today for his shot. He’s insisting on driving himself. I keep offering to drive him, but for some reason, he wants to do it himself today. Okay!
Yesterday’s photo. Looks like Zoe’s hair got caught on her eyelashes! Heavens, she has a beautiful face.
Thank you for all your wonderful comments about Don’s YouTube channel. I read each and every one of them to him and he was so pleased! He thanks you.
He’s pretty darned talented.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
at by Claudia
I started a new one, but didn’t get very far! The border is all in the same pattern and it’s hard to figure out what piece goes where. It’s a handful.
This morning, I heard several different birds singing in the vicinity of the porch. It’s so heartening to hear birdsong at this point in the winter. I heard the Carolina Wren singing before I opened the blinds and I couldn’t find it anywhere on the porch. Later, I heard it again and I peeked through the blinds that face the big maple tree and there were two Carolina Wrens going in the the trailer/nest! Whoo hoo! They’re definitely checking out available real estate. I ran to tell Don and then I looked out at the trailer from the living room, but they’d disappeared.
I wonder if they’re completely different birds than the couple who inhabited the nest last year? Or are they the same mom and pop?
Even though it’s winter, they clearly know something is about to change.
That being said, we’re due for 5 – 8 inches of snow on Friday and I can’t tell you how depressed that makes me. My only comfort is that it will melt during the following week. But it will take a while and right now we have no snow on the ground. Dang it!
Don has started a YouTube channel where he does what he calls his ‘Car Concerts.’ So far he’s posted five songs and I think he’ll post another five today. He used to post them on Facebook, but he likes this idea better. If you’re interested in hearing my talented husband sing some of his songs, you can find him here. (He likes the acoustics of the car.)
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
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