The CR-V left us yesterday. All of our worries about getting her started and was she drivable or would she have to be towed were for naught. The guys from the station jumped the battery, started her up with no trouble, and in less than about 5 minutes, she was gone.
All rather anti-climatic, as I said my goodbyes a few weeks ago, sitting in the car, making sure we were leaving nothing behind. I found some seashells from our last visit to California, found some spare change in the one of the compartments.
She was very rusty – everywhere – and had been for a long time. We bought her in California, where snow and road salt aren’t an issue, so she had no undercoating. That initial purchase was made because we were about to move across the country and my beloved red Honda Civic Hatchback would not have been practical. Don was driving the truck with all our belongings. I had to transport two dogs. So we picked out a CR-V that was already on the lot. She carried Winston, Scout, and me on our first journey from California to NY State, Scout on the backseat, Winston on the passenger seat. They were surprisingly good travelers, those two. She was our main car for most of our 20 years out here in the East. Yes, we had her for twenty years. She was unbelievably dependable for most of those years, though she was declining a bit when Don said he was going to drive her back across the country a few years ago to work on Margaritaville in La Jolla, CA. I tried to talk him out of it, but he was determined.
Don got to do what he had always wanted to do, drive Route 66 at the age of 66.
And then, after his run there, she took us on our journey up the coast of California and back across the country to NY.
She transported lots of tables and chairs and vintage furniture and dollhouses and plants and groceries and antiques.
She carried our dogs to roads where we would park and take them for a walk or on an adventure. She carried them to vet appointments. And she carried all three of our beloved dogs to the places where we would make the decision to ease their pain and let them go.
So many memories. So much life and love, especially with our babies. Twenty years, over 250,000 miles, dependable and true. Thank you, CR-V.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.