Running a bit late this morning as we were sitting on the sofa in the living room and I noticed a bird flying back and forth. I thought he was going to the birdbath but then I realized that he was building a nest in this:
Do you remember Don placing this way up high in a niche in the maple? It’s meant to be used for a nest. It was there all last year with no activity, but this year? I think we have potential tenants. I say ‘potential’ because nothing is happening at the moment. Were they scared off by our excited voices inside the house? I took this with my big girl camera but before that I had only my phone and if you look closely at this blurry photo below, you can see the bird either coming in or out of the opening.
I hope they stay!
Still no activity. I can see the little trailer right outside the den window as I write this. I can’t tell exactly what kind of bird it was – there was no time to capture it digitally. Maybe a wren?
Anyway, we got very excited by the prospect of some neighbors. Fingers crossed!
As to numbering the posts, I’m still not sure. We’ll hit our two-week mark on April 14th. But, you’re right, the pandemic continues. On one hand, after 13 years of writing a post every day, I always find it rather a pain to come up with any post title, so the numbering has been a nice break from all of that. On the other hand, I don’t want it to continue for months. I’ll simply wait and see how I feel. Thanks so much for weighing in!
We ended up pruning the burning bush yesterday, which was time consuming and tiring, as it’s quite tall. I started raking out some of the big garden bed and taking loads of debris to the pile by the shed. Today, I’m going to go a little easier and simply pot the pansies. The weather has been glorious – highs of 70 degrees and abundant sunshine.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.