Another photo from the other night. Gorgeous.
We got our tree yesterday. It’s really lovely. No decorations or lights yet, as we’re giving it time to settle. Photos will be coming, of course. They’re ridiculously expensive but Don still wants a real tree, so we consider the tree our Christmas gift to each other.
We also removed both window a/c units, which is heavy work. We packed them up and put them in the shed. (Our backs were complaining by the afternoon.) At the same time, we stacked the bins of Christmas ornaments on the floor and we’ll bring them inside later today.
It was a busy day and I’m glad we finally dealt with the air conditioners – something we seem to be doing a bit later every year. I’ll bring the furniture cushions in from the porch today and we’ll carefully move the egg cup cubby so we can stow them under the stairs. Since we don’t want to move the cubby more than twice a year, this will also be the time when Don switches out a guitar (yes, in addition to all the guitars upstairs in the office, Don has a couple stored under the stairs.)
We’ll put lights on the tree this afternoon. Hurrah!
Queen for the Day: Katie.
And four more:
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.