Oh, hello, hollyhocks! There’s another flower about to open, which I am sure will happen later today as we are in for sun, high temps, and high humidity. In other words, the a/c will be turned on early in the day. Right now, it’s a bit humid, but cool enough to stroll around the property and take some pictures.
The milkweed is blooming. There are more plants than ever; so many, in fact, that I might have to thin them out next year. They’re taking over part of the big garden bed. The monarchs won’t come along until later in the summer.
The Secret Garden this morning. More than anywhere else on the property, the changes in light throughout the day are amazing. The rocks almost look like a wall here – but they’re not.
I’ve made Don promise to take a break today from hoeing, tending to his paths, getting rocks, etc. And I’m going to make him stick to it. He really loves working outdoors (new-found, I might add) and I’m happy that it is not only keeping him busy, but is making a big difference on the property. BUT, it’s going to be too hot and humid to do any of that and I have to rein him in. It’s as if our roles have been reversed. I used to be the one that had to be reined in and Don was constantly telling me to “stop and come in the house!” Now, I’m the one doing it.
We are going to make of goal our watching all eleven seasons of Cheers before July 1st, when it disappears from Netflix. I think we have ten more to go.
I’m enjoying Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz, one of my favorite mystery writers.
The puzzle is making me crazy at the moment. I have all of the edge pieces and am so close to being finished with that part of the process, but it’s not going together correctly. It’s maddening. I’m a bit under the weather, which isn’t helping my concentration. I’m hoping that later today I somehow figure it out.
Happy Father’s Day to my dad and Don’s dad and to Don, dad to all three of our dogs. And to all fathers out there.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.