Greetings from Command Central here at Mockingbird Hill Cottage.
You’ll notice my mug says “Patience.” I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot of it in the coming weeks. This will be a bit harder for Don, who likes to get out at least once or twice a day and is used to doing that. I already had to stop him from going to the grocery store this morning to get some more yogurt. I find myself reading updates to him out loud so that he truly gets it. But, along with that, I am also keeping away from too much information, too much news. We’re self-isolating. We are not having contact with anyone else.
I’ve noticed more and more bookshops closing for the next two weeks. It’s almost impossible to practice ‘social distancing’ in a bookshop. I urge you to help independent bookshops in this time of need. I bought books from both of our local bookshops at the end of last week and I ordered a book online from Oblong Books yesterday. I didn’t especially need that book right now, but I wanted to take some sort of positive action. Modest purchases, but I hope that money helps them out.
Our local schools are now closed for two weeks. The school system is going to feed those families who have children who depend on the schools for a hot meal. They’re also holding a food drive for those in need.
For every fool who thinks this doesn’t apply to him/her and is still congregating with other people, there are far more people who understand the enormity of this and are doing everything they can to protect themselves and others, and are also contributing to the local economy as best they can. We tried to check on our elderly neighbors yesterday, and have been doing so off-and-on since January, but every time we call, we get a fax sound. We think they’re most likely wintering with their children out West.
We’ll take a walk today (Don’s been doing that every day) and since we’re on a country road, social distancing won’t be an issue. Just need to get some exercise! I find my anxiety popping up here and there – it’s no wonder, I guess – but giving myself an activity helps.
Take care of yourselves. Don’t go out. If you are going out and don’t have to, please stop.
Happy Monday.