It is such a gloriously beautiful day out there that I’m going to make this post short and sweet. We just came in from sitting on the porch with our second cup of coffee and, after the constant gray skies and rain, this weather is like manna from heaven. I know that many of you understand because you’ve been dealing with the same thing. Rain almost every day since April. Three months of it. And, of course, we’re getting more later this week. But in the meantime, I’m feeling a slight breeze, the sun is shining, there’s no humidity, the birds are singing, two little rabbits were eating outside the kitchen this morning, the wind chimes I inherited from my mom and dad are tinkling softly, the gardens are lush and beautiful (and need weeding, but we won’t go there) and I plan to mow, which I love.
All good on this Saturday. And all desperately needed. I do feel that it restores my soul.
I looked down at the doves – they’re right next to my seat on the porch – and it looked like they were munching on the geraniums. Had to take a picture.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Saturday.