Glorious day yesterday! Sunshine all day long. Sunshine has been nearly nonexistent around here (and will be again for the next week or so). I took advantage of it and worked outside all day long. The temperature was mild, birds were singing all day long, I was potting plants on the porch – I felt content.
Then I went a bit too far and mowed the back forty at the end of the day.
I always take on a bit too much. Don could write a book about me “doing just one more thing.”
But I got a lot done. There’s more to be done today, weeding, laying out the top soil, sowing seeds, and just a tad more mulching.
Tomorrow is going to be a thunderstorm kind of day and I have to take my car in for an oil change. I deliberately scheduled it for a rainy day.
Just a few pictures from around the property. I’ll take some proper pictures of the porch soon, but by the time I was finished, it was late in the day.
As I was dumping debris on the pile near the shed, I saw these lilacs off in the woods. They’re on my neighbor’s property which flows right into ours. Anyway, we’ve lived here almost 14 years and I’ve never seen these before. I walked over there to investigate. They are on a branch that is at the top of an old lilac bush – the only part of the bush that’s blooming.
On that section of the property – just beyond ours, there are the remains of stone foundations in two different areas. I wonder if this was connected to those long ago buildings? There are also the remains of an enclosure for some sort of farm animal.
I wish I had a photo from long ago. It would be fascinating to see who lived there. It’s all overgrown now.
I’m convinced that if I left everything to itself, our property would become completely wild in a few years. Much of gardening is about trying to control something that is, by its nature, uncontrollable.
And just off from our shed – on our property – these lovely daffodils:
So many of them!
These same daffodils are in the big garden bed but for some reason this year, there are no blooms, just leaves. Go figure. There are lots of oddities this year: reliable perennials not emerging, less leaves on the climbing hydrangea, daffodils without blooms…I’m sure it’s due to the bizarre winter we had. I wish I knew more, but as I’ve said before, gardening has a mysterious element to it and you can’t always figure it out.
Happy Thursday.