My dears, I’m under the weather today with some intense sinus stuff, so I’m going to keep today’s post on the short side. I just need to hunker down and wait this out. A little dolly companionship is my prescription.
♦ The outside of the vintage dollhouse – the ‘Lake House’ – has been decorated. This year the owner used white wreaths found at Target. She discovered that they were larger in size than the green wreaths previously used, so they make more of an impact.
A sweet little deer is visiting on the porch. (An ornament from – once again – Target.)
Alas, the interior has not been decorated as I need to either make or find a tree that will work there. I would love to find a white or pink tree because the interior is so dark that one of the trees I make would be impossible to see. That’s for another day/year.
♦ An outfit that I ordered 2 months ago arrived in the mail the other day and Lucy volunteered to be the model.
Alas, after I posted it, I realized they were on backwards. Though they work either way. However, the pockets are supposed to be on the tush. (By the way, I would like to have a tree up all year round because photographing the girls by the tree is the best.)
The correct way:
♦ And a quick jaunt to the library yesterday revealed this:
Forsythia buds opening because the poor bushes are confused by this weather.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
drats to any illness! glad you have some fun things to do, just hope you feel better soon so you can enjoy them.
related to cute ornaments again found at target, a little story … when i was in high school, my sister and two friends worked at k-mart while i worked at target (first the snack bar, then shoes … ugh, then more ugh). didn’t take long for us to compare things, learn that k-mart paid its employees more and decide that we liked target’s merchandise better.
revising what i said yesterday about dove cottage being my favorite. that’s still true about furnishings, but of all your dollhouses (and with no disrespect to them or your obvious talent), i favor most the exterior and name of the lake house. love!
just like all day yesterday, we have a lovely solid gray sky here this morning. hope we get rain all day … much needed.
hope you all have a good day and nice weekend. stay safe, be well.
I hope you do indeed take it easy today, and feel better very soon, Claudia. I love all the dollhouse and Blythe photos! It’s a very happy part of my morning. Thank you.
Sorry to hear you are under the weather. I’m sure hanging with your girls will make for a good day of rest for you.
I like the large pockets on Lucy’s outfit. I need pockets like that…roomy. It’s another gray day here too. Rain is predicted….sure hope we get some. The tree lights were on very early this morning to compensate. My son and dil are visiting later today….a crafting session is planned. What it is I haven’t a clue. But I sure hope I have enough patience for it.
Rest up, feel better, and enjoy your girls! ;)
It must be the weather here in the NE. I got up with a sinus headache. Your Miniature Christmas photos are a delight, especially the one of Pippa and the reindeer.
Hunker down and get better, Claudia. You know what to do.
Getting all my errands done today since we’ll have intense rain starting tomorrow for 3-4 days. I’ll hunker down and try to finish up the holiday sewing I should have done weeks ago. Isn’t procrastination great?!?!
Lucy looks adorable in her new duds. Pockets in the front, pockets in the back- it doesn’t really matter. Sweet either way. Love her red shoes, too. The Lake House looks very pretty with the white wreaths – a little understated. Feel better soon, Claudia. We’ve had confusing weather, too. Yesterday it was 13 degrees celcius. That’s over 55 degrees Fahrenheit in December. Yikes! We saw a person wearing shorts and a tee, Hugs, Elaine
Sinus stuff is so annoying…hope you’re feeling better soon! I love the simplicity of the Lake House! That’s a cute outfit that Lucy is wearing. Take care, Claudia!
Lucy’s mouth/lips have a cute ‘set’ to them; quirky. Her own little expression-personality. The red shoes are the bomb.
I would like to walk right into the Lake House and pull up a cozy chair in front of a fireplace!
My husband has returned from an out-of-state funeral (his brother’s wife of fifty-plus years) after being in busy airports (six times in two days to get to the ‘wilderness’ where they live [bumpy puddle jumpers; ugh]) with THRONGS of travelers, long lines, too-full commuter busses, completely-packed airliners with no elbow room, a lot of people noticeably coughing and sneezing; so, he just did a Covid test (negative) after getting in this morning at 1am from LAX and will do another test tomorrow, just in case. Of course he was also in colder weather as are you, and with that airplane-air (dehumidified?), so it plays havoc with the twitchy sinuses for sure. Sorry you feel like crap (he does, too!); take it easy; maybe Sunday-tomorrow will be better. Thinking of you!
Hope you are feeling better soon.
I also have forsythia blooming, pussy willows are out, iris and allium bulbs sprouting, pulmonaria, columbine, forget me nots, mint, and coneflowers have leaves. This is so worrisome considering where I live. 51F today, violent, windy rain forecast with flooding predicted for tomorrow. We should be having a little snow. and be in the 30s. I’m not sure what I’m to do for the plants that are sprouting. I’ve been gardening for over 40 years and I’ve never seen such craziness.
The houses are beautiful and I want a pair of pants like Lucy’s!
Hope you feel better soon! Pockets in the front seem more practical (because dolls need practical clothes….?) but its nice to be able to change the look a bit by reversing.
I’m enjoying your decorated doll houses!
I love how you decorate the mini houses! They look magical. And I think your Christmas tree this year it’s one of the best that you’ve had, it looks so lusciously full and the green is classically beautiful. I think I’m going to have to replace my worn out artificial trees next year, so I’ll be looking for a sale. Haven’t had a tree since my husband died, and one of my favorite things about Christmas is turning off all the lights, taking off my glasses, and enjoying the blurry but bright lights on the blurry tree thanks for sharing all the holiday cheer in your homes, large and small. May you and Dan and your families have peaceful and beautiful holidays.
I do hope you feel better soon. Rest and take it easy.
Best Wishes,
That Lucy is the cutest thing ever. She might be my favorite. I love her hair, the tiny barette,and the new outfit is adorable.
Loving the lake house, too. Someday — a peek inside!
I hope the sinuses clear up. It’s a bad time to be laid low!
As you know, I am not a doll person, however, I love Lucy. Not because of the type of doll that she is, but that she reminds me of how I looked 6 days out of 7, as a young girl growing up. I didn’t have braids, but 1 braid, down my back and it was always messy looking before the day was out. I was also very Tom boyish, so those overalls would have been perfect attire.
Sorry you’re under the weather. Take care and hope you’re doing better soon,