A gray, sometimes rainy, day today. I’m thrilled. We desperately need rain and, although we’ve had a few gentle rainfalls since I’ve been sitting out on the porch this morning, I think we’re going to get some thunderstorms late in the day. Just as with peonies and catalpa blossoms, big storms seem to happen right as this is happening:
The hydrangeas are coming into full bloom. Heavy rain causes them to droop and there’s no way I can get all of them to stand up again, because I can’t reach in there! Hopefully, it won’t be too bad.
More flowers opening on the milkweed. I have so many of them this year. Milkweed flowers always remind me of millefiori paperweights. The glass flowers look very much like this.
I wasn’t called for Jury Duty on Monday (I’m pretty sure I’ll get called on Tuesday.) So I’m going into the city tomorrow morning instead of today. That way, I’ll get to spend Don’s birthday with him and also most of his day off on Monday.
I dug some more in the new garden bed. Besides nylons and socks (why??) I found these:
More pieces of the same china pattern and what looks like an old metal dog dish. One of those china pieces looks like part of the bottom of a teacup.
These daylilies are pretty spectacular: the color, the ruffled edge…beautiful.
And another rose bloomed the other day.
I’m just about to finish another novel! I finished the Lee Child last week and then I forced myself to start on one of John Connolly’s mysteries that I had in hardcover. I had tried to start it before, but I kept putting it down. That wasn’t due to the book – he’s one of my favorite writers – it was due to my being unable to concentrate. But one of the books I downloaded on my iPad was his newest, which just came out about a week ago, and I told myself I had to read this one first, as it was published last year and I think you need to read his books in chronological order. I’m looking forward to a rainy morning in which I can nestle into my chair in the den and enjoy and savor the last 100 pages of the book. It’s excellent.
Anyway, I’m so relieved to be reading again! I felt like part of me was missing during this dry period and I need to read, just as I need food for sustenance. Reading is now what it should be and what I desperately need it to be during these times, a welcome escape that settles my heartbeat, makes me breathe deeply, and takes me away from the awful state of things in this country.
Thank God for writers and books.
I’ll write a post for tomorrow and then I’ll probably take Monday off since I don’t want to haul my laptop in for such a quick visit. As for the rest of next week, we’ll see what happens with Jury Duty. They called numbers 1 – 75 for Monday and I’m number 134.
Happy Saturday.
Kind of neat thinking there was a dog living at your house many years ago. Do you know the history of the house? Beautiful flowers!
Only recent history. Right before this house was flipped, a woman lived here named ‘The Cat Lady.’ She worked at the local university for years and became more and more eccentric. At one point, she had over 30 cats (so I suppose this could be a cat dish, too, though it seems big). When they redid the house they had to take it down to the studs, it smelled so bad. Older people in the community still say ‘Oh! You live in the Cat Lady’s House!’
I remember reading that when Ben Bradlee bought the famous house in the Hamptons which the Jackie Kennedy relations lived in – – the place was a wreck and they had both cats AND raccoons inside (Grey Gardens, that’s the name) – – they could still swear they sometimes smelled the cats even after the mansion had been totally renovated (years later).
Thankfully, I’ve never smelled any cats!
Love that porch of yours and the flowers. A visit to you and Don is on my bucket list! One of these days I tell myself. It rained so hard last night but it was good and did cool things off a little bit. I enjoyed time with the Grands last night and today I’m resting as my knee is bothering me. So much fun to get ‘old’!! Enjoy your time with Don and Happy Birthday to him!! Hugs!
We’d love to see you, Linda! You and Don are both having knee troubles, it seems. Take it easy today.
I really like the pillows on your porch couch. They make me happy!
Me too! Thank you, Diane!
Nice finds…I can see a planter out of that dog dish you found. Hopefully you’ll find more plate pieces…and that bag of elusive money. I’m glad you are finally getting rain. Ours has temporarily left the state…can I get a hooray? So nice weekend on tap for us. Enjoy the pitter patter of the raindrops…and read on! ;)
I was thinking about a planter as well. We’re getting very little rain today but maybe some storms tonight and tomorrow.
Ah, more of those gorgeous day lilies! Impossible to describe how stunning that color is. Hope you “get past” jury duty. You said you were #175 – out of how many? I was once in the low 200s out of 1200 – and I STILL didn’t have to report. So GOOD LUCK! Have a restful weekend & Happy Birthday Don! Peace.
No, I’m 134. I don’t know how big the pool is. I’ve never served here. In the county we used to live in, yes. In San Diego, yes. But not here. Thanks, Janet.
Gorgeous day lily and gorgeous rose!! And yes, reading is a great escape from these trying times. I thought I’d posted here before, but I see it’s asking me anew for info, so maybe not. If not, obviously I’m new here but I love your blog! :)
You have to check the box below the comment that says “Save my name,” etc. Then it will remember you next time. This is all due to the new Privacy rules with the European Union.
My local PBS station has been advertising their 4th of July special which features Jimmy Buffet and the cast of Margaritaville! I am looking forward to seeing Don perform.
Oh, wonderful! I hope you enjoy it, Carolyn Marie.
Hi Claudia – Your flowers are looking fabulous. The same thing happens here with the weather – all the peonies and hydrangeas bloom and a wicked thunder storm blows through and they struggle to recover. I know people who go out and cut a lot of their blooms before the storm hits so they can still enjoy them. I was thinking that if you continue to find piece of china that you should find something to use as a mold and imbed the pieces into some fast drying cement and create a stepping stone. I don’t know that I would walk on it, but it would look lovely in your garden. If you don’t have enough of the broken pieces, you could add those flat glad beads that craft stores sell to fill in the gaps or break some china or pottery of your own to make it even more personal. Happy Birthday to Don and sorry about Margaritaville . It sounded marvelous. Shame on those critics!
I’m not ready to cut my hydrangeas! They just opened and they’ll last all summer. Peonies, yes. I understand that because they’re so short lived.
The stepping stone is a lovely idea, Ranee. Thank you. Margaritaville is marvelous. It’s completely joyful – start to finish. I’m very sad that I won’t see it again after July 1st.
That’s true on the hydrangeas – they are often hardier and can withstand the weather. But early Fall can be tough on them too. And of course they can be cut and dried, although I much prefer the fresh flowers.
Yes, and I already have so many dried hydrangeas!
I worked out in the yard most of the morning. The sunshine does my soul much good ~ after 4 days of rain, everything is pretty water-logged ~ including me.
If I was going through a reading block right now I am not sure what I would do. I have always loved to read, but now it is my life line. When I am not reading, I am fretting. And fretting. And I can’t stop.
Safe travels tomorrow! Have a wonderful time with Don. His birthday and our anniversary are on the same day. 46 for us. Where oh where does the time go?? Happy Birthday, Don!
Sunshine is a great tonic, that’s for sure. I am so, so grateful that I’m reading again. I have to, simply have to, escape from the madness. Happy Anniversary tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to Don. Wishing him a day of happiness and a year of blessings. Enjoy your days with Don.
Thank you, Marilyn! And Don thanks you, too!
I think your beautiful daylily photo is Apache Red Daylilies. I planted those at my previous home many years ago and their color is just gorgeous! I so enjoy your gardening and cottage photos.
Have a wonderful time with Don!
The color is beautiful. Thank you so much, Lily!
We have a tiny cottage on Cape Cod and every time a shovel goes in the ground glass, pottery, metal, you name it comes up. We were told by long time residents that back in the day folks just buried their trash in the yard. I get it but it sure makes gardening a challenge and forget walking barefoot!
Love the flower photos and I think if I ever sat on that porch I’d never get up. 🙂
i’m a day late as always. and not just your blog. every one I subscribe to does that!
I don’t know why it waits to alert me. and I WHO NEED every help possible! LOL.
but your posts are like getting to go ‘back home’ to visit. I love them.
happy birthday to that beloved tall man of yours! XO
Oh Jury Duty!! Good luck. I love the color of the couch swing on your porch. So sweet! And the colors of your flowers are lovely. Haven’t heard much from Mereknits. Are things OK there?