I’ve started in on this one. At the moment, George is introducing all the characters and setting everything up for the crime that lies ahead. This morning, before I read any further, I went online to see if I could renew it before I invested in any more reading time. I was able to, so it’s a go.
I did take it easy yesterday. I did the usual household chores, watered the outdoor potted plants, and swept the porch. It’s looking pretty good out there. I’ll take some photos soon, but I like to wait until the impatiens are a bit taller. Every plant in the gardens is growing by leaps and bounds. It’s quite warm this week, which is definitely speeding things up.
Today I sow seeds: morning glory, moonflower, and zinnia. I’m sowing them about a week later than usual, but this entire spring is running a week later than usual.
Almost all of the trees have leafed out, save for the catalpa, which is always the last to develop leaves. It is so wonderful to look up and see green everywhere!
Livvy did some exploring yesterday. This outdoor world is new to the girls, since I adopted them in the late fall and winter.
She seems intrigued, yet wary.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
glad you had a restful day yesterday.
and that you checked on the availability of that book before getting more invested in it.
happy garden-time to you today!
i have spent the last two hours sorting papers (including a lot to be shredded). there’s much more to go through, but what i’ve done feels good so will focus on that.
am glad and grateful to be able to spend time with members of my family today. will go for a walk and car ride in the countryside and enjoy being together always.
happy, safe thursday to everyone!
Have a lovely day, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia, it is so wonderful to see the world greening up. I noticed from early morning to last evening one of our maples budded out. My parents had two catalpa’s and they always were the last thing to leaf out. I must get some zinnia seeds to plant. Looking forward to your garden photos!
Have a good day.❤️
Thank you Robin.
Today I worked outside for quite a while. I’m tired!
Stay safe.
I find I have to rest much more than I wish I did just to function. Glad you had a good day. I love that you plant flowers each year. Very special home you and Don have made together. Hugs!
I really have to as well. Today, I did more work outside than I had planned to and I can already feel my back seizing up. Tomorrow? REST.
Stay safe.
Just to adorable 😍🥰
Thanks so much, Pat!
Stay safe.
These doll clothes you’ve amassed are just wonderful. I love seeing the girls in their outfits!
There are certainly enough clothes for all of them – x 10!
No more clothes buying for a while, I think. But yes, I love dressing them up, it’s such fun.
Stay safe, Vicki.
Oh no! Livvy is in jail! But it’s a lovely jail, and probably a fairly easy escape!
I’m reading Tina Brown’s “The Palace Papers.” Tina can be delightfully bitchy and fun to read and I’m enjoying it. It’s a good break in the action!
If you don’t see me commenting as much in the next couple of weeks it’s not the post or anything personal. I’m going through some medical stuff and starting some treatment on Monday which apparently wears one out and has some funky side effects. So I’m not sure how much I’ll be online. But will do my best! Enjoy Elizabeth G. — she’s a wonderful writer!
Jeanie, I’m sorry you’re having medical issues. My thoughts are with you, my friend.
Don’t worry about commenting, just take care of yourself.
Stay safe.