I’m still not feeling all that well, but I do feel a slight improvement this morning. Fingers crossed! It’s gray and rainy with a constant drizzle. I’d much prefer lots of rain as we truly need it, but no, it’s just damp, damp, damp.
I hung around the house yesterday, feeling out of sorts and whiny (lucky Don). I read and spent too much time reading about His Orangeness and tweeting in response to his insane tweets. It accomplishes nothing, I know, but it did make me feel better. I scrolled through Instagram and generally killed time. Later in the day, I watched the Red Sox for a bit and watched the second of two episodes of Luther on Netflix. This series, starring Idris Elba, is excellent. I’ve seen the previous seasons and have urged Don to watch them, but he hasn’t so far. So when I heard that the latest season, which is really only two episodes, had come to Netflix, I used a couple of evenings when Don wasn’t here to watch them. So, so good! (I have a crush on Idris Elba. Don’t tell Don.)
Another moonflower opened yesterday:
The buds emerge from the purple, what would you call it? Covering? Casing? I’m not sure what the correct word is, but the combination of purple and green is gorgeous.
There are so many buds on the vines that I fear an early frost. So far, I don’t see one predicted for the next week or two. Come on out, flowers!
I planted this bed rather late in the spring. Next year, I’ll plant on time and hopefully the flowers will emerge in late August/early September.
I don’t want to ignore the morning glories! They’re still blooming and I love them.
I’ve been reading a book I got from the library. It was recommended in the New York Times Book Review. It’s called Under the Harrow, by Flynn Berry. It’s a murder mystery that takes place in England, though Ms. Berry is American. She’s a young writer and a good writer – she writes lovely and evocative prose. However, this book suffers from what I call the Gone Girl Syndrome, which seems to be the flavor of the moment for young writers. The Gone Girl Syndrome occurs when a writer skillfully spins a complicated plot, with lots of twists and turns – all good – but creates characters the reader (me) doesn’t really like, making it very difficult to care about any of them. So I find myself reading the book from a distance; admiring the author’s skill, but with a clinical detachment that surely isn’t what I should feel when reading a mystery.
It’s a fairly quick read, so I’m going to finish it. I’m engaged enough to want to know who the murderer is, but the characters are thoroughly unlikeable.
Ah, well. Maybe this fad will end soon?
Happy Sunday.
I enjoyed Luther as well and must admit that I have a huge crush on him too! I know that Alice is a psycho but I think she is just a hoot. Always so cool, calm and collected!
Alice is a psycho and a new character – I won’t give anything away – also seems to be a psycho we’ll see again.
Yes, another Edris Elba fan here. And those moonflower buds are incredible! Did you say that they are only a covering? Does it then fall away to reveal the soft-swirl green and white bud? I may need some moonflowers in future.
If I didn’t know it was only October second, I’d think it looks, and almost feels, like snow at the lake! Drizzley, thick white atmosphere…not really foggy, but cold and hard to see through it to the other side. Brrrrrrr!
Yes, they fall back and the bud emerges. Incredible!
Did you watch The Wire on HBO, years ago? Loved Edris Elba ever since, as well as everybody else in that cast!
You know we never got into The Wire for some reason. It was hard to discern what they were saying and we just gave up. (And I’m a voice and speech coach!)
Closed captioning helps immensely, and sooooo worth it for understanding a completely alien (to me) segment of society and a city we grew to love, in spite of its…eccentricities. We lived there, in an old downtown grand hotel for six months, while we waited out winter on the sailboat.
I’ve worked with actors who are from that area and I know the dialect, but as a coach? When something is done for entertainment purposes, not a documentary, whether on stage or on screen, dialects have to be clear enough that we the viewers can understand them. If they aren’t, they have to be modified. I do that all the time when I’m coaching. And the actors have the mikes right above their heads when they’re filming – they are just not articulating. I realize my thoughts have no effect on the popularity of the show, but it makes me crazy. So I just won’t watch.
I love those moonflower buds. You captured their swirly-ness so beautifully. Hope today isn’t too mopey for you! I’m off to continue cleaning out my late Uncle’s house. Not really what I want to do on a Sunday, but it has to be done.
I’m going to clean a bit and wash the sheets and vacuum and then I’ll rest for the remainder of the day.
Hahaha: His Orangeness. :-) Good Luck with the book. Regula
Thank you, Regula!
I agree with the current writing, this is why no matter what the critics say I did not care for The Girl in cabin 10. Another girl with a drinking problem, once done it gets boring. The Girl on the Train, was my first experience with this “genre” I like that because it was my first. So why does every other book I read have to contain a young drunk? I am waiting for A Gentlemen from Moscow from the library. Once the sun comes out we will all feel better.
I didn’t read The Girl in Cabin 10. The Girl on the Train was okay – I think it is the best of this Gone Girl kind of writing, but it still has those characters you really can’t connect to. You’re so right – so many young alcohol abusers!
I’ll have to check out A Gentleman From Moscow – who is it by?
Yes….another Idris Elba fan here too…love his voice. And the casing for the moon flower…loving those colors. Glad to hear you are feeling better. The sun is out here. with blue sky for the moment…hopefully it’ll make its way east for you. I’m off to make an apple slab pie…it’s just rectangular….it is October after all! ;)
Oh, stop with the Apple Slab Pie! Now I’m hungry!
Your flowers continue to be lovely. It’s a pretty day here but a bit warmer then I had hoped. I’ve not watched Luther but will give it a try. I read Girl on a Train and it was OK but I’m bored by the drunk girl novels. I’m finally reading ‘The Expats’ by Chris Pavone, so good!! I need to finish it so I can return to the library before my trip. Glad you are feeling better. Hugs.
Me too! Enough with the drunk girl novels! All of Chris Pavone’s books are good, enjoy!
I guess feeling a slight improvement is better than none…I spent 5 hours in the ER last evening to find out I have gallstones…oh whoopie..another Dr..another surgery…I am still feeling pretty bad today so I’m guessing tomorrow’s surgery will be canceled…Also dreary and rainy here which doesn’t help at all when you already feel miserable does it?…Idris Elba…oh yeah…he could make me feel better..lol…Gorgeous flowers…
Oh boy. Been there, done that. No wonder you were feeling nauseous! I’m so sorry! I was very, very sick when I had gallstones as well as a blocked bile duct. The surgery for the gallbladder, thankfully, is done on an out-patient basis and will sure help you feel better, my friend.
I have never commented before but I would like you to be aware of what happens across the country especially here in the south. On this link I am sending if you are on the home page just scroll down to September 30th and you will see what happened in my city this week. It is almost a weekly thing in Texas. If these incidents don’t happen in your area you aren’t aware of them. I hurt for the people they happen too. I am not here to attack but to make you aware of what goes on. I wish you the best.
Any site with the name “illegalaliencrimereport” is clearly an alt-right and/or right wing site, used as an excuse to discriminate. Sorry. I can’t take any site like that seriously. It’s slanted and written with an agenda and that agenda is to denigrate another ethnic group or groups. I find that inexcusable and appalling. I will not publish the link as I find it offensive and I won’t allow it on my blog.
How about a “whitepersonscrimereport”?? Would you find that offensive? Or a “nativetexancrimereport?”
This sort of crap works very hard to instill fear, to make people ‘other’, to feed on people’s prejudices and bigotry and ignorance. It’s hateful.
We are all one.
I know you’ve said you meant this not as an attack and I appreciate that. But you signed it “Anonymous” which tells me you don’t have the guts to leave your name. I normally delete any anonymous comments. I’ll leave yours here, but this is the only time I’ll do it.
Hear, hear!
I’m also waiting for A Gentleman from Moscow by Amor Towles who wrote Rules of Civility. I found myself sort of angry with the women in Girl on a Train as I read it. Wasted lives.
We saw the sun for about 12 minutes this morning. It has been gloomy with an almost constant drizzle for several days. Just cold and damp every day. ( Although I am sure in a month or so the 59* “cold” temperatures will seem like warm summer breezes.) Hope the remainder of your Sunday is a good day. Remember, you will have clean sheets to slip into tonight!! (I am doing that job today as well!!)
Oh, it’s by Amor Towles! I wondered who the author was. I just read about him in last Sunday’s NYTimes. I saw it in the bookstore the other day.
I agree about the ‘wasted lives’ in these books. It all seems so meaningless, doesn’t it?
That is why I adore Parker and Penny- I am crazy for the characters and miss them when I’m not reading about them.
Same here! xo
Oh, I love those moonflowers! So pretty.
I’m right there with you on His Orangeness. Insane. I’m not going to be able to relax until the election is over and Hillary is our President. If she is not I will surely need to be medicated to cope. No joke. Trump as our President is a most scary and very depressing thing to even think about….
Hope you feel better soon, Claudia. My sinuses always cause me misery due to allergies this time of year too.
We’ve considered moving, Lily. Probably impossible, but it’s in the back of our minds!
Oh, I hear you about not liking a main character; it just kills the book for me. Gone Girl had initially grabbed me, but then it descended into such silliness that I actually felt hoodwinked and I do NOT like that reaction in myself. I felt resentful…like, how dare you waste my time?!
The photo with the flower bud is really intriguing. Such fun to see something unfurl in a wondrous garden.
I threw my book across the room – I’m not exaggerating! – because I felt manipulated and not in a good way!
Your flowers are beautiful! Hope you are feeling much better. Have a good week!
I am feeling lots better, Judy. Thank you!