Cripes. It’s been so hot here that we are under an air quality warning and have been for the past couple of days. It ‘felt’ – according the the weather report – close to 100 yesterday. Where the heck did Spring go? I’ve been staying in, just venturing out to keep water in the birdbath (they are drinking and bathing there almost constantly) and to water my seeds and potted plants.
All the rain that was predicted last week never materialized and we could really use some. I hope that tomorrow’s predicted rain comes. The birds, the animals, the plants, the grass – they all need a break.
The catmint has really taken off – purple blooms everywhere.
Yarrow that has self-seeded over by the Chicken Wire Fence Garden.
Clematis twining and looping and blooming.
Wind chimes moving gently in the breeze – when there is one.
I read a book in a day and a half. It’s titled Security and it’s by Gina Wohlsdorf. On my Kindle in eGalley form, it is un-putdownable. A high-tech thriller so well plotted and written that I was mesmerized. I’ll write a brief mini-review on Just Let Me Finish This Page today. It will be published on June 7th. Don was out doing a gig last night and there was nothing that interested me on television, so I just kept reading. And then I picked it up this morning and finished it. I love having a nice chunk of time in which to lost myself in a book. It’s the best.
Is anyone, other than Melanie, seeing ads that block the text or photos? I don’t mean the drop down ads that are sometimes above the first post. Those do open up and expand but are easily closed back up. I don’t seen anything on any of my browsers and I use Safari, Chrome and Firefox. I think it might be adware that’s on her browser, but I want to check with the rest of you.
Happy Sunday.
Claudia , It did not rain as much as was predicted here either. It has been in the 80 for a few days. Hey, I am with you, what happened , truly happened to spring? :) I am enjoying seeing your flowers and gardens there. Wishing you and Don a great Sunday and Memorial Day. xoxo, Susie
The same to you, Susie. Have a wonderful weekend!
It is just too hot. Between my allergies and the heat I have absolutely no energy. I feel like a cranky, whining slug!
I’m with you on that one. Same here!
I can’t believe how hot it’s been there! Rain last night wiped out our cook-out, but, this morning we have cooling winds. Might not even have to put on the air….it’s been unseasonally hot and humid here too! Your gardens look well though….so far. Enjoy your day! ;)
I’m hoping all my plants hang in there until tomorrow when some rain should be coming.
It’s cloudy here today but no rain. So I’ll probably have to water my plants. Not so hot though and that is nice
It’s SO hot here, Linda. And humid. We went out for a while but I couldn’t wait to get back to our house and put some shorts on! I’m going to have to go out in a minute and water the potted plants. Poor babies! How’s your mom’s move going?
I think we all want spring to come back!
Yes, we do! It was only here a week or two – or at least, that’s what it seems like!
It has been a crazy spring. We go from so cold,,,, to way too hot too soon. We missed the mid to upper 60’s days for sure!!
I have not encountered any ads like that at all on your blog. We use Chrome.
Such fun to lose yourself in a book. I have 4 here in a pile staring me down, and the garden calling at the same time. At this time of year the gardens always “win”.
Hope you had a great day!!
Usually the gardens win here, too. But not in 90+ temps!
it’s very warm here…in the low 70’s. All my plants, especially the tomatoes, shot up while I was away for six days. My yarrows are all flowering too. We’re staying in, busy cleaning up, as our new feline family members are arriving tomorrow morning.
So exciting! I can’t wait to hear more about your new kitties.
No problem with pop-up ads for me. It has been summer weather here in Virginia also. I was one of the few people not complaining about the dreary, rainy days we had for a week or so because it was keeping the temperatures down in the 70s. Then the rain stopped and the temperatures soared. Heat and humidity are not my friends. Hope you get some of the rain.
They are not my friends, either, Shirley. They sap any energy I have! Rain is supposedly coming late tonight. We’ll see!
Hi Claudia, we have the opposite problem than you, it is very chilly here as we move into winter, all your flowers are blooming and all mine have gone away for the next few months. We still can’t see snow on the mountain so I’m not complaining about the coolness just yet but I do hope you get your day of rain so that everything gets a nice water. I also have the ads that appear on the pictures you put up, it’s usually only on one or two of them but I just ignore that bit because I hope that you get income from them and I have kind of gotten used to them now. I have an iPad and use the plain type of Google not the chrome Google if that helps you.
It’s raining today, Angela. And it’s very welcome, indeed.
Your flowers are looking good considering the heat..We didn’t get much rain the past week but more than enough of the is at this moment about to rain and calling for a thunderstorm…You already know about my COPD that keeps me trapped inside from heat and humidity…so we have our AC on too..and I still have more plants outside to get in the ground and in pots…I WANT MY SPRING BACK!!!!…lol…
I do, too! It feels like we were robbed, Nancy!
No, your ads don’t drop over my text. They don’t bother me.
It seems weird that your neck ‘o the woods is so very hot?!
We’ve been under cloud cover all day here in SoCalif; we really had a full May-Gray here. My husband and I went to the cemetery, noonish, to put flowers out for my dad for Memorial Day…just glads, a few straggly roses, the last of the callas (but it made a nice bouquet from the yard, and lots of great color)…and the family plot is sort of on a rise going up a hill and I really could have used a cardigan as the overcast sky and light wind was quite cool (enjoying it on the one hand because I know it’ll end in a nanosecond…any day now, with June upon us).
My husband had to work hard on our family section today…14 graves…to groom the tough grass/weeds around the markers (the cemetery mows, but that’s about it…), so I had a little time to walk around and I really was amazed at the number of servicemen buried at just our small cemetery in a small town. Brave souls all. I imagine if you did take the time to walk around a cemetery, many stories can be told. The saddest thing is to see the number of children who passed all around a similar time period; must have been an influenza or something, back in the day. And I saw two grave where the man and woman, two markers touching side by side… were born in the same year (1800s) and died in the same year, both in their late 80s…I said to my husband, “Maybe teenage sweethearts…and, in the end, they couldn’t live one without the other.” (And then I thought, “Maybe they were actually brother and sister…twins? Devoted and inseparable?”) You could almost get ideas for a novel, making up the stories as you go, quietly and respectfully and thoughtfully walking through a cemetery.
Afterwards, we drove deep into one of our local canyons where we haven’t been for years…isolated ranches and horse farms…and were dismayed to see how brown the hillsides are, so soon, already. I’d been eyeing it warily from afar, but this was up close and dramatic. Weed abatement for fire danger is June 1 and they had quite a few bulldozer-type ‘machines’ trying to get at all the tall brush. I was sort of glad to get out of there. Going far back in a canyon that eventually deadends to car access/walkability is not my idea of great fun and I sure wouldn’t want to live back in there…to me, claustrophobic (canyon walls can sort of close you in) and, man, does it get hot in summer…but, you know, to some people, they love the privacy and ‘nature’.
I have agapanthus (my dad would call them Lady of The Nile…I think he meant Lily of The Nile!) ready to burst in lovely blue-purple flower; always makes me smile. Hope you get a cooling-off where you are, soonest, so that you can enjoy at your leisure the rest of your yard outside!
I love agapanthus – I used to see it all the time in San Diego. Yes, we were driving around yesterday and saw many cars parked outside cemeteries. My grandparents are buried back in Michigan as are my relatives, but my immediate family didn’t choose to be buried, so there are no graves to visit. I’ll just remember them – which I do every day, anyway.
No ads on my browser Claudia, I’m using Chrome.
Thanks so much, Jan!
No, your posts are looking great to me. No ads are popping up. I’ve got safari.
Thank you, Tana! I think it’s an adware infection on the reader’s browser. Very common, unfortunately!
Come visit. Weather is great and a walk on the beach is good for your soul!
Oh, I’d love to, Eileen! We can’t at the moment – Don (finally!) has some work coming up in June. Three more episodes of the USA Network series Mr. Robot. But you can bet I’m going to get out there sometime!
Hi, yes, I did get an ad in front of some of your text, a small one, about 1″ x2″. I was able to delete it, but it took a few taps (might be my iPad tapping ability). Lots of things blooming here too – and some reseeded foxglove, feverfew and forget-me-nots, even some cosmos! Not much luck with my hollyhocks ? xxoo
I’m thinking it has to do with iPads. Nothing showing here or on anyone else’s computers. Maybe iPads are vulnerable to adware? Or maybe it’s a normal ad that shows differently on the smaller screen of the iPad?
And on phones. That’s why I have difficulty posting since my IPAD died and when posting on my phone. That and the small print versus older eyes.
Fine on the computer when I can borrow one.
Hope this helps.
I am afraid I’m going to be MIA for an indefinite period of time. My sister. Have been up since about three, praying, and now, reading.
I don’t have any problem with it on my phone! And I check it often. But I never comment on blogs on my phone – too frustrating!
I’m thinking of you and your sister, Sheila. Sending you a big hug. xo