Last night’s moon rising over the back forty. It was so beautiful!
• Dare I hope that the self-seeded hollyhock is coming back? It sure looks that way.
• Checking in on the lilac bush: leaves and buds.
• I know the calendar indicates that Spring has arrived, but I always check my gardens to confirm that fact. The Day Lilies, Sedum, and Catmint are all showing new growth. But it’s not yet time to uncover the garden beds, which are covered in leaves and mulch. In a couple of weeks, yes. But not yet.
• We went to the bookstore yesterday because I wanted to find an adult coloring book. Don already has one, courtesy of my sister. More colored pencils were purchased at Michael’s. As I walked around the bookstore, I saw two books that have just been published – both by rather well-known 30-ish bloggers. They are beautifully designed and I’m sure the authors are thrilled, but once again, I looked through them and saw nothing I didn’t already know. They’re supposedly full of tips and helpful ideas about decorating (in one case) and living a simple life in a small apartment (in the other.) I can only conclude they are meant for a younger generation of readers who haven’t yet discovered these rather rudimentary facts. I must confess, I don’t get it. I suppose it’s part of the cycle of life.
I guess there’s nothing new under the sun?
• From our road trip: Really?
This was in Virginia and I thought I saw a sign that said something about the Confederate States of America…so maybe it’s considered a historic site.
• For Meredith, who didn’t like yesterday’s picture which showed her in pajamas (not that anyone would have known that.) Here’s one you took of me in my pajamas with Little Z. It’s blurry, but now we’re even.
• I usually showcase my eggcup collection on the blog at this time of year. This year, I’ve been sharing a few favorites on Instagram. You’re welcome to follow along if you’re not already a follower. Click here.
• But all this seems trivial when I think of the tragic events in Brussels. My heart breaks for all those who have suffered loss and who saw things they should never have to see. Prayers and hope for peace. That’s all I can say.
Oh, I can say one other thing. Seizing on that tragedy and using it for fearmongering in order to drum up votes? Despicable.
Happy Wednesday.
The news from Brussels was heartbreaking. It grieves me that the young people of today will never know the carefree life we once knew. Having the mind set to take the lives of innocent people is just inconceivable to me. May God have mercy on all of us.
Amen, Janie.
I am so sad at the violence that continues in our world. Not a lot of words today. My pollen headache is not going away. Maybe more coffee?
Coffee, for sure, Linda. I’ve got congestion for the same reason…oh spring, you’re wonderful, but you make us suffer!
What coloring book did you choose? My grown daughter and I spent last Saturday together coloring. So much fun!
I chose Enchanted Forest, Kim. We’ll see how well I do!
Paris, Brussels – where does it end?
It makes me think that the people who perpetrate these crimes have no appreciation for beauty, love or life. Very sad.
They cannot have any appreciation for life. And they certainly can’t tolerate anyone who doesn’t follow their beliefs. Ruled by fear. Ruled by hate.
Our yard looks much the same as yours with buds and lovely green sprigs. I am itching to get out and clean up the garden beds, but I was so happy to hear you say that you wait. I have read so many blogs about cleaning out their leaves, etc. for several weeks now. I understand if you live in the South, but so many people who live in the North have said they are doing so, also. I have always waited until mid April or even a bit later to do so. They still need some protection, I think, as up here we are yet prone to freezing or below temps, and also the dreaded 4-letter word: snow.
Fear mongering and hate seem to be what “works” in vote-getting for certain candidates. Unreal. When they speak of “rounding people up” and surveillance in certain neighborhoods, does anyone else think of horrible things from our past, or am I truly in the minority? I am constantly shaking my head in utter and complete disbelief.
No, you are not in the minority. I’m right with you. It’s chilling. Does no one understand that kind of thinking is wrong? I’m from Dearborn Michigan – which has a very large Muslim population these days. They are citizens of this country and deserve equal rights under the law. Perhaps the people who should be ’rounded up’ are those running for the highest office in the land and who use those chilling words.
I think it’s great how your sunset photos are always reminiscent of Maxfield Parrish.
We lost 2 lilacs last year when we got stuck with 5 weeks of rain, I wasn’t sure about the 3rd one and we cut it back to about 10″, but it has survived and is leafing out .
I just started going to an adult coloring class, really more a get together at the art center. I wanted to meet new people and make new friends, which is hard at 57 in a small town where you don’t know anyone. I’m really enjoying it!
Good for you! Sounds like a great idea!
Spring is trying to make it’s way into our part of the country too. Buds are out and we hadn’t had snow in over 2 1/2 months, until yesterday. While it snowed all morning, the ground was so warm it didn’t stick.
I always look with interest at coloring books when at the craft stores or Barnes and Noble, but never buy one. I adore coloring with crayons with my grandchildren, but at home in my spare time I would rather knit or crochet than color. Although those outlines do call to me at time. :-)
My heart goes out to the people affected by yesterday’s tragedy. My prayer is that we would learn to live together in peace and love. Unfortunately, some groups like the people who did this seem to have no interest in finding our commonalities and only want to destroy people who aren’t like them. So tragic.
Well, I’d rather read or, sometimes, crochet, but I’m thinking I should give this a try….
Beautiful moon shot.
Emjoy creating with your new coloring book. It’s great quiet, relaxing, therapy.
Thanks, Sue. I will!
Truth be told….we were so busy checking out Little Z….we never noticed the pj’s!
I’m appalled at the rhetoric of some candidates…and like Chris K reminded us….are we headed to internment camps? Unacceptable! I thought the reason to study history…was so that we wouldn’t repeat our mistakes! Seems like a few of the wanna be leaders out there, ought to review their history lessons! ;)
Indeed they should. That’s how guys like this get power, unfortunately. They play to fear and ignorance.
Re this idea of Trump’s to keep out any Muslims who want to immigrate, I have what I think might be a MUCH better idea. Let’s MOVE OUT any current US citizens who are ignorantly- unaware that the very FIRST article in the Bill of Rights is FREEDOM OF RELIGION. And we start with you, Donald J. You lying, narcissistic, attention-seeking, orange-haired, blowhard-know-it-all slash mental dwarf. Bill Maher said it best “Donald Trump doesn’t want to BE President, he just wants to be CALLED “President…”
Gee, I hope my comment was “fair and balanced…”
I watched that same episode of Bill Maher’s show. And another candidate has said we should patrol Muslim neighborhoods. Unbelievable.
The events in Brussels are indeed heartbreaking. Sadly, I believe that it is a sign of our world now ~ constant terrorism. It reminds us all to be so grateful for the peace we currently enjoy as it can change in a moment. Glad you are safely home.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
I love your wise words, Susan. I am very grateful that, right now, we have some measure of peace. Much love.
Our spring sounds much like yours right now, with the same things blooming. We cleared out our garden beds a couple of weeks ago though. I hope it wasn’t too early. It is only 35 degrees today and drizzly; turning into sleet/snow tomorrow.
I have a couple of coloring books, though admittedly, I rarely color in them. I guess I thought I would. I got mine on amazon.
I’m with you on the books by the young bloggers. They don’t appeal to me at all. I looked through them and like you said, there’s nothing new under the sun. I think people buy them based on the name of the blogger and the blog itself. The only two blogger’s books I have (and really like) are the one from Holly Becker of Decor8 (I believe it’s merely called “Decorate”) and an older one from Apartment Therapy.
I always wait because the weather is so fickle here! I just don’t trust it.
I’m sure you’re right – readers of those blogs buy the books. But in the case of some blogger’s books, the books are basically a replay of the blog’s content. I’ve found that to be the case more than a few times. I would be really frustrated if I had paid money for them!
I have Decorate, too. I like it.
Thanks for the photo of you in your pj’s it makes me feel better. I am appalled at the senseless violence that takes away innocent lives. It is all done to create fear, we can’t let them win. How come Little Z always looks cute in his pj’s?
Cause he’s Little Z!
I must say I’ve never seen such a group of low down, self centered, dirty, Scoundrels! EVER!
These are supposed to be educated people, one of which, may just become the most powerful Person in the world. IT MAKES ME SICK! Judy A-
p.s. I’d still like to see your egg cups, I look forward to it every year.
Amen to that, Judy. I agree!
I didn’t have time to do the egg cups this Easter, except to take a few pictures before I left for Florida that I could post on Instagram. Maybe later in the year?
Beautiful photo of the moon through the trees Claudia…I have a couple of coloring books too…I always enjoyed coloring with my son when he was little…now I find it quite relaxing…I use colored pencils and markers…Cute picture of you and Little Z in your jammies…
Ha-ha! I love Janet’s comment. My college boy and I were just chatting earlier about the political circus … or perhaps the correct term is freak show. Truly embarrassing. My husband is Muslim. And to say that he or any of our friends need to be watched is a joke. It’s governments and politics that get us into these messes all around the world. And crazy people blowing themselves up has nothing to do with any kind of religion or belief system except the illogical, skewed versions they create for their own purpose which has nothing to do with faith or fidelity.
It’s offensive to speak that way about Muslims. ISIS has nothing to do with Islam or with the millions of Muslims throughout the world. Amen, Tammy!