The weekend so far has been nicely slow, an unhurried pace of a weekend that suits me fine.
I talked Don into making his Vegan Blueberry Pancakes yesterday morning. Need I say more?
We went to the grocery store and to our little library where a copy of The Heist by Daniel Silva was waiting for me. I had been in a long queue for this book so I was surprised and happy that it was now available. Since I had barely started The Marco Effect by Jussi Adler-Olson (which is on my Kindle) I made a U-turn and started The Heist. I also checked out two other books which I will probably talk about on Just Let Me Finish This Page. Two books written by writers about their love of reading – I love books about books, if you know what I mean.
I watered all the potted plants and The Chicken Wire Fence Garden. I read. I did a NY Times crossword puzzle (a tough one, I modestly say.) I scrubbed the bathtub. We watched Marty on TCM.
Today? More of the same. Reading, writing, a little cleaning.
Work will soon begin on Hamlet, the show I’m coaching next, but I think I’ll wait until next week.
Currently blooming all over the property:
Beautiful Goldenrod. It’s right alongside some Purple Loosestrife and the combination of the yellow and purple is gorgeous. (I’m not worried about the Purple Loosestrife, it isn’t invasive here. It just blooms in the wetter parts of the property and it’s beautiful.)
I was watering plants on the porch and I saw this beauty on the Butterfly Bush.
Yes, it’s blurry, sorry, as the butterfly was moving its wings very quickly. The butterfly was very large in size, so I did some research. It’s the Giant Swallowtail. I had to crop this photo down from one I took from a distance. Right after I took this, I cautiously walked around the porch to the bush and got this view:
Stunningly beautiful. Nature is stupendously wondrous and amazing.
I don’t understand why anyone would ever capture a butterfly. They should be magical and elusive and free. I should try to take a photo and be frustrated because the butterfly moves and flits and then disappears. That’s the way it should be. Those moments, those seconds in time, where the butterfly appears and then soars into the air and over the trees, those moments make me smile.
Today is my last day on the antibiotics. Tomorrow? I can have coffee with half and half first thing in the morning. Cannot wait. And we can start hiking again this week – no more worries about the sun.
Happy Sunday.
Thanks Claudia for introducing the Jungle Red site. As a retired school librarian and an addicted reader this site is a joy.
I love your view on things around you. You have taught me to use my camera to view my world. When life becomes too much, too large I find that smaller, more intimate view so soothing and satisfying.
I am glad you are taking those antibiotics. Lyme Disease can have some bad effects.
Isn’t that site fun? I went way back and read a lot of the posts in the archives.
And thank you for your kind words, Sue.
I had some of my extra pancakes for breakfast my self yesterday, yum!
They are darn good, sister.
I’m trying to find a butterfly that I could photograph. I may have seen one at a distance sometime ago. They just aren’t very prevalent around here this year. Nice pictures.
I worry about the lack of butterfly sightings. I’m hoping they’re still a strong presence in the world. I haven’t seen any Monarchs this year.
It does seem a shame that anyone would want to capture a butterfly when they have such a short life span to begin with. Man seems to have this fascination with capturing and caging. Have a great day. Tammy
You’re so right. I wonder what man would think about it if the positions were reversed?
Your second pic answers the question…does the Butterfly Bush attract butterflies…gorgeous pic you captured. Enjoy your day…our youngest son is coming for a visit…always a highlight! ;)
Yes, I’ve seen a least two gorgeous butterflies on that bush, but those are only the ones I’ve seen. Have fun with your son!
Gorgeous photos Claudia.
We almost watched Marty yesterday too (for the bazillionth time, love it) – watched our DVR’d Arsenic and Old Lace instead.
Enjoy your return to morning half and half and hiking!
Marty is so sweet. It makes me cry!
Funny thing about some beautiful flowers……. our one Greyhound is extremely allergic to Goldenrod. Each year at this time we have spent lots of $$ on meds and sprays to help her with the intense scratching til she nearly bleeds, along w/ dripping eyes. This year we have stayed away from the dog park, where it grows everywhere, and she has not had any problems. (Except that she cries every morning wondering why we won’t take her to the DP.) It amazes me how something so pretty can have such an effect.
I am so glad that you have been resting this weekend. It is sometimes hard to do, but it does have remarkable healing powers!! Enjoy that coffee in the morning!!!! :-)
I’m wondering if that’s why Scout’s allergies are bad (as well as mine.) But I’m allergic to a lot of things so it could be anything that’s blooming around here.
Try Skin Eze. Our Westie has terrible allergies and this really helped her. We used three bottles, I think, before it was no longer effective. We’re back on meds from the vet, now.
The web site is:
Hope this helps
Thanks for the tip, Jane!
I felt relaxed just reading about your weekend! Love the photos. I am going to plant a butterfly bush here next year. I had one at my last home and it was so wonderful to watch the butterflies. Glad you are on the last of the antibiotics! I’m taking my Mom out for a bit today and then we will stop to eat somewhere.
Have fun with your mom, Linda!
I don’t know what it is about butterflies Claudia but seeing them always lifts my spirits. The two year old I keep stands at the glass door and watches them darting about and then runs to take me by the hand and takes me to see too. Because they are so elusive they are often gone before I get to see them but sometimes we just stand there for a bit and we see it again. Sure makes that little girl happy. It’s so hot here but we have been getting rain pretty regularly so that helps some. My weekdays are so busy now and Saturday is too usually so after church this morning I declined going out for lunch with my husband and his mom so I could just relax and enjoy some quiet time. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
It’s nice to know that two year old also appreciates butterflies! May we all keep that child-like wonder.
Just a thought but should you wait 2 or 3 days before you hike in the sun? Have a great rest of the weekend!
Already thought of that, Claudia. We’ll probably go Wednesday.
This morning I was out watering the potted plants on the deck when I noticed a swallow tail AND a monarch flittering around my zinnias. I slowly walked over to them and the swallow tail landed on my shoulder !!!!!!
I was in heaven !! I wanted to jump up and down and call for my husband to look at me , but I didn’t. I just stood there and let her rest. Then off she went with her friend the monarch onto who knows where.
Nature can certainly give me a wonderful “high”.
Have a great afternoon,
Oh, how wonderful, Vanessa! Talk about magical!
I have an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon I clipped from the newspaper many years ago..Calvin walks up to Hobbes the tiger with a big smile and shows Hobbes a jar he is carrying and says “Look! I caught a butterfly”..Hobbes looks down at him sadly and says..”If people could put rainbows in zoos, they’d do it”….Calvin looks at the jar he is holding..then he opens the jar and releases the butterfly..It brought tears to my eyes when I read still does at times..and you know what the saddest part’s true….
That cartoon says it all, Nancy.
Here too, it’s been a rather unhurried pace this weekend. It’s back to reading Louise Penny, puttering about the house and hanging sheets on the line so I’ll have sweet dreams tonight. I’m sorry about the Lyme disease but glad to hear that you have it under control, Claudia.
Take care,
I’m feeling much better, Karen. Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Sheets on the line sounds heavenly.