I’ve been without air conditioning in this apartment since Friday. Most likely it was before Friday, but that’s when I got back here and that’s when I discovered it wasn’t working. Of course, it wasn’t until after 5:00 that I made that discovery and suddenly we were at the weekend, when nothing gets fixed. Monday? No one came by. Tuesday? A guy from Maintenance came by, played with the fuses, flipped a few switches and announced that it was the compressor. He would tell the front office, they would call a technician who would order the part and lord knows when this will get fixed.
Since it’s going to be 90 degrees and humid today and tomorrow, you can see why I’m a bit concerned. Company management has given me 2 fans and I’m currently sleeping with one of them aimed directly at my sleeping self. My allergies and sinuses are going a little haywire with this weather pattern and I’m sort of cranky. Actually, not ‘sort of’ – I am cranky.
I had breakfast with Erika, my former student, yesterday morning. We had so much to catch up on that we ran out of time and we’re remedying that by meeting for breakfast again tomorrow morning. And trust me, we still won’t have covered everything by the end of that meal. I just adore her and yes, she’s someone I taught and nurtured, but she’s now a friend first and foremost.
Speaking of former students who are now friends, thanks to all who alerted me of Jim Parsons’ appearance on Who Do You Think You Are? I’m currently in the phase of coaching that centers on afternoon rehearsals and nighttime performances, so I couldn’t see it. But I will. That rascal, who I just chatted with via email, didn’t mention the program at all. But his plate is rather full at the moment with new episodes of Big Bang Theory being filmed and the upcoming Emmy Awards.
My priority last night when I got home was to catch the end of the final episode this season of So You Think You Can Dance, the only reality-type program I watch. And the end of the Red Sox game. Crap. So You Think You Can Dance is over for the season. Only one more episode of Newsroom. And only three more episodes of Breaking Bad. Those are the only shows I really care about in the vast and arid land that is cable television; the only shows I make time to see. Yes, I love Big Bang and Modern Family, but I can catch up with them any old time.
Let’s talk shopping cart etiquette. We all learned to drive, right? And when we’re on the highway, there is, at the very least, a lane for slower moving traffic and a passing lane. We wouldn’t think of stopping our car in the middle of a road or highway. If we had to stop for some reason, we would pull over to the side of the road. Simple. And we certainly wouldn’t double park. We might get a ticket or cause an accident.
So why do shoppers routinely stop their carts smack-dab in the middle of an aisle? Or pull up along side an already ‘parked’ cart, making it virtually impossible to get by? And what about those shoppers who meander down the aisle, oblivious to everyone around them? The ones you have to say “Excuse me” to in order to get by. What about the carts of other shoppers that you have to physically move to the side of the aisle in order to get by?
This seems to be a simple concept. Drive your cart like you do your car. Be aware of other drivers, cede the right of way, pull over to the side of the road/aisle when you need to park. Don’t drive slowly in the fast lane.
This makes me nuts. It makes me especially nuts when I’m in the store on a quick visit to pick up a few things and I have to run the gauntlet of carts parked every-which-way and the inevitable cart pile-ups that result in a traffic jam.
Don’t get me started on umbrella etiquette. That’s another post, for another day.
Just had to include Scoutie because I miss her. Love those pink ears. Just two and a half more weeks, sweetie, and I’ll be home.
Don’t forget my book review of The Returned which I posted yesterday. I loved this book and I’m giving away one copy. Leave a comment on that post if you are interested.
Happy Wednesday.
Oh, I so agree with you on shopping cart etiquette!
I’ve never seen white clover before, only purple. Is it common??
Hope you have a miracle and AC soon!
It isn’t clover, Sylvia. It’s in my galvanized planted and darned if I can remember the name of the plant! But it sure looks like clover.
Good morning, Claudia, I have my fingers crossed that your a/c will be fixed asap! I had to laugh at your post title this morning–similar in a way to mine, but at least you had thoughts rattling around in your head. I had to ‘fess up to having a whole lot of nothing in my head! Grocery cart etiquette extends to the parking lot–there are two types of people in the world, those that leave carts parked any old place so that they can roll into a parked car and damage it, and those courteous people who return the carts to the parking corral (even when no one is looking!).
Very true, Martha! I see that a lot!
Claudia,I was laughing so hard at your post. It wasn’t that it was so much funny, as TRUE.
It occurs to me that this has gone the way of so many other things we have talked about concerning, manners,and many of the other more Genteel customs ,of a kinder more, Love thy neighbor time, which we were so blessed to grow up in!
-Judy A-
Sometimes people seem to be so into their own world, or are talking on a cell phone, and it seems to isolate them so much that they don’t think of everyone else who is also shopping in that aisle.
Hoping they get that air conditioner fixed. SOON! And you’re right, HOW hard is it to “drive” your shopping cart on the right side of the aisle, yield to oncoming shoppers and merge when necessary?!? Common sense goes a long way…but sometimes it seems to fly right out the window!
(And a BIG “Thank You” for noticing Jim Parsons early on! He is one talented guy–I’m glad he was spotted and we’ve had the pleasure of “knowing” him! Please tell him “thanks” for all the laughs!)
I’m rather proud that we saw his talent and accepted him into our graduate acting program. He is the best!
Here is a scary thought. Maybe they are driving their shopping carts like they drive their cars.
Scout look beautiful.♥
Good grief, that IS a scary thought! So right, Beverly!
I’ve thought the same thing, Beverly!
From what I see on the road these days I think you may be right Beverly!!
GREAT post…a little bit of everything. :)
Sure hope your Air conditioning gets fixed soon.
Your review of The Returned was great.
Hope you can have a good day.
Silver’s Reviews
My Blog
Thanks, Elizabeth!
I don’t know, I’ve seen some wacky drivers, maybe the ones that park in the middle of the store isle also are the ones that park in the middle of the road. Small town drivers often stop right in the middle of the road to have a little chat out their car windows. Blocking both lanes of traffic.
I worked at Walmart for 10 years, and I saw women come to blows over someones cart being stopped in their way. Grown women. Well dressed. Fist fighting in the middle of the store. It amazes me sometimes how crazy people can get. Unfortunately it was not a one time thing. A few times a year there would be a fight over something small. I called it shopping cart rage. Like road rage, only with shopping carts. And this was not a store in a rough area, this is a store in a good area. I hate to think what happened in stores in the city where life is sometimes rough. If they got angry because they were in a big hurry to get home and make supper, it didn’t get them to that goal. Police were called because it is an assault, and that takes time.
I find it easier on my nerves to just double back down the isle and go to the next row. The person that is blocking the isle is usually oblivious to anything going on around them, reading each label very carefully on a hundred cans or boxes.
Well, I have finished my tea. Catch ya tomorrow. Smiles to you. Linda
I often double back down the aisle. Sometimes I park my cart at the end of the aisle, safely out of anyone’s way and try to make my way down the aisle without the cart. But it can still be like trying to navigate a demolition derby!
You have to be cranky with the A/C out of order in this heat and humidity. At least you have fans and electricity but still…….be careful.
I agree about the shopping carts. Maybe that is why I shop at my local store instead of the big stores.
That’s a cute pic of your sweetie.
Hope you are cool again soon.
Me too, Debby, me too!
Loved your post!
especially the shopping cart etiquette!
also none of my pet peeves..
Yes.. ould love a chance to win your book giveaway!
here’s hoping you AC is mended and you are back to cool, calm and collected!
hugs and smiles..
So far nothing has happened today, Loui. I bet anything they’ll come to replace it when the temps drop back down to the high sixties.
People who just leave carts in the middle of the parking lot REALLY make me nuts. Seriously…. is it that hard to walk them to the cart corral?? Manners, anyone??
The Newsroom…… we LOVE it. In fact, we DVR’d the episode on Sunday so we can watch the 2-parter all at once next Sunday eve. Why do the seasons of that show and Downton seem to be over in the blink of an eye??
Scout looks as if she is just waiting for you to come home to her. Hope your AC is fixed soon. It was 92* here yesterday. Can’t imagine it without the air going.
Hope your week will fly by!
I’ll have to watch the last two episodes when I get back home – there’s no HBO here. But that’s good because I watch them all at once like you’re going to do! I agree – their seasons are so short! Only 9 episodes of Newsroom!
Thank you for the tutorial on shopping cart etiquette! Now, if only the shoppers in my store would read this…I would enjoy food shopping! Enjoy your day! ;)
I know. I realize that I’m preaching to the choir here! You guys get it!
Oh my NO AIR in the city, I would be so cranky! Hope it gets fixed soon!
Nothing so far today, Ann!
Scout is saying “What is shopping cart etiquette and how does it affect me?”
Why does A/C always go out when it is the hottest? UGH!!! Hope they get it fixed quickly.
I guess there is some sort of unwritten rule that the A/C has to go out when the weather is at its hottest!
I so agree with the shopping cart thing.. Makes me crazy ! If there is a cart in the middle of a parking spot as I am heading to the store….I take it with me…and people look at me like I have three heads. There is so little thought to courtesy anymore.
Have a great day !
I do the same thing, Claudia!
Gee, usually one is OK if the AC waits to conk until mid-Septemberish – so that stinks. Good luck with it. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE is a very interesting program, and Jim Parsons was a complete “class act” as he learned about his family ancestry – with ties to both the American and French Revolutions. Even though Jim wasn’t acting, I know you’ll be very proud of him [what a thoughtful and well-mannered young man]. I got to like him a lot on THE BIG BANG THEORY – nowI I like him even more. Finally, don’t ever “apologize’ for including your dolly-girl. You know we all love her… I loved the photo a few days ago of her “working the parking lot.” What a world it would be if humans were as tolerant and accepting of everyone as dogs are.. From what I’ve heard, only one more day of this heat – stay as cool as you can. :>)
He is a true gentleman with a gentle and kind heart. I hope I can see that episode. I’m going to see if it’s available on On Demand.
It’s on On Demand–looks like til October 11? I’m watching it now!
Just watched it Denise. It was fascinating! I love my Jim!
It was SO interesting! (And I loved how gracious he was to everyone that helped him. )
Oh Claudia, I have to tell you I just about had a heart attack. I was on Facebook and saw the picture of Scout with the “I miss her” above it and read a comment from someone who had lost their dog. I did not check my blog yesterday and rushed right over here to make sure that Scout was okay. You cannot imagine my relief to read that she is fine and the “I miss her” was because you are out of town. I am so happy!
Gosh, Sue, I didn’t realize anyone would misinterpret that update! I went right back over and edited it to show that she’s fine. I just miss her because I’m far away. Thank you so much for alerting me about it! Bless your heart, I’m sorry to have put you in a panic, dear friend.
We are having the same heat wave here and the humidity is at about 100% / oh i do hope your AC gets fixed. !!!!!
No sign of relief today, Debra! I’m trying to remain calm.
Oh Claudia! I would be a major cranky pants – I am of a certain age and could not remain sane without AC! Sending hugs and huge wishes that your AC is fixed immediately for you.
That’s so great you’ve been able to spend time with your former student and become friends, how wonderful.
I adore Newsroom! Aaron Sorkin delights me and makes my head spin with his faster than lightning dialogue.
Scout is a beauty and sweetie pie, I’m so sorry you have to be away from her.
Happy week to you!
I am a major cranky pants, Sally. I’m trying to keep busy and keep my mind off the HEAT.
Hi Claudia!! I hope this note finds your air condition fixed… its a scorcher out there! I got a real chuckle out of your shopping cart etiquette comments… so true!! I could add to the picture, but I’ll keep those thoughts for now.. I hope the next 2 weeks fly by for you and you can come back home to your Scout and Don.. Just in time for the beautiful fall colors. Hope the rest of the day is cool for you – Francine
Only when I’m at the theater, Francine. Then I’m in some air conditioning!
We live in a Self-Service world… by that I mean Self-Serving. I don’t mean to say anything that is to belittle the fact that today has been deemed a “National Day of Service” either.
I just mean… people now days…are mostly thinking of themselves, when they are doing whatever it is they are doing, parking, driving, pushing a cart, calling tech support.– we all, I’m guilty, are thinking of getting what we want, getting it done, and getting it done now. I think it is part of the rush, rush, rush. It also has a lot to do with self-control, or the LACK of it. It is funny– to watch people in the grocery stores. But it is equally just as irritating—especially when I’m in a hurry!!!
I don’t necessarily think it is just younger people either. The grocery stores are filled with ‘baby-boomers’ ! It always seems to be the baby-boomers that are clogging up the isles! LOL… Having 4 kids…in 4 years, I know what it is like to have to take your children along for the shopping trip… I feel for those moms too. It’s no fun… dragging the children through the mass of baby boomers and their parked buggies.
We are a sight aren’t we?! People… there everywhere!!!
Claudia– you make me laugh.
on another not— I JUST WATCHED THAT EPISODE OF ‘Who do you think you Are?” on the internet… I thought of you and wondered if you’d known about it. And here you’ve just written about it. :) It was a really great show. I enjoyed seeing it.
take care, hope you get some relief from the heat soon. We’re at 91° right now and it will no doubt climb a little higher before it cools off this evening.
…it makes for miserable sleep. I feel for you.~ Pat
Oh, you are so right, Pat! I must admit that I’ve caught myself in the act of leaving a cart in the middle of an aisle – but I always catch myself, thank goodness!
It’s really hot in this apartment! There, I just needed to scream for a moment.
Eeek! No A/C?!?! You poor thing! I’d be ultra cranky too for heaven’s sake! We just got done with a nasty hot and humid wave without adequate A/C in our lower story. Let’s just say, it was not “happy camper” week around here. *wink*
By the way, when you get a chance to watch the latest episode of Who Do You Think You Are? I think you’re going to thoroughly enjoy it. Jim’s discoveries are wonderful and he’s quite introspective about the connections between when he found and his own life now. It was very well produced. Hubby and I were near tears several times during the course of the show. That’s how powerfully they knit it all together.
I just watched it On Demand, Cindy. It was perfectly lovely and it’s so neat to see Jim discover so much about his dad’s side of the family. His dad died the same year he graduated from our program. He’s a wonderful, wonderful guy.
I taped Jim Parsons show last night and watched it today. “Big Bang Theory” is my all time favorite show and I watch every episode even if it’s a rerun, it cracks me up so. I just love it. Bummer no air, that stinks and it get’s hot in an apartment with no cross air flow pattern. It cooled down here tonight and is going to be 60 tomorrow I am so glad the heat was only for a day.
Lovely pictures of your garden, Claudia! Without air! Oh my I hope they get it fixed soon. I’m glad you at least had fans to keep the air moving.
I am so in agreement with you on the grocery carts. People just seem unaware or “unacare” of what they are doing. My other beef is strollers, which I prefer to call battering rams. They just don’t work in small spaces, please leave them outside people and carry the children.
Enjoy catching up with your friend and the rest of your days there. Ann
Ahhh Claudia – love the shopping cart rant. I repeat it in my head every time I go to the grocery store. I live in a city that has a very high population of seniors. They stop and visit with everyone they know, blocking the aisles. They also shop on Saturday (oh because they don’t have any other free time during the week?!?). I try to never go into the store on the weekend. Leave it for those poor people who only have 2 days off each week and a million errands to run.
I’m just sitting listening to the thunder. There’s been lightning all evening and the rain has just started. It’s a deluge and the house is cooling down nicely now. I may need to turn off the air conditioner. I hope the heat breaks for you. J
Claudia I don’t do well in the heat either. Our first night in Paris the apt had only one fan and nor a/c. thank goodness we were so tired nothing kept us awake. It’s cooled off and we are sleeping well now. BUT, always a trade off, it’s windy, cool and damp and a little hard for us some days walking about. STILL Paris is gorgeous and I am so blessed to be here. I agree about shopping cart drivers!! I can’t wait to see Jim’s Who Do You Think You Are episode when I get home. He really is such a talented guy.
Hope your next couple of weeks fly by and you will be home soon with your beloved family.
Finally catching up on some posts…that is the worst to be trapped in heat and humidity. I am an old movie buff so I rarely watch too many TV shows especially reality ones. I adore PBS Mystery too.