Another beautiful day here in the Hudson Valley. It’s getting warmer each day and it will hit 90 degrees by Monday, but I’m not complaining. It’s sunny, I hear the occasional bird, Lonesome Dove was sitting on one of the wires this morning singing his song, a noisy crow was out and about, and we just had our second cup of coffee on the porch.
I woke up at 4 am, so there’s that.
But I’m trying to keep on chugging as if I’ve had a good night’s sleep.
I’m awfully close to finishing The Paris Diversion and then I’ll have to figure out what to read next. Most likely, it will be Knife by Jo Nesbø. I have an “Uncorrected Bound Proof” that I won in a giveaway on IG. Always nice to win something!
I’m now number 4 in the queue for Big Sky by Kate Atkinson. Given how the system works, I will most likely see it sometime next week.
I’ve got more weed whacking to do today and I’m going to do a little garden pruning and cleanup, maybe even a little mowing. We’ll see, that depends on my lack-of-sleep-energy-level. I do find that keeping busy when I’m sleep deprived helps. I’m less inclined to feel sorry for myself and I usually get a lot done.
Just one mini-rant: I’m so sick of the media judging everything by ‘the optics.’ They seem to think that hearings on the Hill should have fireworks and gasps from the gallery and that they should be a friggin’ reality show. They helped to create candidate Trump by constantly hyping everything he said, televising every hate-filled rally, giving him more air time than anyone.
You’d think they would have learned their lesson, but no, they haven’t. Mueller’s testimony was just what most informed and judicious analysts thought it would be. He stuck to his report, but he did give us some additional information. And if he seemed a bit tired, can you blame him? He’s worked non-stop for almost two years on the investigation. Instead of concentrating on the substance of the hearing on Wednesday, we got comments from people like Chuck Todd about the optics. He should know better, of course, but he doesn’t, as has been proven over and over again in the past few years. And he’s not the only guilty one. There are whole slew of them out there, including Jeff Zucker, the head of CNN, who thinks of the news they same way he thought of entertainment when he was with NBC.
I am so sick of the need to hype everything. Everything has to be entertainment. What is happening in our country is as serious as it gets. Gravitas is what we should be seeing, both in the hearings and in the media.
Sometimes I hate what we as a society have become: addicted to 30 second sound bites, the attention spans of a gnat as a result of constant screen quick takes. For heaven’s sake, half of the members of Congress haven’t even read the Mueller Report. The head of the FBI said he hadn’t read it. Get it together; it’s your job!
I have learned to avoid most televised media – I no longer watch MSNBC, which was my favorite. If I really need to see something there, I can watch it the next day, which is what I did yesterday. I watched Rachel Maddow’s take on the Mueller hearings. Thank you for some semblance of sanity, Rachel, something which is sadly lacking of late.
Okay. End of rant. I’m off to do some work outside after I have my bowl of oatmeal.
Happy Friday.
I don’t recall how I came upon your blog, but have just recently found it. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your posts and felt the need to respond to today’s post regarding the media’s need to hype everything. I agree with you 100%. It’s gotten to the point I will not watch the news since I know I’m not getting the whole story. On to more pleasant thoughts… I love your pics of garden and yard. I too have lots to mow, but it gives me time to think without distraction and enjoy the outdoors. Have a great day!
Yes, you’re right! Mowing is almost a kind of meditation! Thank you for commenting, Dianne.
I am so with you on the mini rant. I immediately pointed out that this was not an episode of the apprentice. Mueller was not there to entertain us. He was there to give us the facts. Chuck Todd is an idiot. I watch Rachel to get a sane analysis. My daughter and I discussed it that night. She was also on a mini rant. Thank goodness for my daughters who provide me with intelligent conversation and who help to keep me from going off the deep end. xo Laura
I’m so glad you have them to talk to. I feel the same about Don. We try to avoid too much stress re the insanity in DC, but sometimes you have to let it out!
i agree with your “rant”. just … ugh.
hope you sleep better tonight and have a very good day in the meantime and a fun weekend, too.
after a wonderful trip with some family members to duluth and beyond, time on lake superior on a day with perfect sailing weather, stopping at another lake, etc., we came back to lots of time with sweet six- and eight-year-olds and then work. i hope to take it easy this weekend … but that means doing lots of chores tonight after work. worth it.
kathy in iowa
So glad you had a wonderful time with your family, Kathy. I’ve spent lots of time on all of the Great Lakes, including Lake Superior.
I, too, am fed up with 24/7 (entertainment)news. For weeks, all the hype about the big event, then, another let-down – based on their criteria. I think the message was delivered and we need to act to ensure our elected officials act on our behalf. As for news consumption, I now watch PPS, a calm, thoughtful, thorough distillation of the same facts presented on MSNBC, but only once a day. I still do watch Rachael Maddow – she is such a stand-out. Thanks for the opportunity to vent!
PBS is sane. They aren’t trying to make a profit, which, unfortunately, is what the other networks are doing. Love Rachel.
Oops – That’s PBS
I want Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, David Brinkley and Leslie Stahl back!!!!! When the news was not entertainment. EVERYTHING now is sensationalized to the point of dividing all of us rather then just reporting and letting us draw our own opinions.
Me too! I’d take any or all of them. Do you read Dan Rather’s Facebook posts, Diane? They keep me from losing it.
Where to start… I totally agree with you about the media portrayal of the Mueller hearing. It’s the facts, not the delivery that should be scrutinized. He was hit with questions that were convoluted and rambling. What were we expecting; well he told us what to expect. Believe me, I have more than “mini” rants. I have full on rants! I’m just in disbelief of how the general population swallows the state of this corrupt presidency. I’m a Christian, but I’m embarrased how the “evangelical right” and it’s leaders have bought into this sickness and deception, and then excused it. I could go on and on. Thanks for saying it like it is, Claudia.
I have full on rants, as well. Ask Don!
I’ve come to the conclusion that the evangelical right is not Christian. Period.
You’re welcome, Debra.
Amen, Claudia.
Claudia, I couldn’t agree more! Bill Maher is right. We need to return network news to being loss leaders, instead of their needing to make a profit like the entertainment divisions. There are just some things that shouldn’t be profit makers in this country – in ANY country – and news is one of them [I’d add education & health care to that list too]. It’s the GD ratings they’re all fighting to get that makes the coverage as skewed as it is now – at least sometimes. I used to have MSNBC on all day long – when I wasn’t watching something else, that is – and I do find myself muting or just not watching more & more. I’m still devoted to Nicolle Wallace at 4 pm, and usually Chris Hayes, Rachel & Lawrence O’Donnell in the evenings. But I flat out unfollowed Chuck Todd this week after HIS “optics” comment. Good grief, doesn’t he realize what the H is going on? Cannot wait until the nightmare of the Trump years is over. I keep telling myself it must have been like this during the war, when people really didn’t know what was going to happen next. Our generation has been lucky – until now we really didn’t know what that sensation was like. 9-11 was disturbing, but at least for me, not NEARLY as disturbing as the current “situation” we find ourselves in. Have a great weekend & take it easy!
News should not be for-profit. Period. I’ve been on the outs with Todd for over a year now. He is not a newsman or reporter. His work is suspect.
Impeachment inquiry has been opened! Huzzah!
Yep, Rachael & Lawrence on MSNBC. They’re the only ones at this point who seem to present accurate & informative info. We just want this criminal out of office.
Enjoy your yard…it looks wonderful!!!
I agree. I love both of them.
Thank you, Priscilla!
Amen, Janet in Rochester. That was the point when we went off the rails with the news. Not news, entertainment. And all of a sudden every show was ‘news’. I only listened to a little of the testimony because I had work to do but it always seemed to be republicans chewing him out. And Claudia, that was not a rant but intelligent, coherent comment. I just want to see a sane government in the near future.
Thank you, Jan. I’m with you – please, let us get back to sanity.
I agree. Everything is so superficial and exaggerated for affect. We watched a bit of the testimony on BBC. That was interesting. I will try that more often.
Enjoy the garden. It is beautiful.
BBC and PBS and C-Span are the best options, Kay. Thanks!
I’m sure if I had paid attention to this past week’s events I would be agreeing with you 100%! But…since my BFF has been here since Tuesday, I’ve been blissfully unaware. We had a great time, and plan to do it again next year. One thing I do know…the news isn’t really the news like in the olden days. There’s too much emphasis on sensationalizing everything. I want Dan Rather back…simple as that!
Hope you sleep much better tonight…I’ve been on the go, so am ready for a nap myself. I do have weeds to pull…but, they will have to wait til Sunday. My energy has been depleted. Enjoy your day! ;)
You would be screaming if you had been paying attention, but good for you, you had a great time with your friend!
I weed whacked and pulled tons of weeds. Now I’m tired. Or more tired than I already was!
Yup, couldn’t have said it better.
Thank you Lynda!
Good rant,Claudia! I;m so old I miss Edward R. Murrow! xo
We could use him right now, that’s for sure!
I can sympathize with you Claudia, I did not sleep well last night either. Where are the days of objective reporting? Sadly it is gone. We need more Walter Cronkites. Have a great week end and do not work too hard.
Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow – I’d love to see them right now!
” PBS is sane. They aren’t trying to make a profit, which, unfortunately, is what the other networks are doing. Love Rachel. ”
spot on as usual dearest bean! it’s all about ratings and MONEY. isn’t everything these days? !!!
I cannot imagine the stress that Mr Mueller has been under for these years. he’s really quite incredible.
So true. Enormous stress. EVERY day. He deserves thanks from every American.