I date myself by using this post title. Does anyone else remember that song, sung by Bob Lind (I had to look it up) and released in 1966? I wasn’t a big fan, but I do remember it clearly.
Anyway, during the past few days, I’ve been looking for elusive butterflies around the property. You remember the huge Eastern Tiger Swallowtail that I sort of missed out on because I had Scout on the leash and no camera? Yesterday, I saw two Swallowtails.
The swallowtail in black – his wings were fluttering so quickly that I could only grab a quick shot. You can see the amazing colors near the bottom of his wings. One of the wings was torn, but it didn’t seem to be slowing him down.
This one, on the other hand, stayed still long enough for me to click the shutter on the camera. Isn’t she beautiful? She’s not the same one I saw the other day. That swallowtail had blue markings at the bottom of her wings. This one looks to have a little wing damage on the right.
It must be this elusiveness, coupled with sheer beauty, that makes butterflies so fascinating. Flitting here, there, and then, before you can snap your fingers, soaring above the bushes and the trees and…gone.
I can’t tell you how many times this week that I’ve seen one and run into the house for the camera. Even Don is trained. He was coming out the door to go to the car yesterday. I was trying to snap these pictures. I held up one hand and he froze in place until I was done.
If only Scout minded so well.
And how about this guy?
He was on the outside of the bathroom window. He was rather long – about 3 or 4 inches – and he hung out there for quite a long time.
I’m off to the Apple Store to have the Genius Bar take a look at my computer. I’m pretty sure I know what’s wrong. I only hope it doesn’t cost too much! Have to have my laptop or this blog won’t get written. Cross your fingers for me. I’m hoping I can hang out while they fix it and that I don’t have to leave it overnight.
Forgot to add: new post up on Just Let Me Finish This Page.
Happy Friday.