As you read this, I will either be driving Don to Williamstown, MA or I’ll be on my way home. It’s an all day event, this journey to Williamstown. He’ll be there for 5 weeks, performing in Pygmalion. It’s the same production that was at the Globe last winter, with the addition of some new cast members. The great thing is that this time around, I will get to see it! It was a huge hit at the Old Globe and I’m sure it will be again.The Berkshires are beautiful, one of my favorite places. In fact, it was during another acting job in the Berkshires that I came out from San Diego to visit Don and we started to think about the possibility of moving out East.
You remember the Funky Patio? It’s the little makeshift patio we threw together a few years ago. It’s right outside the gate that leads to the kitchen door. Sometimes we like to hang out there because it’s a little bit further back from the road than the porch is. And I love those chairs – they’re very comfortable and they rock gently.
The other day I bought some plants for the galvanized bucket. Everything is done on a small budget here and I had to wait until last week until I could buy the plants. It’s still not finished, but here’s what I have so far.
I like putting bright, vivid colored flowers in this planter. Such a nice contrast to all the green that surrounds the patio.
There’s some lantana in the mix – I used to use lantana a lot when I lived in San Diego, but this is the first time I’ve used it here.
My mom gave me that piece of pottery many years ago. I like using it for these pretty flowers.
That shade of purple is amazing. I love seeing purple and green together.
Normally, I plant impatiens in the white barrels, but last year’s had that fungus that is infecting impatiens. So I went with geraniums. I think I have to add some more plants to fill in the bare spaces – have to get on that!
Yesterday morning, I sat in one of the white chairs and closed my eyes. I listened to the sounds of all the birds, to the faint hum of a plane overhead, to the sounds of the cicadas. It’s important to just be sometimes. To simply listen to the natural world going on around us.
I know the birds have been using the birdbath lately because I can see the telltale splash marks. Yesterday, I saw one of our catbirds taking a bath. Catbirds are known to love birdbaths and this little guy dunked his entire body at least 6 times. Such a joy to watch.
When we first moved here, we had a family of groundhogs living under our shed. They are gentle, gentle creatures – vegetarians – and I used to see their babies all the time. I just remarked to Don that we haven’t seen them in a few years and what did I see the other morning? A lovely groundhog chewing on the grass near the shed. They are so timid that the minute they hear anything, they race for cover. I saw him again today and the minute Scout went out, he ran back under the shed. He’s clearly living there. Or she is clearly living there. Did you know they make elaborate tunnels? One to eat in, one to sleep in, one for elimination. They are quite meticulous and clean. And fascinating. I’m so glad they are back – though I’ve only see one so far.
It’s Don’s birthday today. Happy Birthday, my love.
Happy Monday.
Don’t forget to visit my post about Newtons cookies to learn about Healthy Eating on the Go and some yummy treats.