After yesterday’s thunderstorms. This hollyhock has about 6 stems and Don counted 17 blooms yesterday. So beautiful!
We had thunderstorms all afternoon yesterday, one after another. I was tucked away in the office with the a/c on working on the dollhouse, listening to podcasts. Apparently, we might have some more today. We’re sure getting the rain that we needed and now it looks like rain will be a part of the forecast for the next week.
We’re hanging out here for the morning and then I’m driving Don to his eye appointment. This happens every two months or so; he’ll get a shot in his eye. Last time, you remember, he had a bad reaction to the shot, so we’ve taken your advice and are going to make sure his eye is thoroughly rinsed out. I’m driving him this time because, really, it’s absurd for him to drive home when his eyes are dilated, etc. I’ll wait for him in the car.
It’s a beautiful day here. Don’s already been up in the woods, gathering more logs to line the newly-created paths. I worked for about 3 hours yesterday on the dollhouse, making more ‘stones’ for the sides of the house. It is long and tedious work, so as I mentioned above, I find podcasts very helpful as I wait out the time it takes for each coat of paint to dry. Slow going, but I’ve made a deal with myself: I can’t do any decorating on the inside until I finish the outside. Since the decorating is my favorite part of the process, this little bargain will keep me on track.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.