I have had the best time here in Chicago. From start to (almost) finish, it’s been simply lovely. Family, friends, seeing the sights, my birthday, Thanksgiving with the cast of Escape to Margaritaville – my cup runneth over.
I’ve always loved Chicago and now I love it even more.
A christmas tree in Grant Park.
This building, which sets my architectural loving heart aflutter.
This Art Deco-y font on the marquee.
My best friend of 53 years. Laural and I are true-blue; we know each other on a deep level that transcends time. We met at Macy’s (which I keep referring to as Marshall Fields – wishful thinking,) had lunch in the Walnut Room (she treated for my birthday) and talked for 5 hours. We could have continued but she had to get home. A perfect day with my dearest friend. She and her family are coming to the show tonight.
A low-key day yesterday, with an afternoon walk, and then dinner with the cast of Escape to Margaritaville. Dinner was at a local restaurant, where we dined at beautifully set round tables in a private room. I cannot say enough about the beautiful souls that are part of this production. Kind, funny, talented, good – there is no drama, only love.
On our way to the restaurant, we noticed Chicago was getting its red and green on:
Alison Luff, the female lead, took this candid picture of us.
It might be my favorite picture of Don and me. Alison is incredibly talented and a beautiful person inside and out. Thank you, Alison.
Oh, Chicago, thank you for your hospitality and the chance to explore you. Thanks for housing my family and best friend, so that I could spend time with them. Thanks for your soaring, gorgeous architecture and your Art Institute, for your park, for your bridges, for your great restaurants and theaters. I’ve had a wondrous time.
My friends, I have an early flight tomorrow, so I most likely won’t post. We’ll get back to normal posting on Sunday.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy Friday.