I finished the painting yesterday afternoon. I guess it is the second in a series? I seem to be headed in that direction. I’m finding the process of painting a piece of pottery challenging and exciting and I’m learning a lot, to boot. As I said yesterday, all pottery has texture, of course, but Roseville is known for the lush, overblown-in-the-best-possible-way, use of flowers and texture, gorgeous shapes, and handles that are pieces of art in and of themselves.
This one took a couple of days. I knew I needed to tweak it a bit more yesterday and I also had to add the background. Then I went back and tweaked it some more and finally, I forced myself to stop and call it ‘Done.”
This is Peony by Roseville. I display this vase in my cabinet in the studio.
I’m pretty pleased with it. As with anything creative, there are always things I’d do differently next time around, but I’m pleased.
I like the idea of doing a series; I own so many sizes and shapes of Roseville and some may be a bit difficult to capture at this point in my growing process, but I’m up for the challenge.
Bonus: I get to reacquaint myself with my pottery, to really look at it. It’s all good.
Some of you mentioned that you didn’t get the email version of the yesterday’s post. Since I also subscribe to it, I’m aware of that when it happens. As I’ve said before, there’s nothing I can do about it and it does happen periodically. You know the drill: I post every day and the email is not meant to be a valid indicator of when I post. It’s fallible. Just come directly to the blog.
Easy peasy.
It’s cloudy today and cooler. We may get some rain.
I weed whacked yesterday and between that and Don’s massive mowing on Thursday, the property is looking much neater. I have pruning to do, but I’ll work on that next week.
A big thank you to my husband for letting me use his laptop to post. After rescheduling my previous appointments at the Apple store (all due to my mood at the time) I’m going there on Tuesday and asking for a new keyboard. Let’s hope I’m not without my laptop for long.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.