• Bokeh-crazy. That’s me. I put in at least an hour yesterday playing with depth of field, changing focus, seeing just what I could conjure up with my lens. It’s awfully fun. Have you played around with Bokeh?
• We’ve now watched the final episode of Newsroom three times. And we’ve gone back to the beginning. We’re re-watching every episode. It’s worth every minute. It’s that good.
• Hackers are on my mind today. There are always people trying to hack into this blog, into every blog out there. Make no mistake, it doesn’t matter what platform a blogger is using: Blogger, Typepad, WordPress, whatever. Hackers are trying to get in. It is unsettling, at the very least.
Imagine how it must be for large corporations who become the target of hackers. Vital and private information is compromised. Secrets are revealed. Trust is eroded. And in the case of Sony Pictures, fear takes over and they cave to terrorist demands and cancel the premiere of a movie. So now we’re allowing terrorists to determine what films we make, what we as citizens of a supposedly free country can see at our local movie theater? What’s next? Will they determine what we can read? Where we go? How we live our lives?
I find it chilling.
• I’d love for you to join in a conversation I’m having over at Just Let Me Finish This Page. I always have a book or two or three on my Christmas list. You know how much I love books and reading and bookshelves and everything bookish. Are you asking for some specific titles this Christmas? Are you giving books as gifts? Please come visit the blog and share your thoughts. I love reading about this kind of gift giving. And I learn some things, too!
Happy Friday.