If you’re interested in a healthy alternative to the usual cookies out there, stop by my post about eating healthy on the go with Newtons.
lantana in the planter
Speaking first of yesterday’s post, I thought of another analogy. If I see someone wearing clothes I do not like, whether it concerns the style, the color or the way they look on that someone, I do not walk up to them and tell them what I think about their attire. I keep my mouth shut. A) it’s none of my business, B) it’s hurtful. Same for walking into someone’s home and commenting on how much I dislike their style of decorating. Are you kidding me? I would never do that. If I was with someone who did comment in a negative way, rest assured, they would be on the receiving end of a little tongue lashing from me. I’m a Scorpio. Need I say more? (I’m speaking of criticism re: design, style, etc.)
Manners. Civility. Compassion. Thinking before you speak.
Qualities we should all strive for.
buds forming on the limelight hydrangea
The heat and humidity rages on here in the Northeast. I don’t remember, ever, humidity and heat continuing unabated for this long a period of time. Yes, we sometimes have 5 or 6 or 7 days of it, but then it breaks. Then we get several days of cooler, drier weather. Not this year. Part of the reason, but not all of it: the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are warmer than usual. I wonder why? (I’m saying that with tongue in cheek. I know why.)
With all due respect to those of you who do live in the South and love it, I’ve never wanted to live there for precisely this reason – I hate the combination of high heat and humidity. Yet, here I am living in New York state, engulfed in horrendous and, now, dangerous heat. And pity my poor husband, temporarily living in a dorm with no air conditioning. I feel stuck in the house, but at least I have air conditioning.
And then my thoughts turn to those who are homeless. I saw several in the immediate area surrounding our rehearsal space in Manhattan. How are they coping? I’m sure they are being transported to some sort of cooling shelter at night. That happens when the temperatures get dangerously high or low. I surely hope so.
So I complain, yes, but am immediately reminded that there are many, many people who are suffering much more than me.
another pretty daylily
I gave myself the day off yesterday, since I was so darned tired after the weekend. I was still clad in my pajamas at 2:00 pm. I did a little reading, filled the birdbath, watered the seedlings, caught up with family members, vacuumed and swiffered. Today I have to snatch a little time in the morning to do a bit of mowing. Yes, I will do it before it gets too hot. I promise. I have to do a little each day or I will never be able to keep on top of it. Then I’ll start in on Macbeth.
By the way, I’m really enjoying Louise Penny’s books. She was suggested to me by a reader of this blog and I am very grateful for the recommendation. What a wonderful writer! Her mysteries take place in a small town called Three Pines in Quebec. I’d like to live in that fictional, charming town. (Except for the long, long winters.) Penny has created a wonderful cast of characters, many of them appearing in all of the books in her series. If you haven’t read these books, I recommend them highly.
In less than two weeks I head to Hartford. Again. I’m grateful for the work and the lovely people who work there, but the thought of being away for an extended period of time is more than a little overwhelming. Several of you have mentioned taking Scout with me. If I did that, she’d be away from her home and Don. Much better to keep her in the place she knows and loves. I do think, however, that they might visit for a few days here and there. Remember, Scout loves that park. And the elevator. And adventure. Even at 14½ years of age.
I hope you are staying cool, wherever you are. Drink lots of water. Read a good book. Stand in front of the fan or the air conditioner. Have a glass of lemonade. Eat a strawberry shortcake ice cream pop, like I did. You’ll immediately be plunged into memories of the Good Humor man. Remember the little melody that emanated from the truck? That you could hear faintly and then, after you were sure you weren’t hearing things, you raced into the house and asked mom for money for the ice cream man. Then you lined up with a bunch of other neighborhood kids and bought a push-up or a creamsicle or a fudgesicle or a strawberry shortcake. Now, that’s a good memory of summer!
Happy Tuesday
Western PA here / old bungalow / no whole house air. Can’t run everything at once. So…run humidifier in basement for certain number of hours. Turn off run A/C ( 2 window ones ) in living room and dining room. BE SURE if you use the microwave in the kitchen to turn off the AC in the dining room first. Later on, in evening, turn off AC downstairs so that you can run 1 window AC plus two fans in bedroom upstairs long enough to cool it somewhat so that you can sleep.
Last night I was babysitting and the kids were catching lightning bugs and it was sticky and miserable and 85 degrees with about 100 percent humidity….this morning I mowed early…before nine….grass still wet and all and I was still pouring down sweat wishing I had a bandanna or something…just crazy sticky here right now too. Thing is…you have such a small window before it gets too hot …I have not even caught up on weeding after all of the rains that we had last week. We did have ONE morning that was nice and cool, 2 days after the rains…so there was about a six hour break in there! :)
I just got in from mowing, Debra and I started at about 9:30. Grass is wet which clogs the mower, so I have to keep dumping wet grass and restarting the mower! But it’s the only time you can mow. We run the downstairs air conditioners (one in the kitchen, one in the den) during the day. If I can stand it, I don’t run the den A/C. Then at night, I leave the kitchen A/C on for Scout and I run one in the bedroom. It’s simply horrible out there.
Beautiful flower pics..Thanks for the good, much needed, advice about keeping cool..This heat is awful..I hate taking Mollie out..She’s not too crazy about it either..I remember the Good Humor Man..Ah, yes..the good old d ays..
It is truly, truly awful, Missy. Stay cool.
Your flower photos always bring a smile – thank you, Claudia!
Your analogy misses the mark today. Think of it this way-the folks who come to visit blogs are your consumers so-to-speak. Your fans. The moment they return for a second visit is an indication they think you might have what interests them. If you deliver what interests them, you are providing a service, a form of entertainment and they return. Again and again. Yes, as owners/writers of a blog you have every right to decide content, advertising etc. As blog owners/writers you have chosen to put yourself in the public eye. Once in awhile you may write something that is controversial. You may change your format. You may add or you may delete. Sometimes in doing so, your consumers/fans become your critics. Oftentimes their delivery leaves much to be desired and some, are rude and mean spirited. Nevertheless, some are indeed attempting to communicate why they are unhappy in hopes you will alter, revamp or restore. My analogy for this line of thinking would be this: I go to a restaurant several times indicating I am happy with their product and service. Then I go again and get a very poor meal. Does it behoove me to just walk away and never return? Or, should I at least try to let them know in hopes they will correct it and I can return in future to enjoy their offerings once again? Which would the owner prefer I do? Just walk away, never to return, or let him/her have an opportunity to secure my future business?
I personally follow certain blogs for many reasons. Inspiration, escapism, commonality, good writing, practical solutions and shared experiences we can all empathize with. But I have to say, the level of angst that is broadcast over criticism, becomes a turnoff and have to wonder what paying advertises will ultimately think. Perhaps there is worth in delaying any reaction in favor of reflecting upon the rule of business, that you ignore your consumer at your own peril.
I understand your thoughts, Chris. But I have to respectfully disagree. My analogy was meant to point to criticism of the way a blog looks, the blogger’s choice as to design, fonts, placement of ads, etc. So in that case, I think the analogy holds, although I think I didn’t make that clear enough. Healthy criticism is fine, although I question the motivation behind some of it. Mean spirited criticism, and that is what I saw, is not. I’m not just referring to Brenda’s blog, I’m referring to instances of this kind of thing that I’ve seen on other blogs, as well. I stress again, this hasn’t happened to me but I’ve seen it all too often. I’ve certainly had questions and suggestions that were honestly and politely offered by readers over the course of 5 years of blogging and I respectfully respond to all of them. Ultimately, the direction my blog takes is up to me.
And you pay for food in a restaurant. You’re paying for a service. Reading a blog is free. No one has to pay to read any blog. Advertisers earn money from our blogs and, I suspect, the more comments and controversy and hits on the blog, the more money for them. If the blogger is posting offensive content, that’s another story of course.
Don and I talked about this yesterday with D saying that if you put yourself out there, you have to be open to criticism. Certainly, as an actor who works on the stage, he understands that all too well. And I agreed with him, with the proviso that if criticism is offered, it needs to be done with respect and a real sense of trying to be of help. Otherwise, all bets are off.
If this blog is a business, I’m in big trouble. It’s not a business. Theater work is my business. Coaching plays is my business. This is work, yes, but it’s totally voluntary on my part. I write from my heart and I write what I think is appropriate for my blog (which, frankly, I know better than anyone else) and the income from advertising offsets the cost of hosting, security and the original cost of my theme. Sometimes it even pays for some groceries. That’s it. But that’s just speaking for myself. My original post was about what I saw happening to other bloggers.
Just thought of one more interesting thing, Chris. If a blog IS a business, or is trying to be a business, then of course the blog must have ads. Getting complaints about the very thing that blogger must have is probably going to happen, but it sure can’t be changed just to please that particular reader. The blogger NEEDS the ads. That’s when a reader has to move on if she/he finds ads offensive. That blog will probably no longer please the reader like it once did.
I believe your analogy is right on. This is not a business, this is a journal or log of your personal thoughts and feelings. No one has the right to criticize our feelings or suggest we “Change” them. The blog is an different and new area and not all of the protocol are in place, in that light I say go with common courtesy! Never purposely hurt someone,or make light of their feelings, when they have been brave enough to put them out there! I have always gotten the idea that getting sponsors is not your main goal here. Just my opinion. -Judy A-
Absolutely. Sponsors are not my main goal. If they were, I would have to make this blog a one topic only, niche blog. And that isn’t me. I would have changed the focus of this blog completely, if that were the case. Because, believe me, I earn very little money from ad income. Very little!
Good point about protocol, Judy. It’s a bit like the Wild West out there and we’re all still learning, aren’t we?
Claudia, I don’t know when children were no longer taught any simile of Manners? I feel people getting, less and less “concerned” about others. Maybe this leads to more self involvement,and frankly haters! If we don’t take care of each other,,or at the very least Live and let Live, I fear greatly for our civilization. -Judy a-
I’ve long been concerned about an increasing lack of civility, whether in public discourse or or in private life. It makes me very sad.
We have been in the low 90’s for days here as well and the same humidity. The window air conditioner in the living room is right near hubby’s favorite chair and he keeps turning it off! What a waste of energy and he can be so stubborn. Yesterday I went out to water my plants ind in 5 minutes I was soaked through my clothes. I don’t see any sign of it letting up.
I was looking at the lantana plants at my nursery. How tall do they get? Do they spread? I’m trying to add more perennials to my garden now that they are marked down, but I need to keep things in scale.
The writer and books you mentioned sound really interesting. I love a good series, when I read a good book, I don’t like it to end. I become very attached to the characters as well. Sometimes when I’m reading a really good book, I put off picking it up because I want to savor it and have something to look forward to! Weird, huh?
Stay cool and don’t worry about that lawn. With the lack of rain, maybe it won’t grow as fast.
I’m not sure how tall they get – I used to see lantana all the time when I lived in Southern California. I think they stay rather low to the ground. This particular plant is in my galvanized planter and it’s spreading outward. I like it.
As for the book thing, not weird at all! I absolutely understand that and have done that myself! You don’t want the experience to end.
Loved your nod to Newton’s cookies…they really are awesome! (And I’m not saying that because my nickname was ‘Fig’ all through school! Maiden name of Newton guarantees that nickname!) My grandchildren ask for those over any other cookie, and I’m happy to oblige.
Lantana is a Florida weed/wildflower…it’s EVERYWHERE here. It is really pretty, and some varieties bloom hot pink and orange. But please NEVER let your dogs or cats nibble on it…it’s extremely toxic, and I’ve been told the leaves are tasty to them.
I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a break on the heat and humidity. NY summers are so short, you should be able to enjoy them more!
I know – I feel like the summer is going by so quickly and I’ve been stuck indoors a lot!
Good info about the toxicity of lantana, Lori. Thank you.
Pushups are making a comeback. I loved those things. I haven’t bought them lately but they are delicious in the orange sherbet. Another ice cream bar our grandson-in-law introduced us to is coconut Helados. They are delicious and I can eat 2 at a time. I don’t buy them a lot because of that fact. I believe they’re popular in Mexico but I dearly loooove them! My great granddaughters do to.
I would never comment to someone on their decor. That’s rude and unmannerly. I may HATE it but that’s my problem, not theirs. It was certainly a shock when we moved from California to Idaho where just about everyone decorates in a “cowboy/man-cave” style though, especially for this pink-lovin’ froufrou chick. :-) But I truly believe in good manners and we don’t see it exhibited much any more.
When my hubby was in the Young Men’s part of our church, he made the young men stand up when a woman/girl entered the room. The girls were in shock. Plus if an elderly lady was in the foyer, a young man or old man (if capable) should relinquish the chair to them. We in this house believe in good and proper manners. Many times hubs has given a seat to a woman on a bus, airport, waiting at a restaurant, etc. You rarely see it happen anymore. Okay, chick, you pushed one of my HOT buttons. Sorry.
Homeless or needy? That’s why we fast once a month on the first Sunday and give what we would normally spend on eating out for a day for 2 people (we’re only 2 but other households would add their kids’ meals into that equation) and give it to our bishop to distribute to the needy in the way he sees fit. We put our money where our mouth is. And I’ve also taken in people who were homeless but were recommended by our bishop. I wouldn’t take in strangers I don’t think because of safety issues. Our old house was so large we hosted many basketball and soccer teams in our basement to save them money. We can’t do that anymore because our house is smaller. But we can give the homeless on the street corner some food if we’re driving through a McDonalds or Wendys. Sometimes I’ll put cans of food in the car for such a purpose. But truly, if they do spend it on alcohol or cigarettes, it’s their decision when money is given.
Helping out those less fortunate than ourselves is always a good thing, my friend.
Civility…spot on! That is what we should always strive for….whether in our daily lives, with family, or commenting in blogs. I thought your analogy was a good one…constructive criticism can be a good thing, but only if asked, IMHO. This heat/humidity is horrible, I really feel for the folks that don’t have air conditioning. This is too why I don’t live in the south…only visit, and then only in the cooler months. Happy mowing…that’s a good idea to break up that chore, if you can. ;)
Terrible weather. I mowed the back forty early this morning and I was wiped out! That’s enough for today.
I thought a actors never mentioned the title of that play, they called it the Scottish play?
That only applies to when it’s uttered within a theater. But I don’t believe in that stuff anyway!
My husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary last month. There have been many discussions about how to celebrate, where to go, etc. Long story short, we decided to have central air conditioning installed as a practical and long term gift to ourselves. Best. decision. ever…! It’s been just as miserable here in MA. as it has all along the East Coast. But we are both so comfortable each and everyday. We pass each other in the house and just “high five” and keep going. We both think we did the right thing, especially with this awful relentless heat and humidity.
With this ominous turn in the weather for the past few years, it might be a worthwhile investment for many people!
Such wonderful flowers. I have a lantana too, an ornage one, which is nearly in full bloom ; )
Have a great day.
You too, Monique Elisabeth!
Thanks for the reminder, Claudia. I don’t think I’ve ever been rude online anywhere but I think about sometimes when blogs post pictures of others’ decor and I may have said what I liked and what I didn’t like about it, as others did. Now I wonder if it was necessary as I too was taught not to say anything if I couldn’t say something nice. It’s easy to forget that there are people behind the picture of a room. But to criticize another person’s blog? Not nice.
Oh, and did you really write that you gave yourself the day off and then wrote of vacuuming and swiftering and watering, etc.? My idea of a day off is different than yours!
I can’t imagine you ever being rude, Dewena!
So funny about the day off – I think I really meant no work on Shakespeare. No research. Ice Cream.
Every year here the say it’s going to be worse than the year before. Yes, we know what the tongue in cheek means. Wish I could get hydrangeas to at least live a year. But I’ll enjoy yours. The thought of no air conditioning sends me into panic.
Maybe hydrangeas need colder weather?
I believe I told you about having to stay in the AC due to my airway disease..It makes me feel trapped at times..I read recently that they (whoever they my be) are predicting that eventually the Northeast will be as hot as the South..This is at least 3 summers in a row now where it has been to hot and miserable for me to enjoy being outside most of the time..Yes I know it is due to global warming and cannot believe that there are still people that don’t accept it..I keep thinking..What have we done to our planet and ourselves..I told myself that this year I was going to get out in the Springtime and enjoy the warm weather because the Summers are so hot now..so what happened?..It was cold most of the Spring..I know but it is useless to complain about the weather but it is becoming very frustrating to those of us not use to such heat and humidity all Summer long..I will try to get out a while this evening as I still have flowers that need planted..I too feel concerned for those who do not have AC..
That’s ominous, Nancy. I didn’t move here to live in conditions that are in the South. We have ruined the planet. If nothing is done, we might as well kiss it goodbye. Take care of yourself, my friend.
Hi Claudia! So sorry to be an inconstant commenter of late. My husband is an elementary school teacher and off for the summer (YIKES!) – so my usual routine is thrown out the window for two months. I’m missing being able to visit all my blog friends and say Hello. I have meant to come over and thank you for your sweet and fun comment on my theater post, so sorry to be so tardy about it! You made me smile.
I do read your posts every day and I was sad to read about a blogger being bullied. I had an anonymous commenter call me an idiot this year. I’ve noticed that there seems to be some weird anonymous group in blogging culture that gets off on saying mean things to people – people who troll blogs and say nasty things.
Sadly there also seems to be well meaning people who are familiar to us, who over step the bounds of common courtesy. (I am reminded of when I was in my twenties and I bought my first set of real bookcases and was so very proud of them and had such fun putting my things in them. My girlfriend came over to visit and proceeded to tell me how she would have decorated them! WTH?!) Quite a few blogs have gone silent or been removed the past couple of years, I’m guessing due to criticism and mean comments.
I am royally irked (and a bit fascinated, in a psychological experiment sort of way regarding those who completely run rough shod over other peoples boundaries) that people think they have any business offering up their every criticism of a blog, to the blogger. Do they act like that In Real Life or save it for blogging?
Regarding ads on blogs … I hate it and them … but that being said, I’m also curious how it’s done and would enjoy any monetary payment. I’m equally offended and intrigued hahahhaha.
I had read about Louise Penny’s books and picked up her first book – I wasn’t able to get into it at the time but I’ll sure give her another go. Thanks for the reminder – for some reason I’m having a hard time concentrating and reading anything these days – I imagine it’s all part of the grieving process.
Loving all your gorgeous flowers and hearing about your garden!
Sending you and your darling Scout lots of hugs. I know how very dear your girl is to you and what a bond you have – hoping your time away doesn’t make you too anxious over her well being. (George and Gracie send big Woofs to Scout)
Happy week to you!
P.S. We’re going to see Val Kilmer doing Mark Twain this weekend – I’ve not been much of a fan in the past but enjoyed him talking about it a lot on Tavis Smiley recently.
Love hearing from you, my friend! If you want to know more about Google Adsense, for example, let me know – send me an email and I’ll try to pass on what I know.
My good friend Mary Klinger is working with Val Kilmer on that production – she’s a stage manager and has worked on it with him for a couple of years, I think. She also stage manages the shows I coach at Hartford Stage. Have fun!
Thank you so much! You’re a sweetie to offer – I barely have any traffic at all and too pooped these days to try to stir some up (and yet I am curious). I’m sure one needs a following to bring in revenue hehehe.
That’s so much fun to hear! Thank you for telling me about your friend working with Val Kilmer, I’m looking forward to Saturday even more now. It looked wonderful from the bits they aired on TV.
As I sit here in my air conditioned home with two fans trained on me I am rethinking this loving the south thing. Claudia, I will reiterate what I said on your last post. If you don’t like what someone is posting then move on to another one. There are certainly plenty to go around. As for me, I will continue to read your blog and enjoy it. As for the advertisements, we are not all fortunate enough to have a job that brings home a regular income. In this economy we do what we have to do to survive. xo Laura