Another foggy morning. I love a foggy morning. I took this around 7 am and since then it has become bright and sunny. Yesterday turned out to be surprisingly humid and hot and today looks as if it might be the same. We’re back up to high 80s and low 90s through this next week and then it will cool down a little. I remind myself that it’s August, the month where it was always hot and humid when I was a kid.
I spent the morning yesterday cleaning and sorting through my section of the office/studio. I had to grab some time when Don wasn’t using the space and since he was running errands, I went for it. I reorganized some storage in the pink cabinet, threw out lots of stuff, straightened up the work areas. I moved a lot of my acrylic paints back to the little cart I keep in the corner of the room. All surfaces were cleaned and dusted (except for the shelf with my putz sheep – note to self: do that this week.) It looks much better. I’m in the final phase of the renovation of Dove Cottage, so the paint was no longer needed and all the tools that were sitting out needed to be corralled. Also: lots of paperwork and mail was parked on the desk and that needed to be sorted.
I feel so much better when the space if free of excess clutter!
Because both Don and I share this small space (and it’s jam packed, as you know) we have to make sure we stay in control of clutter. Neither of us functions well when we’re surrounded by a bunch of stuff that’s not in its designated place. I couldn’t get up there for a while because Don was always using the space. I’m glad it’s now clutter-free.
By the way, Andrew Cuomo needs to resign. He’s been terrific throughout the pandemic but he has lost the faith of women, the state legislature, and his constituents. I’m saddened that we are losing him, but unlike Republicans, Democrats take action when charges such as these are proven to be true. And that’s the way it must be.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.