Number 7 in the Pottery Portraits series: Roseville White Rose.
I’m fairly pleased with it. When I finish a painting, Don always says “This is my new favorite!”
He’s adorable.
The rain continues, though most of the thunderstorms in the area spared us yesterday and for that I’m grateful. We might get one today, but so far, it’s drizzling off and on and it’s very gray out there. This will continue for this week and then it looks like next week might bring us several days with no rain…fingers crossed.
I admit it – I suffer from lack of sun and there has been very little sun for several days now. I’m more tired. My mood is not bad, but it’s definitely a bit dark. I obviously could never live where it’s cloudy and rainy most of the time. Anyway, this is no big deal in the larger picture of life, but I do have to force myself to stay upbeat. Plus, the constant rain plays havoc with my allergies, so I feel foggy.
Ironically, the garden is blooming like crazy so I’ve made a vow to get out there today and observe the flowers. I don’t want to miss them because of the weather. Bee balm, phlox, day lilies, balloon plants, hydrangeas, coneflowers everywhere, roses…it’s quite beautiful.
And mama robin patiently sits on her little eggs. I watch her a lot – every time I go into the kitchen (and sometimes from the bathroom as well) I check on her. So does Don. Yesterday, despite the fence that is now up, some of the chickens from next door got on our property – I think there were three of them on this side of the fence. I assume they entered from the place where the fence stops, but I’m really not sure as I didn’t see them come over. I just heard them and immediately knew they were too close. I let my neighbor know and in the meantime I went out there in my pajamas to try and herd them over to their property. Two of them flew over the fence, but one didn’t know what to do. In the meantime, the rooster was crowing, trying to get the chicken back on his side of the fence. He was clearly distressed. Eventually, my neighbors managed to herd her back. A few hours later, I noticed the fence had been extended. Hopefully, the chickens, who don’t like to get too close to the street, will no longer stray.
Anyway, I had to walk back and forth under the tree where mama is nesting and she didn’t like it. Just a chirp or two, but she let me know my presence was not wanted. We try to avoid that area as much as possible so she doesn’t have to worry, but sometimes it’s unavoidable, as it was later in the day when I had to go outside to clear lint off the dryer vent. You know, of course, that the minute there are live babies in that nest, those gentle warnings will be much sterner and some dive bombing will occur.
2021 – The Summer of the Bird Nests.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.