They’ve definitely moved in. At around 6 am, they emerged from inside the trailer – both of them – and sang. It was like a Disney movie in which the cottage door is flung open and the heroine sings. Back and forth, back and forth – they’ve been singing and flying in and out of the trailer for a few hours now. At first, we wondered if perhaps they were feeding babies, but then as it got lighter out, I saw nest-making materials in their beaks.
Christopher and Jenny are our new tenants. Chris and Jen, for short.
I’m endlessly fascinated with them.
I couldn’t resist sharing this rather blurry shot with you. One of them perched on the hubcap (is that still the name for it?) for about 10 minutes.
We’re so glad they chose our little trailer.
It was cold and windy yesterday and there was a frost warning overnight, but when I arose early this morning, I didn’t see any signs of frost. I think we dodged a bullet and I’m very grateful. We have warmer temperatures ahead, so I’m going to do a little raking this morning – the chicken wire fence gardens are full of leaves. Don is going to replace the chicken wire in a couple of days as it’s very, very rusty and looks terrible. Also, a little weed pulling is on the docket.
In a couple of days, I’ll trot off to the nursery and buy my porch and patio plants. I can’t wait!
I bought a turntable for the English Cottage, which will make it much easier to work on, as well as adjust for better photo lighting. I have three of them now; one for Hummingbird Cottage, one for the vintage dollhouse on top of the china cabinet in the den, and now, one for Dove Cottage. Turntables wouldn’t work with the big vintage dollhouse in the kitchen, or with the modern dollhouse. Nor with the Beacon Hill, if I ever get around to constructing it. It’s too big. Anyway, once I placed the dollhouse on the turntable, I wondered why I had waited so long to get one! When I want to secure it, I stick a Scrabble letter rack under it. It’s the perfect size.
Okay. Have to get a move on. It’s sunny, finally, and a good day to work outside!
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.