Yep. About 6:30 I went outside to cover everything on the porch with tarps when I realized it would be easier to haul everything inside. So, while Don was cooking dinner, I went in and out, putting the plants on the floor, on the kitchen table, on the pew, on the floor in the den, on the footstool by the stairs. Don said it was like we were having visitors for the night and he was right. It was about 36 degrees when I got up this morning. It’s now in the forties. After I finish this post, I’ll start taking them back outside.
Monty is in the thick of it.
It’s going to be cold tonight – a low of 38 – but no frost warning, so I’ll leave everything outside. As far as I can tell, the morning glories survived the cold. Good news.
We’ve been having trouble with our internet – whether it’s the modem or the router, I’m not sure. But I’ve had to reboot the modem a couple of times (including this morning). All this is to say that if I don’t post one day, that will most likely be the reason. Hopefully, I’ll find the cause sooner rather than later. Our router is quite old, so that might be it.
Today, maybe a little mowing and mulching of the leaves on the front lawn. Don may try to take some photos. He did well the past couple of days.
We started a new series on Netflix last night – Goliath – starring Billy Bob Thornton and a supporting cast of wonderful actors. We’ve seen two episodes and like it very much.
Okay. Have to get going.
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Happy Saturday.