I have to say that this has been a bleak winter so far. Not just because of the very frigid temps we’ve had. Winter is always hard for me, and, it turns out, for Don. Add to that the dire and illegal goings-on in DC, and it’s very hard to stay positive. Balance of any kind seems elusive and nearly impossible to obtain. We’re trying. We check in with each other throughout the day, and when one of us has lost it, the other steps in. I am deliberately not writing about that mess, but believe me, I’m pissed off.
We’re headed for a snow and ice event tomorrow. Yippee. Don has to go out and buy some more salt today.
I have to return some books to the library. Exciting, right? I did read a big chunk of my book yesterday and after I publish this post, I’ll be able to finish it fairly quickly. Excellent, by the way. The next book in this trilogy is waiting for me at the library.
I did a lot of work on the puzzle yesterday. It really does help me detach from all of this and reach some sort of zen state. But I don’t want to get through it too quickly! I’m on a budget and can’t keep buying puzzles. (Though I do have another one in the wings.)
I also haven’t been in the mood for the girls. So I made myself pull one off the shelf the other day. I took her picture and posted it on the Blythe feed. She really is beautiful. I’m speaking about Nina.
She has the same outfit on that she’s been wearing for months, but it’s so perfect for her that I can’t bring myself to change it out.
I wish Dragonfly Blythe was still customizing. Her creations are so beautiful. The faceups are exquisite. You can see her gorgeous eyebrows and the faint veins on her forehead. I really have no desire to get another Blythe as I’m happy with my collection, but one of Dragonfly Blythe’s red haired girls? That I would do. But they’re finite and their owners are hanging on to them.
Bracing for tomorrow’s storm!
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.