On my way back from the theater after dropping off notes for the actors, I finally checked out this tiny complex of apartments/cottages that I pass daily. I usually pass by the rear of the buildings. Today, since I had my camera, I decided to take a peek.
These buildings are just off Balboa Park. I don’t know when they were built, but they are definitely vintage. That makes me happy. San Diego is lovely but sometimes all the buildings look like a sea of new beige stucco. Fortunately, the neighborhood surrounding the park has many wonderful old buildings. From the rear, these apartments look very nondescript, but when you look through the front gate, you see 2 rows of cottages (they are all attached) with beautiful landscaping and such charm! I took some photos.
This is the view as you come in the front gate.
One of the adorable cottages. Each front door has the look of a french door.
Can you see the little bridge? I’m in love.
This is the rear of the complex – where the 2 rows of cottages meet.
Each apartment owner has plants and flowers everywhere.
This is a busy neighborhood, especially on the weekend. Today, cars were backed up trying to get to the Zoo. But when I walked in the gate, it was quiet. There was a fountain gurgling, plants were blooming and each little cottagey apartment was utterly charming.
I chatted with a woman who lived there and was outside pruning her plants. She said the apartments were quirky – as all older apartments are – but that she loved living there. She had been there 8 years.
I’ve always been so drawn to cozy, charming little places like this. When I first moved to San Diego in 1993, I lived in an old building with Spanish influence. My particular unit still had hand stenciled beams in the living room. The kitchen had all the original tile from the 20’s. I loved that apartment. It only had one drawback – the busy corner it was on with a school right next door. I would have stayed there had not Don arrived in my life. Eventually I moved into the home I shared with him for 6 years, an old Craftsman home. Can you tell I go for old?
It struck me today that I would have snapped one of these units up had I known about them when I was new to San Diego. It might have made it harder for Don to woo me away. What a hidden treasure – a quiet little enclave in the middle of the city.
By the way, I got such a laugh when some of you said the heart shaped rock in an previous post looked like a piece of toast when you first saw it. I can see that. Perhaps you were also hungry?